Melissa A:
Totlandia: The Onesies, Book 3 by Josie Brown from Coliloquy (e-book)
Pride, Prejudice and the Perfect Match by/from Marilyn Brant (e-book)
What Happiness Looks Like by Karen Lenfestey (e-book; free from Amazon at time of purchase)
Vanity Fare by Megan Caldwell from Chick Lit is Not Dead
Looking for Me by/from Beth Hoffman (Melissa A got this too.)
All the Summer Girls by Meg Donohue from HarperCollins
For Internal Use Only by/from Cari Kamm
Closer Than They Appear by/from Jess Riley (e-book)
A French Affair by Katie Fforde from Century.

Tyringham Park by Rosemary McLoughlin from Penguin
What could be in YOUR mail:
The Comfort of Lies by Randy Susan Meyers...thanks to Atria, we have one copy for a lucky US reader!
How to win:
Please tell us the biggest or craziest lie either you've ever told or someone has told you. (We won't judge if you have something to confess...)
One entry per person.
Please include your e-mail address or another way to reach you if you win. Entries without contact information will NOT be counted.
Giveaway ends February 20th at midnight EST.
I'd love to win Randy's new book! The craziest lie that still makes me laugh is that I told classmates when I was a kid that my dad was Elvis's personal doctor.
Can't wait to read the new book too! I think one of the craziest lies I told was when I told my mom I was spending the night at a friend's house when in reality my friend and I spent the night driving around with some not-so-good boys. I must have been around 15, don't know what I was thinking! (not that I'd go back and change that night for anything lol)
Lisa, that's hilarious!
Oh wow! Well, when I was a teenager, a friend of mine and I snuck out of her bedroom window late one night, and took her dad's Jeep for a joyride. We picked up some friends along the way, and were out until the early morning hours. That Jeep got incredibly dirty, mud splattered everywhere. Just as we climbed back in to get some sleep (and after dropping friends off and putting the Jeep back into the driveway) her dad came in, asking what had happened to his Jeep. My friend said, "I don't know dad, we've been here the whole time." Her dad looked at me, and I claimed the same thing. He asked where the mud came from. I said, "I don't know sir- we've been here the whole time." It was terrible!!!
Yikes, not sure....
I once faked being sick when was in HS...made up my face with make up, water ect...then went to the beach!
I am not much of a liar...
Mrsmommybooknerdsbookreviews at gmail dot com
No lies in my past. Sorry!
wordywon @ gmail dot com
Oh man. I'm still so ashamed. This happened at one of my first jobs in high school. I wanted to go home so badly, I faked getting sick. I ran to the bathroom and made horrible puking sounds so that people could hear me emptying out my stomach. I was sent home, but they called ahead to let my mom know so I wasn't able to go to the mall with my friends like I had planned.
dawndennis66611 at yahoo dot com
someone told me they graduated from an Ivy league school, but they only visited the campus
A friend of mine once told our entire group of friends that she took a position in Florida (we live in Michigan) and was moving there. We found out not long after her going away party that she actually was moving to Virginia to be with some guy she met online. The thing is, we would have supported her if she had not lied about everything.
Thanks for the chance. I've been wanting to read this!
I'd love to win the book but I'm not known for telling lies. I'm sure my son told some whoppers but none that I can remember.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I've heard great things about this book!
In high school, my boyfriend dented my car, and my dad still thinks it was vandalized in the school parking lot. :)
Oh gosh, I don't have ANY juicy lies! And even worse (or better actually, right?) I don't think my friends have even told me juicy or big lies! Other than the frequent denials of their "numbers" and the fellows that got them there, ha ha.
Love the sound of this book. I lied a few times about being sick because i didn't want to go to school. The reason: I didn't want to miss the beginning of my favorite soap opera when the storyline had left with a major cliffhanger the previous day. (Long before DVR's, and before I knew how to program a VCR player!)
Okay, so in my defense, I never thought of this a lie when I told it but looking back as an adult, I suppose it was. And a big one at that. I told my younger sister (by 2 1/2 years) that she was adopted and that we got her from the gas station on the hill. Yikes! What was I thinking? But she was so gullible (she still is) and it was so easy!
Reposted cause I forgot my email - sorry. suzebomb(at)
I once took a week off from work and told my supervisors that I was going out of state with my entire famly when really I just wanted time off from work to lounge around the house and not have to do anything at all. Half that time I just read books and drank tea.
miss_kris_11 (at) yahoo(dot)com
When I was a teenager, I told my mom that my boyfriend's parents were going to be home so I could go over there to be alone with him, but of course they were not going to be. ;)
About 5 years later, I wasn't even dating the guy anymore, the subject came up with my mom. I confessed the truth and ended up grounded...5 YEARS LATER!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win.
suegaluska (at) yahoo (dot) com
When I was in college, I was a pre-school teacher, and I used to practice my sick voice prior to calling in sick. Boy, was I good! People have it so easy nowadays because its all computer generated. I think I've lost my touch. Very sad... :)
Mellsimons at gmail dot com
Thank you to everyone for sharing the biggest or craziest lie you've ever told.
Thanks to we have a winner! Congratulations to, DD! (#5)
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