From the outside view, Jillian Westfield has a pitch-perfect life. Her cherubic 18-month old daughter, her wildly successful investment banker husband, a four-bedroom, five-bath, lemon-scented home with landscaping and neighbors to match. But that doesn’t stop her from mulling over the past, from pushing away the “what ifs” that haunt her when she allows them to seep into her consciousness. What if she hadn’t married Henry? What if she hadn’t abandoned her job at the first sign of pregnancy? What if she’d never broken up with Jackson ? What if she answered her mother’s letter? Because underneath the shiny veneer of her life, Jill waddles around in a faltering marriage, brewing resentment, and an air of discontentedness. But after an ethereal massage in which her therapist releases her blocked chi, she wakes up to discover that she’s been whisked seven years back, back to her old life, her old self, back to the moments in which she made decisions that charted her future course. And now that she’s back, she’s faced with the same roadblocks and obstacles, only this time, armed with hindsight, she can choose a different path and finally lay to rest all of her “what ifs.”
Time of My Life is much more than a story about a real life desperate housewife. Instead, it speaks to so many of our tiny, lingering doubts, the same doubts that send us googling old friends and exes or wistfully pulling out pictures of days gone by. And through Jillian’s journey, in which she rediscovers the mother who abandoned her, reacquaints herself with the strengths she once deemed important, and may literally rewrite her future, we all get a chance to peek inside the windows of our own “what ifs,” and consider if the path we took was the one that has granted us the most happiness. (Summary courtesy of Allison Winn Scotch's website.)
Melissa P:
I thought this was such a cool story line. I often wonder (as I am sure many do) what it would be like to go back in time and change some of the decisions we have made.
Melissa A:
This was my first introduction to Allison Winn Scotch. The cover attracted me and the summary drew me in. The story was fun and made me think. I like how she conveyed the concept of time travel in such an interesting and clever way. It was almost like "Peggy Sue Got Married" but with less of a time span.
More by Allison Winn Scotch:
I have heard that this is a good book.
I have been wanting to read this book since it first came out!
Ah this is a book I already have on my to-read list, and am excited to get some other opinions on it!
and forgot, nina565(at)aol(dot)com, whoops! ;)
another one added to my wishlist! So tempted to download for my kindle now but already have 5 books on there so am going to be patient!
shaz (dot) goodwin (at) sky (dot) com
Sounds like an interesting story.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
This sounds like a very good book, I loves stories like this, I guess we all have our what if moments!
ashersmamaw at yahoo dotcome
Looks fascinating...
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOI com
I love the cover of this title... I love anything by Allison!
Sounds interesting. I'd like to know how things turn out when she explores her "what ifs".
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com
I totally forgot that I had read this book until it was posted here on this blog!
Thank you for posting it - I read this book shortly after I, myself, became a mom and it helped be relate to the main character.
I was happy with the ending. Cute story.
Love fun books like this one. It's on my wish list for sure!
susanaudrey33 at gmail dot com
So cool that I saw this today since yesterday I was writing down a dream I had where I got the chance to go back to my high school days and start over. Not like writing as an aspiring author, just jotting it down. I'm too lazy to finish a book. Now I can just read this one!
miss_kris_11 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Sounds like a good book. I bet everyone has their own what ifs at least once in a while.
Another interesting book! Looks good!
Another in my pile! I read The One That I Want as soon as it came out, and picked this one up not too long after. I don't know why I haven't gotten to it yet :(
I really enjoyed the concept of this story even if the main character annoyed me a bit :)
snitz76 [at] gmail [dot] com
had not heard of this author before
be204ever AT hotmail.com
I look forward to reading one of her books.
I don't know what it is, but the idea of time travel is so intriguing. I <3 the 80s is another great one!
sounds great!
sounds good!
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