Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Amy E. Reichert is the frosting on the literary cake...plus a book giveaway

Photo by Kelly Johnsen
We're pleased to have Amy E. Reichert here to talk about some of the good things in life, as part of our "Chick Lit Soup for the Soul" month. We're also celebrating her pub day today. Thanks to Gallery Books, we have TWO copies of her debut novel, The Coincidence of Coconut Cake, for some lucky US readers. 

Amy Reichert earned her MA in Literature from Marquette University, and honed her writing and editing skills as a technical writer (which is exactly as exciting as it sounds). As a newly minted member of the local library board, she loves helping readers find new books to love. She’s a life-long Wisconsin resident with (allegedly) a very noticeable accent, a patient husband, and two too-smart-for-their-own-good kids. When time allows, she loves to read, collect more cookbooks than she could possibly use, and test the limits of her DVR. (Bio courtesy of Amy's website.) 

Visit Amy on Facebook and Twitter.

Something good that happened to you recently.
It’s been an abundance of riches for me, lately. With THE COINCIDENCE OF COCONUT CAKE finally coming out, everything is shiny and bright! It’s kind of hard to top that. If I were to name something specific, visiting the printing plant to see my book be printed rates very high. Everyone was so generous with their time. I’ll never forget seeing an entire palette of my books.

Something good that happened to someone you know recently.
A friend recently visited India, where she and her family had lived for a short time six years ago. People they knew during their first stay recognized them and even with the language barrier, were able to express their delight at the reunion. (You can read more here.) I love stories that remind me that kind people are everywhere.

Something good you witnessed.
I’m currently helping out at Girl Scout camp for my daughter’s troop. Our group is a mish-mash of five different troops—some of the girls came to camp all alone. I’m delighted that they have mixed up and made sure no girls are left out without any adult prompting. It’s so rewarding to see these girls become compassionate and caring young women.

Something good you heard on the news.
This is a bit silly, but I read a story that Channing Tatum helped 92 year-old Stan Lee off a Comic-Con stage. It’s a small thing, but reveals so much about the kind of person Channing Tatum is. I just love it.

Something good someone did for you.
My sister, Pam Lehman, is like my angel. I’m the worst sister. I never call (unless I need to ask for something), and she’s still waiting for her signed copy of my book, but she is always there for me. Always. Most recently, she volunteered to take a day off of work to help with my book launch party. Seriously, she’s an angel!

Something good you did for someone else.
My mom is moving out of her house after 40 plus years. So my sister (the above mentioned angel) and I are helping her pack things up, put her house on the market, and find a new place to live. It doesn’t really feel like I’m doing anything special, because she’s my mom and I’d do anything for her, but I know there are a lot of people who don’t have that type of support.

Thanks to Amy for warming our hearts and to Gallery for sharing her book with our readers.

How to win: Use Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. If you have trouble using Rafflecopter on our blog, enter the giveaway here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

US only. Giveaway ends July 27th at midnight EST.


Janine said...

The only thing I can think of good that happened to someone I know is my mom got a heck of a deal on a brisket the other day. It was marked wrong and she only paid $3 (normally it would have been over $30). She got so excited about it and invited us over for dinner last Sunday to enjoy it with her. She lives on a fixed income and has to budget everything, so this deal was a nice surprise for her and she could eat something good. And it was also her and my step-dad's anniversary (the first one she is celebrating without him). Maybe this was a gift from him.

Kristi said...

My daughter recently moved for a new job to a state where she knew no one. Since she has been there she has found many kind and fun people to be friends with. I'm so happy for her!

Suburban prep said...

My sister is celebrating 14 yrs from a bone marrow transplant. She was diagnosed with stage 4 Non-Hodgkin's and recently celebrated a milestone birthday with her husband and their 12 yr old daughter.

Suzanne said...

It's so easy to think of all the bad things going on right now - that I love this question. Something good? My kids are away at summer camp, and we finally got a picture of them together - the good - it looks like they are getting along!!

Unknown said...

My daughter and her family (6 children) recently moved to Indiana and the house they were to rent fell through. Church members took members of the family in but they were unable to all be together. Last weekend they found a better house and moved in and are back to (chaotic) normal.

Jessica said...

My friend won a gift certificate

A Soccer Mom's Book Blog said...

Something good.... my daughter got accepted to her first choice for college and is excited to be leaving the house.

Suzy said...

My brother's friend Michelle recently won a nice chunk of money in the California lottery. Sweet, right?

Holly said...

A friend of mine just got some good news after a biopsy.

Unknown said...

My son's wife had a baby in May. He's so beautiful.

Linda Kish said...

My son got a full-time position after three years on the job. So, now his benefits will also improve.

traveler said...

My sister moved to a great locale. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

Liz Parker said...

So ... I already read/reviewed this on my blog but I had an e-copy, I'd love a finished copy! It was such a cute book. :)

Something good that has happened to a friend - today I met up with 2 high school friends for lunch. One of them just finished her MBA and is headed to Europe for a month before beginning work! That sounded pretty good to me :).

Rita Wray said...

My friend won a trip to Hawaii.

Susan Roberts said...

My sister was just able to move to another city so that she could be near her daughter who is having a baby next week.

Nova said...

my daughter was able to buy her plane ticket for her trip to Florida. it will be her first flight, first vacation & first time to Florida!!!

Maria Malaveci said...

My daughter (with the help of a bedwetting alarm) has been dry for over a week!

Bonnie K. said...

My husband's sister takes care of their mother who has dementia. David flies out to help for a couple of weeks when he can. Recently, his sister was able to attend an important convention in another state with the help of her sister and two of her brothers (including my husband). It means a lot to her knowing that there are people that can help when she needs a break.

bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com

S.Sabia said...

A family friend of mine recently visited Cuba and on his first day there he lost his drivers license. When he returned home 10 days later he opened his mail to discover that someone had found it and mailed it to his home address!
I love reading all these comments!

bn100 said...

a friend got married

Grandma Cootie said...

My niece became engaged to a wonderful man.

Hailsbells said...

My sister is home visiting for two weeks from Australia. I haven't seen her in almost two years and it feels good to have her home even for a short while.

Carol D said...

My friend from elementary school and I will be getting together tomorrow after 25 years!

Melissa Seng said...

My parents sold their house and are building a brand new one in another state.

Patricia said...

A friend just got into the medical residency program that she wanted.

Granny Loves to Read said...

My Aunt won $100,000 in the lottery 20 years ago!

cpr040304 said...

My brother's court case was dismissed :)

trichie said...

My friend just got a raise

TinaB said...

My friend from high school has lost 75 pounds in the past few months!

rubynreba said...

My granddaughter got 12 blue ribbons at our county fair.

Terri. said...

A friend got a new job