Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A visit--and giveaway!---from Book Mama

Hi Chick Lit Central Readers!

When Melissa A asked if I’d like to do an interview, I thought … Why not do a “12 Things About Marlene”?  At my blog, Book Mama Blog, I have been doing a “12 Things About …” instead of a standard interview with authors.  I thought it would be fun to do one myself!  And I’ve added a fun giveaway full of some of my favorite things.  I hope you enjoy reading a little about me and I hope the winner enjoys the prize pack that I’ve put together.  And, because I love all of my readers, this giveaway is open internationally!

Melissa A is over at my blog doing her own "12 Things" and a giveaway!

“12 Things About Marlene (Book Mama)”

1.    I love the color pink!
2.    I’m obsessed with scented candles.  I always have one lit in my dining room and one in my kitchen.  My favorite are dessert scents (sugar cookie, buttercream, red velvet … you get the picture).
3.    I have an obscene mug collection!  Seriously!  I have at least a few mugs for EVERY occasion.  It’s quite sickening!
4.    I’m not afraid to tell people my real age.  I am 40 and proud!
5.    I love fun socks.  I don’t care what it has on it, as long as it’s fun!
6.    I’m half Italian and half Filipino.  I call myself a Fitalian … don’t judge ;)
7.    I will not eat eggs or mushrooms.  Yuck, yuck, yuck!
8.    I love carbs!  Give me a cupcake and I’ll be a happy girl!
9.    I’m always taking pictures.  (See answer #6.  It’s true what they say.  Asians ALWAYS have a camera with them.  ALWAYS!)
10. I love the beach!  So you can imagine how I feel being stuck in Upstate, NY covered in 3 feet of snow.
11. I don’t drink alcohol (not even socially), but I do drink way too much iced tea!  I am able to act a fool while sober.  I can’t even imagine how I’d be if I added alcohol!
12. I have a daughter named Bella and a cat named Bella.  The cat came first.  I also had a dog named Bella many years ago.  Are we seeing a theme here?

Connect with Marlene at:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Open worldwide. Giveaway ends April 20th at midnight EST.


JBarr5 said...

read avg of 750 books a year, need another hobby LOL

Margie said...

I love to read and travel. Thanks for the giveaway.

Janine said...

What a fun interview. Most everyone knows how much I love cats. But not a lot of people know I cows. I love driving by the few farms in my area just looking at them. I really love longhorns. At baby season, I really get excited.

Unknown said...

Love reading the interviews with people I already feel like I know because I follow them and look for them! And something about me, hmmmm......I am sentimentally goopy.

Anonymous said...

I love Book Mama's Blog! Such a great giveaway. I love how the two blogs are sister blogs. How fun!

susieqlaw said...

I love the beach too!

Shelby N. said...

I am married to my best friend <3 and biggest supporter. We have 2 dogs, a pug named Wrigley and a chihuahua named Bacon. :) I LOVE to read almost any kind of books, except zombie/apocalypse/vampire type of stuff.

cpr040304 said...

I love to baking! Aside from baking desserts for my kids I also custom decorate cookies for my family, friends, and I donate many of my custom decorated cookies.

Melanie Backus said...

Thank you for sharing the fun interview. You sound like a fun person to be around. I love the name Bella and actually have a baby goat with that name.

I love to be with my little grands,...they light up my life...
Travel, and read!

Thank you for the great giveaway!

mauback55 at gmail dot com

Book Mama said...

Hi Everyone!

It's Marlene from Book Mama Blog. Thank you for taking the time to read about me and enter my giveaway. I love authors and books, but I also love my blog followers too. Feel free to stop by my blog and also my blog's FB page and say hello! I love chatting with my readers!


Sharon said...

I am an identical twin. :)

traveler said...

I read a great deal and love warmth and sunshine daily. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

Kelly M said...

Favorite things to do - love to hike and read. Former equestrian who hopes to start riding again soon.

Charlotte said...

Sounds like a winner.

Unknown said...

Great post, Marlene!!! I have a HUGE mug collection too. Will be sure to send you some photos! I love that you and Melissa are blog sisters - you are both so awesome!

dstoutholcomb said...

I love to read

dstoutholcomb said...

I carry a camera all the time--kids in sports. So I have a regular camera and a smart phone--and I switch between them to take pix.

VickieC said...

I am a avid reader,,a mom of 6 (2 bio,3 step 1 adopted) and 13 grandchildren,,happliy married to my sould mate

Unknown said...

I am 47 y/o, been married 29 years, have 5 children and 2 grandchildren (one more on the way). I LOVE to read!

Wall-to-wall books said...

I love the color pink!
~ I love pink too!

I have an obscene mug collection!
I also have a huge mug collection - I have three cupboards full!

I will not eat eggs or mushrooms.
Hate mushrooms, always have!

being stuck in Upstate, NY covered in 3 feet of snow.
Where in Upstate NY are you from??? I'm from upstate NY! Ithaca area! Went to Ithaca high school and everything. My daughter still lives there.

Book Mama said...

It looks like Wall to Wall and I have a lot in common!

Bharti (Bee) said...

I am just a dreamer who loves books more than boys and also I wish 31 products were available in India. Off topic, sorry. It was a pleasure to read about you M. Best wishes.

karin said...

I love to craft and read books!

Mary Mac said...

Just bought a new home and currently painting. (I am not a fan of painting)

Linda Kish said...

I have a collection of coffee cups but always use the same one.

Jessica said...

I'm addicted to spinning (indoor cycling). Love it!

Nova said...

i love to find old needlepoint at the thrift stores for 50 cents or $1.00. i have crohn's disease (24 years diagnosed). Love my 4 kids and my boyfriend of 6 years. LOVE the color PINK. LOVE chocolate. i have more friends online than in real life. :)

Unknown said...

Awesome give away!!

jodi marinich said...

i am a member of childrens school pto board

KC said...

I don't hide my age either. I'm 52.

Bonnie K. said...

I'm not afraid to say how old I am. I'm a proud 55 year old grandmother, mother, and wife. I love the ocean and love seeing lighthouses.

bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com

Viv V. said...

I have a dog who is so goofy, she makes me laugh out loud.

bn100 said...

like to bake

Unknown said...

I love being a mommy

Anonymous said...

I love to read and crochet :)
Patty Degmetich

Gretchen said...

Love chocolate

Glenda H. said...

Nice giveaway and interesting interview.

Mary Preston said...

I love flying. I would love to learn how to fly a plane.

Anonymous said...

Love the giveaway! Love Marlene & Melissa!

Unknown said...

I am married with 5 cats, a dog, and 2 guinea pigs.

Margie said...

I love animals!

Episod psihotic Romania said...

I love Book Mama's Blog!

Bube said...

I love cooking,Jamie Oliver is my favorite :)
Great post,thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Hailey Fish said...

Melissa and Marlene are two of my favorite bloggers! You always know how to bring a smile to my face!

Something about me? I LOVE the colors pink and turquoise, I collect mugs too but not as extensive as a collection like yours, Marlene. It's getting there though, I'll have to post pictures sometimes, I also collect anything and everything to do with books. Whether it be bags with sayings, stickers, pouches, notebooks, pictures and posters, I love them all! Any time I'm at Books a Million or shopping online, I buy whatever is cheapest or on sale!

Thanks for the giveaway! Fingers crossed, good luck to all! :)

Amy Orvin said...

I love animals and entering giveaways! My birthday is Wednesday and I am a candle and perfume addict.

Thank You!!

Unknown said...

I love to escape into a book

Lisamarie said...

Besides a book hoarder, I'm a paper hoarder (scrapbooking) my daughter recently wanted to do a scrapbook so she asked to use my stuff...she looked at all the paper I brought out and said "You have issues" My daily consumption of beverages are Coffee, Ice Tea and Water.

donnaing said...

Excellent interview
Bakin, reading and the color pink. I love them too.

Unknown said...

I'm a breast cancer survivor (it will be 9 years this December 😄), so I LOVE the color pink! And we adopted my daughter as a baby. Her full name is Haley Rose-Haley was my great-grandma's maiden name, and Rose is her birthmom's grandmother's name!

Unknown said...

I published my first novel, Second Chances. It's a fluffy romance. You may love the color since its a pink cover with a cupcake. There is also mention of a candle within the book so I've hit 3 of your favorites right there!

I have 3 kids and hubby of 16 years plus a little min pin/chihuahua. My youngest has dyslexia and fighting for more help.

rhonda said...

I have lunch with my husband every day,