Monday, August 29, 2011

We have a promotional associate!

We have been really busy with both maintaining the blog, bringing you the latest in chick lit and focusing on things in our own lives (family, work, etc.). Therefore, we have decided to bring a promotional associate on board. However, we are not having a contest this time because when it comes to promotional associates, there really is no contest....

Amy Bromberg has consistently gone above and beyond to demonstrate her love for chick lit and her support for CLC. She sends us giveaways to post, the latest Kindle deals, articles about chick lit novels and she even participates as a guest blogger. Her efforts to promote chick lit novels have been noticed by some authors. She also keeps up the energy on our Facebook group wall, even when we aren’t around to do it. Amy is enthusiastic and passionate about chick lit and we’re excited to have her as our promotional associate.

What will she be doing, you ask? It will be a mix of things. She’ll definitely be helping us with the promotional posts, in terms of writing introductions and bonus questions. She may be posting our giveaways on our Facebook group wall and Twitter page. Other things are up in the air for now, but we’ll see what works for both us and her and take it in that direction. We’re confident that she’ll be amazing, no matter what she does.

Please give Amy a warm welcome. We’ll be posting her bio and answers to the questions we asked our review associates later this week, so stay tuned!


Lorena Bathey said...

Yahoo..couldn't have picked a better person! She's amazing!

Lorena Bathey
Author, Beatrice Munson

Anne R. Allen said...

Welcome, Amy!

Bonnie Trachtenberg said...

Excellent! Congrats, Amy!

Amy said...

Thank you ladies. I'm so excited to be part of CLC :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Amy! What a great addition! Congrats.

Jessica Strassner

Amy said...

thank you Jessica :)