HEATHER WELLS ROCKS! Or, at least, she did. That was before she left the pop-idol life behind after she gained a dress size or two—and lost a boyfriend, a recording contract, and her life savings (when Mom took the money and ran off to Argentina). Now that the glamour and glory days of endless mall appearances are in the past, Heather's perfectly happy with her new size 12 shape (the average for the American woman!) and her new job as an assistant dorm director at one of New York's top colleges. That is, until the dead body of a female student from Heather's residence hall is discovered at the bottom of an elevator shaft.
The cops and the college president are ready to chalk the death off as an accident, the result of reckless youthful mischief. But Heather knows teenage girls . . . and girls do not elevator surf. Yet no one wants to listen—not the police, her colleagues, or the P.I. who owns the brownstone where she lives—even when more students start turning up dead in equally ordinary and subtly sinister ways. So Heather makes the decision to take on yet another new career: as spunky girl detective!
But her new job comes with few benefits, no cheering crowds, and lots of liabilities, some of them potentially fatal. And nothing ticks off a killer more than a portly ex-pop star who's sticking her nose where it doesn't belong . . . (Summary courtesy of The Official Website of Author Meg Cabot.)
Melissa P:
Although a bit unrealistic, I loved the trilogy of Heather Wells mysteries that Meg wrote. The characters are funny and clumsy and I found myself laughing out loud a lot.
More by Meg Cabot:
Wow. I wasn't expecting it to turn into a murder mystery type thing. I assumed it was another big-girl-lives-in-a-skinny-world romance thing. I think I'll add it to my to-read list. =)
miss_kris_11 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I have read this book a few dozen times and I love it again each time! Meg Cabot is a fantastic author!! This book had just the right amount of intrigue and suspense but not so much that I wanted to quickly put it down (I don't enjoy suspense or mystery books. I like to laugh!) Such a cute book- if you're pondering get it, ponder no more and just ... DO IT!! :)
I have read this book and thought it was a fun read .
This is my one of my favorite books, and it is by my favorite author!
Somehow, after seeing these at the library for years, I never realized they were mysteries ... I read the Queen of Babble books and *loved* them, just never picked up these - maybe I will though, sounds like a fun read.
I am such a fan of Meg Cabot's YA books, but have yet to read any of her adult Chick-Lit titles yet! Can't wait to do so!
I've read almost every book by Meg Cabot but somehow i have not been able to find this series along with Queen of babble. But as usual this book sounds amazing =D
I LOVE Meg Cabot!! I love this series!
ra6352 (at) gmail (Dot) com
Maybe if I read this book I'll actually believe the title and stop missing my prebabies size.
Since I found your blog my list of authors I need to read keeps getting longer. I'd love to read this book.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Okay I love this title!
Meg Cabot is such a great chick lit author. I wasn't expecting this to turn into a murder mystery series either, but must read soon. It makes it all the more interesting that the story isn't just about losing weight, or oversized girl in a skinny world.
Plus, I'm always looking for new series for my Series Sunday meme.
LiteraryMarie (at) gmail (dot) com
I've read the Princesses Diaries and thought it was really well written for the age group it is aimed at. I would love to read another of her books!
Have put this on my list purely because it's not something I would usually read - looking at others comments perhaps I should!
Not heard of this author before; sounds like an interesting idea!
be204ever AT hotmail.com
This book was not my favorite by Meg Cabot.
The title is definitely misleading as to what the story is about. Still sounds interesting though!
I would love to read this one!!
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