Hello Chick Lit Lovers! Today is a very exciting day for us at Chick Lit Central! We have been graced with a visit from the wickedly funny Jen Lancaster!
Jen stopped by to answer some of our questions, talk about her latest book (and first foray into fiction), "If You Were Here", and make us laugh out loud with her amazingly quick wit. We hope you enjoy her honesty, humor, and Chicago dining recommendations as much as we do. (We asked her a lot about her Chicago ties since we're also originally from the area and we feel a connection with her as a result!)
We would like to thank Jen for taking the time for this interview as well as for just being her.
MP: Do you ever suffer from "writers block"? If so, how do you remedy it?
MA: If you sold the film rights to "If You Were Here," who would you cast in the main roles?
JL: Prior to the Oscar telecast, I’d have said Anne Hathaway and James Franco, but now that I’ve seen their chemistry together, not so much. I’m still Team Anne but honestly, I’m Team Whatever Star Wants to Attach Herself to This Project, Including Chick Flick Movie Ruiner Katherine Heigl. Mac could be played by any actor who’s ever been in a Judd Apatow film and has a sense for the sarcastic.
MA: Which of your books was the most challenging to write?
JL: The books where I’ve tried to accomplish something, e.g. lose weight or culture up were easy because I was setting up tangible events and then writing about them. So, I’d say the second one, "Bright Lights, Big Ass." That one was more of a collection of funny essays, so it was harder to knit together than others with a more cohesive narrative. A good portion of Bitter was already written when we sold it, so this was my first time starting from scratch. Ironically, until "If You Were Here," it’s my favorite book I’ve written.
MP: What is your favorite Chicago food?
JL: The greatest meal I’ll ever have in my life came from Chef Grant Achatz’s restaurant Alinea in the Lincoln Park neighborhood. Recently it was named the best restaurant in North America. Dining there, depending on how many tasting courses you elect, can run from three to six hours and every second is worth it. But based on cost and reservation availability, it’s a once in a lifetime experience. So in terms of being a frequent flyer, my real Chicago food passion is the string of dirty burrito joints that dot Western Ave. I don’t know what it is about those places, but honest to God, it seems like the filthier the seating area, the better the burrito. There’s a taco stand in Logan Square where the carne asada makes the angels weep, as do their restrooms.
MA: If you were to give someone a tour of the Chicago suburbs, what would be some of the highlights?
JL: Every time someone comes to town, I take them on the John Hughes tour of the North Shore. So many of his movies were filmed within ten miles of my house and there’s a million recognizable landmarks. I drive everyone around for far too long, shouting, “Hey! That’s Cameron’s place where they drove the car through the window! That’s the pond where they were ice skating in Home Alone!” It’s all very exciting.
For me, mostly.
Then I’d take them to my favorite antique shops, avoiding the amazing consignment store where the elderly volunteers don’t know how to price anything and I’m perpetually finding thousand dollar pieces of carnival glass for fifteen bucks. (What, you don’t constantly carry The Pocket Guide to Carnival Glass of North America with you?) So… if you come to my house, bring a book or an iPod because I’m probably going to bore you with a lot of esoteric road trips.
MP: Share a favorite memory from a past birthday.
JL: My latest birthday was pretty spectacular. My husband arranged for some of my best girlfriends to come in from New York and a big group of us got together for a dinner at Moto, a molecular gastronomy restaurant with a private room. The meal was simply insane as the dishes had all been chemically rearranged using stuff like liquid nitrogen and cocktails were served in beakers and vases and everything but a regular glass. The night was a mixture of college friends and newer writing pals and having almost everyone I love in the same room was one of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten.
MP: What is your favorite thing to do in the spring?
JL: I’m a devoted gardener and this is the first year I’ve ever owned my own house, so I’ve been dying to get out there and work the earth. I always plant too early, yet it’s worked out nicely for the past few years with my whole garden done by April 1. This year I went so conservative and didn’t plant a damn thing until the 17th. Naturally it snowed on the 18th. Also? This weather is making me a little stabby. If I don’t get to start going sockless soon, something very bad is going to happen.
MA: What Chicago sports team do you root for the most?
JL: I hate the fair-weather sports fans that only root for local teams once they begin to win, so I won’t lie and say I follow anyone. I don’t. I’m a terrible Chicago sports fan. If anything, I’m a Wrigley Field fan. I love going to Cubs games as much as I used to love college football games, meaning I sit in the stands, have many drinks, and spend the entire time talking and not paying attention to whatever’s happening on the grass. However, I’ve been following the progress of the Lake Forest High School hockey team because a couple of members sold us our Christmas tree as a fund-raiser. Feels nice to finally be part of a community where I have a connection – albeit tenuous - to the schools.
MA: What is one piece of advice you have for someone writing their first novel?
JL: Write when you’re ready to write. I receive a lot of email from people telling me they have a novel inside them, but they can’t seem to find the time to get it out, and do I have any advice? Listen, when your book’s ready to be written, you’re going to be consumed with getting the words out. You won’t need someone to coach you. In fact, no one will be able to stop you.
On top of that, don’t become consumed with the business of writing before your work is ready. A lot of folks will get an idea for something and their first instinct is to find an agent/publisher. But I promise you this – figure out your story and write enough to know exactly what your voice sounds like, and then the selling part will be far less complicated.
Thanks to Melissa Broder at Berkley/Penguin, we have two copies of "If You Were Here" to give to some lucky readers in the US or Canada!
If you like what you've seen here, visit Jen at Facebook and Twitter.
Watch the trailer for "If You Were Here." It's hilarious!:
MP: What is your usual writing routine?
JL: I’m the worst procrastinator in the world, so I tend to avoid doing any sort of meaningful work on my manuscript the first six months after it sells. Then, when my deadline looms, I wake up every day and plant myself at my desk before 8:00 AM. I write all day, taking a break for lunch, and then up until dinner. I do my best not to work at night or on the weekend. I tend to be more creative under pressure, so this schedule actually works for me. Plus, being stuck at a desk all day reminds me of what it’s like to have a day job and keeps me putting out my best work so I can avoid the need to find one again.
Watch the trailer for "If You Were Here." It's hilarious!:
MP: What is your usual writing routine?
JL: I’m the worst procrastinator in the world, so I tend to avoid doing any sort of meaningful work on my manuscript the first six months after it sells. Then, when my deadline looms, I wake up every day and plant myself at my desk before 8:00 AM. I write all day, taking a break for lunch, and then up until dinner. I do my best not to work at night or on the weekend. I tend to be more creative under pressure, so this schedule actually works for me. Plus, being stuck at a desk all day reminds me of what it’s like to have a day job and keeps me putting out my best work so I can avoid the need to find one again.
MP: Do you ever suffer from "writers block"? If so, how do you remedy it?
JL: I make myself meet word counts every day, regardless of whether or not I feel like writing. I keep such a strict schedule due to my own procrastination that I rarely give myself the luxury of having writer’s block. I make myself turn out something, no matter how uninspired, with the rationale that I can’t edit what I haven’t written. However, I always build a couple of extra days into the schedule in case I feel an overwhelming urge to step away from my manuscript. And you know what? Sometimes an afternoon spent hanging out on the couch with cheese popcorn and the Real Housewives is exactly what I need to recharge.
MA: If you sold the film rights to "If You Were Here," who would you cast in the main roles?
JL: Prior to the Oscar telecast, I’d have said Anne Hathaway and James Franco, but now that I’ve seen their chemistry together, not so much. I’m still Team Anne but honestly, I’m Team Whatever Star Wants to Attach Herself to This Project, Including Chick Flick Movie Ruiner Katherine Heigl. Mac could be played by any actor who’s ever been in a Judd Apatow film and has a sense for the sarcastic.
MA: Which of your books was the most challenging to write?
JL: The books where I’ve tried to accomplish something, e.g. lose weight or culture up were easy because I was setting up tangible events and then writing about them. So, I’d say the second one, "Bright Lights, Big Ass." That one was more of a collection of funny essays, so it was harder to knit together than others with a more cohesive narrative. A good portion of Bitter was already written when we sold it, so this was my first time starting from scratch. Ironically, until "If You Were Here," it’s my favorite book I’ve written.
MP: What is your favorite Chicago food?
JL: The greatest meal I’ll ever have in my life came from Chef Grant Achatz’s restaurant Alinea in the Lincoln Park neighborhood. Recently it was named the best restaurant in North America. Dining there, depending on how many tasting courses you elect, can run from three to six hours and every second is worth it. But based on cost and reservation availability, it’s a once in a lifetime experience. So in terms of being a frequent flyer, my real Chicago food passion is the string of dirty burrito joints that dot Western Ave. I don’t know what it is about those places, but honest to God, it seems like the filthier the seating area, the better the burrito. There’s a taco stand in Logan Square where the carne asada makes the angels weep, as do their restrooms.
MA: If you were to give someone a tour of the Chicago suburbs, what would be some of the highlights?
JL: Every time someone comes to town, I take them on the John Hughes tour of the North Shore. So many of his movies were filmed within ten miles of my house and there’s a million recognizable landmarks. I drive everyone around for far too long, shouting, “Hey! That’s Cameron’s place where they drove the car through the window! That’s the pond where they were ice skating in Home Alone!” It’s all very exciting.
For me, mostly.
Then I’d take them to my favorite antique shops, avoiding the amazing consignment store where the elderly volunteers don’t know how to price anything and I’m perpetually finding thousand dollar pieces of carnival glass for fifteen bucks. (What, you don’t constantly carry The Pocket Guide to Carnival Glass of North America with you?) So… if you come to my house, bring a book or an iPod because I’m probably going to bore you with a lot of esoteric road trips.
MP: Share a favorite memory from a past birthday.
JL: My latest birthday was pretty spectacular. My husband arranged for some of my best girlfriends to come in from New York and a big group of us got together for a dinner at Moto, a molecular gastronomy restaurant with a private room. The meal was simply insane as the dishes had all been chemically rearranged using stuff like liquid nitrogen and cocktails were served in beakers and vases and everything but a regular glass. The night was a mixture of college friends and newer writing pals and having almost everyone I love in the same room was one of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten.
MP: What is your favorite thing to do in the spring?
JL: I’m a devoted gardener and this is the first year I’ve ever owned my own house, so I’ve been dying to get out there and work the earth. I always plant too early, yet it’s worked out nicely for the past few years with my whole garden done by April 1. This year I went so conservative and didn’t plant a damn thing until the 17th. Naturally it snowed on the 18th. Also? This weather is making me a little stabby. If I don’t get to start going sockless soon, something very bad is going to happen.
MA: What Chicago sports team do you root for the most?
JL: I hate the fair-weather sports fans that only root for local teams once they begin to win, so I won’t lie and say I follow anyone. I don’t. I’m a terrible Chicago sports fan. If anything, I’m a Wrigley Field fan. I love going to Cubs games as much as I used to love college football games, meaning I sit in the stands, have many drinks, and spend the entire time talking and not paying attention to whatever’s happening on the grass. However, I’ve been following the progress of the Lake Forest High School hockey team because a couple of members sold us our Christmas tree as a fund-raiser. Feels nice to finally be part of a community where I have a connection – albeit tenuous - to the schools.
MA: What is one piece of advice you have for someone writing their first novel?
JL: Write when you’re ready to write. I receive a lot of email from people telling me they have a novel inside them, but they can’t seem to find the time to get it out, and do I have any advice? Listen, when your book’s ready to be written, you’re going to be consumed with getting the words out. You won’t need someone to coach you. In fact, no one will be able to stop you.
On top of that, don’t become consumed with the business of writing before your work is ready. A lot of folks will get an idea for something and their first instinct is to find an agent/publisher. But I promise you this – figure out your story and write enough to know exactly what your voice sounds like, and then the selling part will be far less complicated.
Thanks again to Jen for her witty insight and Melissa B. for providing the books for the giveaway.
How to win "If You Were Here":
More by Jen Lancaster:

Please comment below with your e-mail address.
(Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page or blog if you can receive messages there.)
Bonus entries (can be listed all in one post):
1. Please tell us: What is your favorite memory from a past birthday?
(Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page or blog if you can receive messages there.)
Bonus entries (can be listed all in one post):
1. Please tell us: What is your favorite memory from a past birthday?
2. Please tell us: Who is your favorite character from a John Hughes film?
3. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
4. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
5. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
3. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
4. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
5. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
US/Canada only. Giveaway ends May 15th at midnight EST.
More by Jen Lancaster:
My favorite memory from a past birthday is from this past birthday where I turned 30. My whole family got together and we all went bowling and they all pitched in to buy me the eliptical machine I wanted. We had a great time!
Favorite John Hughes character? That's easy: Jake Ryan! Who doesn't love a sensitive hunk?
I follow via GFC as Tiffany Drew
I am a Facebook member :)
Shared on Facebook:
My favorite memory is from my 12th birthday. My grandparents organized a party at there house with my entire family
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So true about "writing when you're ready." When the time comes, you won't be able to STOP. I know I couldn't with my first two YA novels. At times, I felt like my hand was possessed and just kept scribbling and scribbling until the throbbing came. By the end, my hand hurt so much I thought it was going to fall off. But, yes, going through the "inspiration" phase is VERY important--I'd say the most critical step a writer can take.
Yes, please sign me up to win.
I would love to win a copy of this book!
My favorite memory of a past birthday is when I turned 25. I was pregnant with my first daughter and my husband set up and entire day of pampering for me including nails, massage, and hair. It was heaven.
Ducky is my favorite character in a John Hughes film. He was so full of love and loyalty.
I am already a follower of your blog.
I have sent a request to join your facebook page!
I would love to win a copy, I have yet to read anything by Jen Lancaster.
I'd love a copy!!!
Lindsay Teague Moreno
Favourite birthday memory: celebrating my birthday in California while on an academic exchange & experiencing a frat party for the 1st time.
Favourite John Hughes character: Jake Briggs from "She's Having a Baby". Suburbia sucks, but the person you're with can make it better.
1. Please tell us: What is your favorite memory from a past birthday?
My favorite birthday memory was when my mom would create inexpensive but creative parties for me as a kid.
2. Please tell us: Who is your favorite character from a John Hughes film?
Most definitely Kevin from HOME ALONE!
5. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
Done and done
acleaver AT gmail DOT com
1. Best bday memory is flying home to see my family. I miss them like crazy.
2. Samantha from 16 candles. OOH! or Jake.
Jen Lancaster is knock you on your @$$ funny. I'd love to win her book! ~ Cheryl Rvcheercoach(at)gmail(dot)com
Bonus: My fave bday memory is from 2008. I was studying abroad with a bunch of other Latin teachers. Not an exciting group? Ha! We went out on the town in modern Pompeii and had a blast! I will never forget that birthday!
leonelescota AT gmail.com
I never have good birthdays :(
Best bday memory (well, favorite now, wasn't so happy then): For my sixteenth birthday, grandma got me a keychain. I was so convinced that I was getting a car and was crushed when I didn't. I think grandma was having some fun with me.
My favorite John Hughes character is definitely Allison Reynolds in The Breakfast Club!
Kelly M
Favorite John Hughes character? Ferris Bueller - who wouldn't love to skip school like he did?
PS LOVE Jen Lancaster - Have read all of her books.
I'd love to win a copy as well!
My favorite Hughes Character is Bender from the Breakfast Club - hands down.
I would love to win. Thanks!
amandarwest at gmaildotcom
Love Jen! Such a Pretty Fat = my favorite book!
1) When I was 12 & my grandparents let me have a few friends over to spend the night. We rented movies, made huge cookies, took late night walks & chatted all night.
2) Long Duk Dong
3) will Retweet on twitter as Trixiegrrr
Past birthday memory...for my 40th birthday I went on my first motorcycle adventure down the Pacific Coast to San Francisco and back.
pocokat AT gmail DOT com
John Hughes: Kevin in the Home Alone movies
pocokat AT gmail DOT com
GFC follower
pocokat AT gmail DOT com
Chick Lit Central Facebook member
pocokat AT gmail dOt com
Annie Potts character in Pretty in Pink. I thought she was funny when I was 16 but relate to her even more now.
Now following you on FB
I enjoy Jen's books very much and would love to win one!
Favorite birthday: 21st when my hubby (then BF) took me out for a weekend of fun (drink, dance, eat) in Chicago. The best!
My fav John Hughes character is Ferris. Loved him. Wanted to go out with him.
And finally....I now follow this blog!
Thank You!
1. When I turned 22 I refused to celebrate. My friends and roommates didn't listen very well and set up a surprise party tour throughout our college town including dinner, dessert at a local coffee shop complete with a private show from a local band (comprised of friends), and a party at someone's apartment. I was blindfolded in the car and driven around. It showed me how much my friends care and how lucky I am to have them in my life.
2. Bender. Bad boy with a sensitive side? and The flannel! Oh baby.
3. I follow!
4. And I tweeted (@kschomkr)
5. Requested to join! And changing my email settings...
I would love to win! I love all of her books and am so excited for this one :)
danielleaknapp at gmail dot com
My favorite memory from a past birthday was going to Scottsdale for my 25th and spending the day at the spa...so relaxing!
danielleaknapp at gmail dot com
Favorite John Hughes character...Ferris Bueller!!! One of my favorite movies too :)
danielleaknapp at gmail dot com
I follow via GFC
danielleaknapp at gmail dot com
Favorite John Hughes character? Clearly Ferris Bueller
callmequeenjr AT aol DOT com
Great Giveaway! Thanks :D
My favorite birthday was my 25th. My dad and I share the same birthday, and that year was his 50th. We planned a huge surprise party the week before to throw him off, flew my younger sister in from Mississippi (it had been nearly a year since we had all seen her), and all friends and family were in attendance. The look on his face when we surprised him; especially when he saw my sister, was the best gift ever.
Favourite memory from a past brithday.. hmm I guess it would be a suprise party that was thrown for me when I was younger, I was so excited. Favourite John Hughes character? John Bender from The Breakfast Club. I had the hugest crush on him haha.
I follow via GFC quixoticdreamer
I Tweeted
I follow via Twitter quixoticweetzie
Oops I mean I follow on Facebook, not Twitter :p
Brittany Gale
Wow, some great questions! My favorite birthday was my 30th. I had a surprise party as well as a romantic weekend away.
I am a GFC follower.
I follow on FB.
Fav John Hughes character? Bueller. Ferris Bueller.
My favorite birthday memory is back before we were even dating when my husband surprised me by showing up on my birthday.
My favorite John Hughes character is Jake from Sixteen Candles.
I am a facebook follower.
I follow this blog.
1. Fav birthday memory was my 8th grade birthday - I had a Little Mermaid Theme!
2.Favorite Character is Claire from Breakfast Club
3.I follow this blog via GFC
4.Tweeted contest:
email is liz(DOT)lazear(AT)Gmail(DOT)com
Kevin in the first Home Alone movie would be my favorite.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Best birthday...30. It lasted a week. I went to 2 concerts, a play, a musical, out to dinner a few times and to a couple movies. At least at 30 I had the energy and no kids so that worked out great. Now, not so much.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
1. My favorite birthday would be partly in 2005 because my birthday was during our first month of dating and then 2008 because my husband's adoption paperwork on my son was finalized right before my birthday.
2. Iona, she's hilarious. I love when Ducky kisses her.
3. I am following this blog under vanilla2bean
4. Postin on FB
5. Joining
Well, my first favorite bday was my 40th when my daughters got me tickets to see Rod Stewart, I always loved his music , then my next favorite was my 50th, cause my daughters and my husband had me a surprise party and hired a Rod Stewart impersonator! It's going to be hard to beat that one, it was so much fun!
I like Kevin from Home Alone, too. I follow on Facebook and on here, too! I love finding new authors to read, haven't read one of her books yet.
oops and my e-mail address is
ashersmamaw at yahoo dotcom
Would love to read this!!
I was in FL on my b-day last year
already follow on GFC
already follow on FB
kyfaithw at aol dot com
Favorite birthday: the year I got my mom's hand-me down car when I was in my teens
emial: denny144 at aol.com
First of all, Jen Lancaster is my absolute favorite - so excited! My favorite memory from a past birthday was a few years back when I turned 26 and my friend's mom made me 2 Reese's Peanut Buter Cup CAKES and I ate both in their entirety without sharing because that's how I roll!
snitz76 [at] gmail [dot] com
My favorite character from a John Hughes film is Uncle Buck - that counts, right?
snitz76 [at] gmail [dot] com
I follow the blog!
snitz76 [at] gmail [dot] com
Follow on Facebook too!
snitz76 [at] gmail [dot] com
Favorite past birthday would be my suprise party at 16.
I follow via GFC
My favorite birthday memory was my 16th birthday when my dad drove 50 miles each way to get 12 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts for my swim team to have for breakfast after we finished our 6am practice.
Favorite JH character- dreamy Jake Ryan!
I'm a happy follower of the blog!
And I love Jen Lancaster to death... her books make me laugh inappropriately loud in public places.
I am and always will be a facebook member! I need to subscribe....
Favorite Character.. Molly Ringwald from TBC because everyone always tells me I look like her... though I don't see it...
I read my first Jen Lancaster novel about 4 months ago, and then read every single one that is out right away. She's got the best sense of humor!
makingfoodandstuff AT gmail DOT com
1. My favorite memory from last year was hiking the highest peak in Arizona.
2. Jake Ryan. *swoon*
3. I follow this blog already.
Thanks for the giveaway.
My favorite past memory of a birthday is my 29th birthday. We threw a 80's party and everyone had to come dressed up 80's. I was Madonna and my hubby was Duckie.
Favorite John Hughes movie character is of course Jake Ryan.
I'm a GFC Follower (Melissa)
What a great giveaway, count me in. Thanks so much.
-great memory from a past birthday? My 16 just b/c I actually had friends come over and it was great. Plus, it was probably the last time I'd celebrate a b-day with some of them, which is a bit sad.
-favorite John Hughes character?
I love Bender from the Breakfast Club.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
Following under Feeling Beachie - Alex
My favorite birthday memory is actually a bad one. I just started dating my now husband and we were driving to Home Depot. We got rear ended, and we were the middle car. In order for the first car to sue the car that hit me, he had to sue me too. During a deposition, it came out that the accident happened on my birthday and that I was driving to Home Depot with my boyfriend. The attorney asked “off the record” if I was still dating the guy and if my next birthday was better than that one – which fortunately it was much better!
Jake Ryan!
Jessica Hackman (jpeterson76@yahoo.com) - my favorite birthday memory is doing wonderful things for my husband for his day. Arranging as a surprise to have his two best friends up from IA was so fun!
Favorite John Hughes character? well Duckie of course!
Favorite memory from a past birthday was when I was a kid my parents would go all out and have these huge events!
I follow the blog.
I follow the FB page.
I posted on FB (Sabrina-Kate E).
I posted on Twitter (stereoqueenbee)
queenofcrunk at gmail dot com
<3 JEN!!!
1.I'm totally gonna age myself here, but getting a gabage patch doll--when they were hot hot hot
2.Has to be Brian from Breakfast Club or Farmer Ted from Sixteen Candles, I know right? lol, but Anthony Michael Hall looks just like my husband!!!
3. I'm a follower :)
4. I posted an entry on my blog about this contest!!!
5. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Done and loving it, btw!!!
Laura Kay
I have read all of Jen's books - she is a jewel. Can't wait to read this one and will buy it if I don't win it! :)
Favorite birthday memory: For some reason, my 7th birthday sticks out in my mind. My mom made these lovely pale yellow cupcakes with sprinkles and brought them to my class for me to share with my classmates. It just made me feel so happy and loved!
Favorite character from John Hughes movie: Curly Sue. Love, love, love that movie!
I'm a GFC follower.
susanaudrey33 at gmail dot com
Growing up, I always tried to convince my parents that we should celelbrate my half birthday, since my birthday falls right during the holidays in December. This past year, I ended up giving birth to my daughter on my half birthday. The best half birthday present ever!
I'd love to read this one!
shhhimreading at hotmail dot com
Follow the Website, Fav John Hughes charcacter, Is a tossup between Duckie from Sixteen Candles or Wyatt from Weird Science
thanks for the chance to read this fabulous novel :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
my last birthday...going out to dinner w/ a friend :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
i'm a follower :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
i liked 'kevin' from 'home alone'
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
My favourite past birthday was my 40th. I wanted to ignore it and told all of my friends and family to PLEASE let it go by. They did :)
Ferris Bueller is my favourite John Hughes character :)
Following the blog via Twitter hey_mikki
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/hey_mikki
Joined Chick Lit Central on Facebook.
My favorite birthday memory is from my 16th birthday, when I opted not to have a sweet sixteen party if my parents would buy me my beloved Silverbelle, a dapple grey Arabian horse that I loved like crazy.
Joined your facebook page and tweeted abt contest too.
My favorite male John Hughes character has to be Ferris Bueller. My favorite female character is Clair from Breakfast Club.
I already follow this blog (but use bloglines to read it.
margalitc at yahoo dot com
My favorite JH character is Samantha Baker, who can't relate to her.
My favorite birthday memory was when I turned 21,forgot my ID, and a bar that had no problem serving me when I was under 21 wouldn't let me in....oh so murphy's law!
Fav birthday memory is when I turned 21....took a week off work and partied like a rock star!!!
Already following on fb and twitter, do I get three hundred entries for that?
My favorite Hughes character? Watts because her best friend falls in love w/her... :)
lmrrda at gmail dot com
1. On my honeymoon during my birthday, my hubby planned the whole day for me and took me out to dinner.
2. Allison Reynolds- "The Breakfast Club"
3. I now follow the blog.
4. I posted a link to this contest on my Twitter account (@lmrrda).
5. I requested to join your Facebook page!
Fav character? I'm going with *everyone* in Sixteen Candles, partic the Geek and Sam's dad. Loved Sam's dad!
I would like to be entered in this contest please!! =)
My favorite memory is all the time i spent with my grandpa, he died when i was 12 and those are the only memories strong enough to keep him alive.
GFC Follower: SpadesHighReads
TValeros18 @ gmail DOT com
Favorite birthday moment I had a birthday party when I was about 6 and we made splatter paint tees and then had a dance party with some strobe lights, I felt so cool.
I am a follower and I posted the contest on twitter.
Jake Ryan is obviously my favorite!
My favorite Birthday memory is the year I turned 21. I was a senior in college and my frends and I lived in off-campus housing in an apartment building with other friends. Several of us had birthdays around the same time so we threw a huge apartment-wide Birthday Bash. It was hilarious and so much fun. I think all together we took 5 rolls of film that night...and close to 4 of the rolls are pretty straight-on, good photos. The others are lopsided, off-center, bizarre and some pics are of people we haven't identified to this day! LOL
Great question! And thank you for an awesome giveaway!
Del Griffiths is my favorite character from a John Hughes film. He is in Planes, Trains and Automobiles and is portrayed by John Candy!
I'm a GFC follower of this blog!
I posted this Giveaway on my Facebook page at:
I follow your blog on Twitter (Amestir)
I follow on Facebook (Amy Meyer)
Whew! I'm making the giveaway deadline just in time.
Great interview! I just love Jen. It may be hard at first to separate the fictional characters from Fletch and Jen since I've followed their lives since the first memoir. However, I look forward to reading her debut fiction novel. Thanks for the opportunity. And the trailer is hilar!
Ok here are my answers:
My favorite (and most embarrassing so consider yourselves lucky to hear this) memory from a past birthday was setting the bar on fire. Yes, I literally set the bar ablaze my knocking over a flaming orgasm shot. Needless to say, I had major fun that night before the bartender cut me off the drinks.
My fave character from John Hughes films is a toughie. I equally loved all the films and characters.
I follow this blog via Google Reader and Twitter.
This sounds like a great book! Thanks for the chance!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
My fave memory of a past birthday goes back a L-O-N-G time! When I was 6 years old and my family threw me a surprise party. I can still remember how excited and happy I was! Good times!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
My fave John Hughes character is "Ducky" (Jon Crier) from "Pretty in Pink". I loved Sixteen Candles! I especially liked the Asian guy who was hilarious!!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I love her books!! I can't wait to read this one!
Sounds like a great book!
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