Melissa A:
From Kelley & Hall
From Maureen Lipinski:
From HarperCollins:
Free from Amazon:
From Gregory Allen:
"Patchwork of Me"
No pictures or purchasing information available at this time.
From Transworld Publishers:
"Three Women" by Marita Conlon-McKenna

From Stephanie Elliot:
Melissa A. got this too. It's 99 cents for Kindle!
From Jackie Pilossoph:
From Juliette Sobanet:
Now something for your virtual mailbox!
Thanks to Juliette Sobanet, we have THREE e-books of "Kissed in Paris" to give to some lucky readers anywhere in the world! Juliette can be found at her website, as well as Facebook and Twitter.
How to win "Kissed in Paris":
Tell us the story behind your first kiss. Please include an e-mail address or another way to reach you if you win. One entry per person.
Giveaway ends February 15th at midnight EST
I wish I could say my first kiss was in Paris but alas I can not. I was being escorted home from a movie night at a friends by a boy I had a huge crush on and just as we got to my street we stopped and he turned to me and kissed me. Took me by surprise. Well it wasn't a glamorous Hollywood moment needless to say I was in heaven.
Thanks for the giveaway!
At a football game, my boyfriend took me by the hand saying, "walk with me, i wanna give you something" I was soo excited to get a present from him! Much to my surprise, he wanted to give me my first kiss (and his too), which was quite a gift in itself! He was wearing a yellow button down shirt, and i'll never forget the feeling, the look, the moment. Best gift of highschool!
lee fitzgerald
My first kiss took place in grade school- a boy named Oscar wearing a shirt printed all over with mini-hamburger kissed me out of the blue. I remember Oscar's shirt more so than his face or the kiss, to be honest.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Thirteen years old his name was Mike. I lived in a little town in New Jersey. I can't remember anything else because I am too old now to remember particulars.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I really wish I could tell you some romantic story of my first kiss... but sadly no!
I was 13 and it was at the end of the school youth club disco.
His name was Arthur (he was also only 13 I promise!), our braces clashed and I burst into hysterical laughter half way through. Oh the shame!
My first kiss was when I was 13. I was a junior staff member at a summer camp and was kissed by the 19 year old counselor that I'd had a crush on the year before. I think it was the best moment ever...
queenofcrunk at gmail dot com
First kiss was under a tree. Very pretty -- but the guy; not so much!
My first kiss from my now husband was also under a tree!
wordywon AT gmail DOT com
My first kiss happened at the beginning of my sophomore year in high school. I was 15. We were at a Sock Hop themed dance. We had danced a lot and flirted a lot too. He asked me if I wanted to go for a walk. Of course I said yes! So here we are in the entryway/stairwell at the back of the school, and we kissed!! I can still remember the rush of emotions that went thru me! Of course I was madly in love! Then the unthinkable mom arrived early to pick up my friends and I and SHE WALKED RIGHT IN----MID-KISS!!!!!OMG! I WANTED TO DIE FROM EMBARRASSMENT!!!! We went "together" for a while. I can still remember those blue eyes.......
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
On a school field trip. I think I was ten. The boy's name was Matt. It was very sweet and over in an instant :)
ljreese3 at gmail dot com
My first kiss was by a boy named Allan in grade school. After we shared a peanut butter & banana sandwich, he pulled my pigtails and then he kissed me behind the school. He was the sweetest boy, but other than that and the kiss, I don't remember much else about him......
It was not my very first kiss, but my first kiss by my now hubby.
While driving 130 kmh on the Autobahn in Germany, he suddenly said "You know what I've always wanted to do?" I of course responded "What?"
There was a truck on my right and the median on my left; I was really trying to pass that truck. And then he said "I've always wanted to kiss you" and I almost swerved into the truck. My knees went all wobbly and I had trouble getting to the open-air museum we were going to, but when we finally reached the parking lot, I jumped out, ran around the car and we kissed right there...
Ovations from the other museum visitors were the immediate response and the wedding followed soon after.
my email is kms(at)safkhetpublishing(dot)com chose Laura Reese, FitandFabinFrance and Margaret! Congrats!
We enjoyed reading all your first kiss stories. :)
Thank you!!!! Yay, Melissa and team, I am so excited to read her next book -- I am sure it will be fun and frothy!
Thank you - thats brilliant!
Just realised I didnt leave a contact email;
Thanks... I cant wait to read it!
Thanks to the fabulous ladies at Chick Lit Central for hosting this giveaway, and to everyone who shared their first kiss stories! I loved reading them! Kindle copies of Kissed in Paris are on their way to the winners tonight:)
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