Melissa A. started this blog in May 2010 to go along with our group on Facebook. Since then, we've done lots of interviews, book reviews, and other fun things. We plan to continue bringing you lots of interviews, guest posts, giveaways, etc. We love that you follow us and hope you will continue to do so and tell your friends to check us out, as well. We love learning about you through your comments on our giveaway posts and we plan to ask more fun questions for you to answer. :)
To go along with our blogoversary and International Chick Lit Month we are posting a book a day. You can comment one time on each "Book of the Day" post. The more posts you comment on, the more entries you have into our special prize giveaway when the month is over. :) We're giving away two special prizes this year.
Please note: We are not giving away a book a day. We are just featuring books and the comments on each count as entries toward the special prizes at the end of the month. Thanks!
1. International. Anyone from anywhere can enter. :)
2. Ends May 31st at midnight EST. So get all comments in by that date and time. Anything that comes in afterward will not be counted as an entry.
3. All comments must include an e-mail address or some way of reaching you online.
4. You must have an actual comment on the post, not just an e-mail address.
5. Only comments on posts labeled "chick lit month" (at the bottom) count toward this contest.
Thanks for helping us celebrate our blogoversary. Your presence as our followers has been a fabulous gift to us!
Happy Blogoversary!!
Happy one-year blogoversary and best wishes for many more. I'm so glad to hear there's an International Chick Lit Month!
Happy Blogoversary to you! Wishing you many, many, more to come!!!
Happy blogoversary -- how exciting! Hope this is the start of many wonderful chick-lit-filled years to come.
Happy blogoversary! My one year blogoversary for my YA book review blog Bookish Delights is today(May 2), so our blogs were both born in the same month! Feel free to check out my huge blogoversary giveaway celebration: http://bookish-delights.blogspot.com/2011/05/blogoversary-giveaway-two-divergent.html
Happy Blogoversary!
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com
Happy Blogoversary to you!
Happy Blogoversary to You;
Happy Blogoversary to You;
Happy Blogoversary Dear International Chick Lit Month;
Happy Blogoversary to You!!
And Many, Many More!!
Happy Happy Blogoversary!!! I'm thrilled for you! Keep up the great work!!
oh yea... if you need my email for this one.. schlarmetteATgmailDOTcom
Happy Happy Blogoversary!!!
One year--woot!
Happy Blogoversary!! :-D You both always do such a fabulous job!!
Happy Blogoversary!!
Happy Blogoversary!!
woo-hoo! One year down, and hopefully many more happy years to come!
Happy Blogoversary! And many happy returns :)
Happy blogoversary.
Happy Blogoversary!!
Happy Blogoversary!!
Happy Blogoversary!!
Happy Blogoversary!!
Happy Blogoversary!!
Happy Blogoversary!
Happy Blogoversary! Here's to a wonderful Chick Lit Month!
Happy Blogoversary!!!
Keep up the great work, I love this blog :)
Happy Blogoversary!
Happy Blogiversary and many more to come!!!
Happy Blogoversary!! I look forward to checking in every day or so and finding so many new books and authors to read!
Happy Blogoversary to CLC!! So glad that I have found you, and you, me!! Look forward to another great year~
Happy Blogoversary! I have been with you since the beginning, I believe, and have enjoyed every minute!
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