Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Book Review: Addicted After All

By Sara Steven

Two addicts. One epic love story.

Prepare for the worst.

That’s what Lily and Lo try to do when Jonathan Hale schedules an “important” meeting. The problem: after being swept into the public eye and battling their addictions, they’re not sure what the worst is anymore.

In a sea of many changes—including Ryke & Daisy living with them—Lily realizes that the best part of her fluctuating hormones might just be the worst.

Her sex drive is out of control.

Loren knows that she’s insatiable, but he’s not giving up on her. She’s too much a part of him. And as he carries more and more responsibility, some of the people that he loves doubt his resolve.

In the conclusion to their love story, Lily & Lo stand side-by-side to fight, one last time, for their happily ever after. (Synopsis courtesy of Goodreads)

A word that had often come to mind for me while reading Addicted After All had been the word, hunted. The three primary couples within this story have to struggle with society, hunted down by those who don’t know them and only understand the lies and judgements that have been placed onto them. Lily and Lo are giving their perspectives on all of it, while also providing snapshots into the lives of Ryke, Daisy, Connor and Rose and how they handle the societal pressures, too. When they are all attacked, and within their own home no less, I felt just as angry and frustrated. And when Lily becomes the butt of verbal assault, I could see why the others come to her rescue, physical harm or ramifications be damned. 

Addictions have always been at the forefront for Lily and Lo; addictions that have threatened to tear this couple apart, yet despite them, they have thrived. Slowly, through the other books within this series and even within this particular book, the reader can see that every single character is flawed with their own afflictions. And still, they survive. They lean on one another for support. They fight to rise above the hunt. And the way they do it and the way they handle conflict isn’t perfect by any means, but that’s why it makes us feel even closer to all of them. It makes them feel like real characters.

I’ve thought long and hard about who I’d consider to be my favorite character, and while I understand we’re getting only two perspectives here, Connor is a real standout for me. Maybe it’s because he’s so cool under pressure, or maybe it’s because he’s so blunt and tells it like it is, regardless of the outcome. I think it has more to do with his guarded heart and tough exterior, which is all a ruse, particularly where Rose is concerned. In moments of tension, he deescalates. And there are plenty of tense moments sprinkled throughout. 

Lily and Lo alone are interesting characters, but throw in the other four? They all complement one another beautifully. I appreciated the character development and growth, which is very apparent, particularly in scenes with the most contention–Jonathan Hale, anyone? It helps to shape every single one of them, changing them from the hunted into hunters, ready to pounce into the fray. It was another great addition to this series!

Thanks to Berkley for the book in exchange for an honest review.

More from the Addicted series:

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