Kathryn Hamilton
**Giveaway is now closed**
Please welcome my fellow Canadian, author Catherine McKenzie to CLC. She is here on her BIRTHDAY (such an honour for us) to talk TV and also has her latest book to give away! Catherine is celebrating the US release of her third novel Forgotten (reviewed here), which, if the success of her two previous novels is any indication, is bound to be a reader favourite. This down-to-earth author grew up in Montreal, Quebec, where she went to school and continues to live. When she’s not busy creating wonderful, smart stories, Catherine continues her work as a lawyer. With her continuing success, readers are unlikely to forget Catherine McKenzie any time in the near future! Félicitations!
Thanks to HarperCollins for giving away TWO copies of "Forgotten" to some lucky readers in the US or Canada. And for one day only, Catherine has a special birthday giveaway going on at her Facebook page (also US/Canada only). Stop by for a chance to win an awesome prize!
You can find Catherine at her website, Facebook and Twitter.
Favorite awards show:
The Golden Globes
TV show you'd love to see a musical episode of:
It's already been done. Buffy, the musical episode. You can't top perfection
If Emma from Forgotten were to play a part on any TV series (now or from the past), which would it be and what kind of character would she play?
Alicia Florrick from The Good Wife
Since Emma is a lawyer, what is your favorite crime/law TV series:
Currently, The Good Wife
TV show you didn't watch as a kid (because you were too young to appreciate it) but would have watched if it were still around now:
Mmm, tough one. Honestly, nothing comes to mind. Suggestions?
Since Emma appears on a talk show, what is your favorite talk show?
The Daily Show
Which TV character can you relate to the most?
Lorelei Gilmore
Favorite TV show of all time:
The Wire and The Gilmore Girls. (Sorry, can't pick just one!)
Thanks to Catherine for chatting with us and to HarperCollins for sharing Forgotten with our readers.

Please comment below with your e-mail address. (Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page or blog if you can receive messages there.)
Bonus entries (can be listed all in one post):
1. Please tell us: Which TV show would you like to see do a musical episode?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
5. Follow us on Twitter and/or Pinterest.
6. Add a friend to our Facebook group. (Tell us who you added.) Be sure to remind them to edit their settings.
US/Canada only. Giveaway ends October 28th at midnight EST.
You can also enter to win Forgotten from Chick Lit is Not Dead and Booking with Manic. (Also US/Canada and ending 10/28.)
A Walking Dead musical, perhaps? Not sure if it's been done but the cast of 30 Rock would do a killer musical episode!
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marthalynn16 at gmail
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I love that show so much and they sometimes do plays which are hilarious. I can only imagine how funny a complete musical episode would be. Also, I'm a little (or a lot) in love with Charlie Day :)
GFC follower Tiffany Drew
Facebook member Tiffany Drew
Twitter follower @enterthedrew
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Hmmm...I want the nightly news in song. Maybe then a horrible economy and unrest in the world will sound a little less frightening.
Already a blog follower and joined chick lit central.
Might be a repeat...
I don't love musical episodes, but perhaps Modern Family.
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I watch a lot of crime dramas; my latest favorite is 'Perception', which I picture as an opera if they'd do a musical episode!
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jcsites2002 at hotmail dot com
Sharn3960 AT comcast DOT net
1. Please tell us: Which TV show would you like to see do a musical episode?
2. I follow the bolg.
3. I'm going to tweet it (@sharn3960)
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5. I follow on twitter (@sharn3960)and Pinterest
I'll be honest, I watch a lot of bad reality tv, and I think a musical episode of Teen Mom or the Real Housewives could be too much to handle! So, I'll go for the only drama I watch and say Hart of Dixie!
follow on twitter (at)ninasacc
I would love to see a musical episode of Anger Management.
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After Grey's musical episode...I gotta so, no more.
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I'm not sure what show I would like to see do a musical episode...maybe Gilmore Girls (which is, sadly, no longer on the air)
I follow the blog, I am a Facebook member, I follow you on Twitter!
Congrats on the book! CSI: Las Vegas should do a musical episode.
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I would like another musical episode of How I Met your Mother because I liked the one about Suits.
I would like another musical episode of How I Met your Mother because I liked the one about Suits.
Hmmm... I was going to say a musical episode of HIMYM, but they've already done one?! I need to pay more attention, apparently!
I'm a follower through GFC, Twitter and FB.
missamberljohnson at gmail dot com
1. Gossip Girl!
2. I follow this blog through GFC.
3. I tweeted this. https://twitter.com/xxpaperhearts/status/260849516243218432
4. I'm a member of Chick Lit Central on facebook.
5. I follow on twitter and pinterest. twitter= xxpaperhearts
-Jessica M
Of course, How I Met Your Mother. They've done musical numbers before, but not the whole thing. :)
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thanks for the chance to read this novel
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kmkuka at yahoo dot com
Wow there are other programs on besides children's show! I forgot what that was like:) This book sounds great, I tweeted and posted this blog on fb! Enjoy your evening!
I follow by email: allysonbrann06@yahoo.com
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A Once Upon a Time musical would be nice!
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How I Met Your Mother
Sendsusanmail AT gmail DOTCOM
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I tweeted this contest @susieqlaw
Hmmm.... I actually don't watch a lot of tv but my daughter loves Wizards of Waverly Place so I guess I'll pick that one.
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Castle- it would be fabulous.
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I linked to my blog for contact. :)
I like to watch dramas and I really can't imagine something like Law & Order SVU breaking out in song. Or Criminal Minds. And that episode of Grey's was too over the top. So, if there was one and I knew it, I probably wouldn't watch it.
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lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Wow, I am not sure I think Frazier would be pretty funny as a musical.
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Thanks for a great giveaway....I heard this is a great book.
Seasidebooknook at yahoo
Revenge could do a great musical episode!
I follow every which way: email. facebook, twitter, GFC.
wordywon at gmail dot com
I don't watch a whole lot of TV but I would love to see how they would make an episode of The Closer musical. Thanks for the awesome giveaway - I love Catherine's books!
I am a GFC follower and a fan on Facebook.
How about a musical episode of Burn Notice? USA channel always has unique characters..adding musical to this??
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Cyndee Thomas
A musical episode of Parks and Recreation or Community would be hilarious!
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A musical of Desperate Housewives would be fun!
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I think "Say yes to the dress" the musical would be funny.
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Sex in the city, is my pick
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kyfaithw at aol dot com
I would love to see a musical episode of THE OFFICE....
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