Claudia Carroll is an author from Dublin. She has written "Remind Me Again Why I Need a Man" and "I Never Fancied Him Anyway" (which will be made into a film). Her latest novel is "Personally I Blame My Fairy Godmother." Suzanne Sangster from Harper Collins presented Melissa Patafio and myself with the opportunity to ask Claudia some questions about her books, movies, being on an Irish soap opera and some other fun information. She has a great sense of humor and we enjoyed learning more about her. We hope you will too!
You also have the chance to win "Personally...," as Suzanne promised books for five lucky readers (before leaving her work in the capable hands of Charlotte Allen).
MP: What was the transition like going from acting to writing full time?
CC: I’m presently a full time writer, but prior to that, I worked extensively as a theatre and TV actress. For fourteen years, I appeared in Fair City, (Ireland’s answer to Eastenders,) playing a character I like to describe as ‘the horrible old cow that everyone loves to hate.’
But now I have to say that writing is without doubt, the single best job in the whole entire world. Even on the days when nothing’s coming and I’m half ready to fling my computer up against a wall, I wouldn’t change it for anything. In my last TV job, on the soap opera, we worked crazy hours, often shooting from six am till well after midnight. I love the creative process and the idea of being my own boss, it’s the best! And no, I most definitely do NOT miss standing out on location in January at eleven at night in sub zero temperatures with a director screaming at the cast…not a chance!
MP: Your book “I Never Fancied Him Anyway” is being made into a movie. What stage of production are they currently in and when can we expect to see the characters come to life on the big screen?
CC: "I Never Fancied Him Anyway" is being adapted for a movie, produced by Wendy Finerman, (who made PS, I LOVE YOU as well as THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA,) and the adaptation is by Robin Swicord, who also adapted THE JANE AUSTEN BOOK CLUB. All very exciting! I was in L.A. earlier this year meeting the producers and they tell me the project is in a stage of ‘super advancement,’ (L.A.-speak…..!!)
Also, Remind me Again Why I Need A Man was optioned by Fox TV, but is still ‘in development, ‘ as they say in L.A. and more recently, If This Is Paradise, I Want My Money Back has been optioned by Canyon Creek films, with Simon Brooks producing. Mind you, until I’m sitting down in the cinema with a bucket of popcorn on my knee watching one of these movies, I won’t believe it……

MP: Your newest book is “Personally I Blame My Fairy Godmother”. What inspired you to write a modern day Cinderella story?
CC: The inspiration for PERSONALLY, I BLAME MY FAIRY GODMOTHER came from of all things, the global recession and economic downturn. I read about people my age losing their homes and suddenly being forced to move back in with family. The Boomerang Generation, as they’re known. Then I thought of that quote from Harold Pinter; ‘Home is the one place, when you go there, they have to take you in.’
So I thought; imagine a modern day fairy tale gone wrong; Cinderella backwards. Where you have a heroine who starts out with her heart’s desire, a fabulous career, a palatial home to live in and a guy she supposes to be Prince Charming. Then in one fell swoop, she loses her job and the whole house of cards fast collapses on top of her, leaving her homeless, jobless and dumped. So she has no choice but to move back in with her Stepmother and two Stepsisters, who hate the very sight of her…………
I thought here was a good basis for a subverted fairytale; after all, everyone knows the story of Cinderella and the rags to riches story is one of the world’s seven basic plots. But I though, let’s test the heroine and have her starting out with everything, then losing it all and having to go back to her hated old life…..throw in two stepsisters who are a bit like Patti and Selma from The Simpsons and the comedy was ready made.
MP: Have you or would you ever consider doing a book tour in the U.S.?
CC: Are you kidding me? Just waiting to be asked! I can’t think of anything I’d adore more.
MA: If “Personally…” were also made into a film, who would you want to play the lead characters?
CC: Hard one to call! There are so many gifted comic actresses around right now; she would have to be twenty eight, with a dippy, quirky, off-beat quality, who the audience would root for from the very start.
MP: You were on a hit Irish soap opera for years before you started writing, do you plan to return to film or television work in the future?
CC: No, I’m a full-time author now. Mind you, the producers on "I Never Fancied Him Anyway" have promised me a walk-on extra part, so that could be interesting……
MA: Which other fairy tale(s) would you consider basing a novel on?
CC: Funny, but one of the themes of the book I’m writing at the moment is not dissimilar to "The Wizard of Oz;" a heroine who runs screaming from her hometown because she despises small-town life so much, then realises slowly over the course of the novel that really, there is no place like home
MA: Who is your biggest celebrity crush?
CC: You will roar laughing, but I’m a Twi-hard and love Robert Pattinson in those movies so much. I know, and I’m old enough to be his granny. I’m a disgrace.
MA: What is your favorite way to kick back and relax after a long day?
CC: By watching rubbish telly, and the more crap the better. X Factor, Big Brother, Strictly Come Dancing…you name it, I’ll watch it. Throw in a glass of Sancerre and I’m in Heaven.
MA: What is your “not-so-special” talent? (Something that is NOT artsy or creative. Ex. Being able to blow the largest bubbles with your gum.)
CC: Without a doubt, my ability to walk long distances in high heels. Be-fuddles the hell out of my friends, I can tell you.
Special thanks to Claudia for such a great interview.
Thanks to Suzanne, and now Charlotte, for facilitating the interview and giveaway.
And thanks to Melissa Patafio for her help, as always.
**Giveaway is now closed**
How to win "Personally I Blame my Fairy Godmother":
Please comment below with your e-mail address.
(Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted.)
For additional entries (each as a separate comment including your e-mail address, as well):
1. Please tell us: What is your favorite fairy tale?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
Giveaway ends Thursday, August 5th at midnight EST.
Oooer first one, don't know if that's good or bad lol Fantastic...really can't wait to see the film of I Never Fancied Him Anyway. Love CC books she's among my favourite authors.
Of course my favourite fairy tale is Cinderella, rags to riches, gets her prince AND her own back on those who wronged her...brilliant and brilliantly done in film too.
I follow this blog...
Now its getting silly! lol
Shared on Facebook...Good luck everyone!
Looking forward to reading the book!
Always follows this blog and Cinderella is my favorite fairy tale!
Not unlike others who have already commented, Cinderella is indeed my favourite fairy tale (I imagine largely because of the Disney adaptation). I LOVED Ever After, which is of course another version of the Cinderella story.
I follow this blog through facebook and am a follower on Google.
Posted on Facebook.
This is one giveaway I really hope I win.
thanks for the chance to read this fabulous book :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
my favoutite fairy tale is: cinderella :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
I have a "thing" for Irish chick lit, so count me in! I could never read enough of it!
Is "Beauty and the Beast" a fairy tale? If so, it's my favourite one. All those books *sigh*
I am a follower through Google Friend Connect!
I have posted this giveaway in my sidebar on http://book-chic.blogspot.com.
Thank you for the chance to win:) I can't wait to read this book!
My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella! I love how she is strong and positive despite her situation!
I am a loyal follower!
This sounds like such a fun read ~ please enter me to win a copy.
My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella
I'm a follower
This sounds like such a good read. Please enter me in the giveaway!
My favorite fairy tale is sleeping beauty. I think it is really because of the great Disney movie, but I just love the concept of the brave knight fighting dragons to wake her up from the evil spell. So unlike real life, it is a fun escape!
This looks great! Enter me in to win!! :)
This looks great. Enter me in to win!
My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast. It's such a wonderful story about perception, self-exploration, and redemption.
I'm a happy follower of Chick Lit Central: The Blog!
I've posted a link to the contest on facebook.
Thanks for sharing this interview. It was a pleasure to read.
I've never read any of Claudia's books but they do sound good. I'd love to win this one. Thanks for the giveaway.
forwhlz at gmail dot com
Beauty and the Beast is my favorite.
forwhlz at gmail dot com
I follow this blog with GFC.
forwhlz at gmail dot com
Sounds good! Hope I win!
I tweeted this at http://twitter.com/ForWhlz/status/20162957618
forwhlz at gmail dot com
Jencey Gortney
My favorite fairy tale always has been Cinderella.
I will post to facebook page.
email is jenceyg@msn.com
I am a follower
Sounds like a fun read, thanks for the giveaway!
I am a follower
My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella
I enjoyed the interview w/Claudia. The book sounds great!
My favorite fairy tale:
Hansel and Gretel
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I'm a follower too !
I'm a follower!!
My favourite tale is Sleeping Beauty!
What a fantastic sounding book!
Twittered it!
I follow the blog too!
So glad I found this blog! I'm now a follower on Google. I'd love to read this book. Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite fairy tale is Snow White because my 3 year old niece knows it by heart.
I follow this blog & I posted this contest on Twitter. (@stereoqueenbee)
I am a follower.
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I posted on facebook.
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite fairytale is Cinderella!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I am following this blog in twitter. My favorite fairy tale is Snow White.
My favorite fairy tale would have to be Cinderalla as what little girl does not want her "Prince Charming"? This book sure sounds not only interesting, but funny as well....can't wait to read it.
I am a follower!
No need to enter me, babe. I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book for you.
Thanks for entering me into this giveaway!
My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast.
Please enter me!
I love Sleeping Beauty, in part because, well, I really like to sleep. Seriously, sloth is definitely my sin. But also because I really liked the dragon the evil witch turns into in the Disney version.
I follow you w/ GFC!
Please count me in.
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
This book looks so interesting! I love the title! Schlarmette@gmail.com
Beauty and the beast! Schlarmette@gmail.com
Follower! Schlarmette@gmail.com
Posting on my fb page. Schlarmette@gmail.com
sounds like a great read....the cover is cute too!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
I love the title of this book! PERFECT!!
thanks for the giveaway.
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
My favorite fairy tale: "The Princess and the Pea." My daughter loves to hear it over and over again.
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
I am a new google follower!
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
Great interview! Claudia's books look like such fun and great reads!! I think my fav fairy tale was Cinderella.
Thanks for doing this interview. Claudia is a new author to me. I am excited to check out her books:)
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