Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tracey Garvis Graves is taking it easy....plus a book giveaway

We're so glad to have Tracey Garvis Graves visiting with us again. She's celebrating Nostalgia Month by talking about her favorite singers and bands from the 70s. While most of us on the CLC team were too little to remember life in the 70s, the music is classic and we're sure even people born in the late 80s will have heard of the songs mentioned today. (Otherwise, watching Glee will help.)

Tracey Garvis Graves is a mother, blogger, wine drinker, and writer. She lives in a suburb of Des Moines, Iowa with her husband, two children, and hyper dog Chloe. Tracey is the author of the New York Times bestseller On the Island (reviewed here), its companion novella, Uncharted, and Covet. Her latest novel, Every Time I Think of You (also the title of a 70s song), will be released on September 16th. However, she has TWO copies for some lucky readers anywhere in the world!

You can find Tracey at her website, Facebook, and Twitter.

Here are my top 10 artists/bands from the 70s:

1. Carole King - My mom had the Tapestry album and I used to play it over and over again. My favorite song is "Where You Lead."

2. Carly Simon - To this day, "You're So Vain" is still one of my favorite songs.

3. Joni Mitchell - "Help Me" is my go-to summer song. I can't kick off the season without playing it several times.

4. Elton John - I'm instantly transported to the 70s whenever I hear an Elton John song. He's still one of my all-time favorite artists. I love too many of his songs to have one favorite.

5. REO Speedwagon - You Can Tune a Piano, but You Can't Tuna Fish is my favorite REO album. It contains two songs I'll never get tired of: "Roll with the Changes" and "Time for Me to Fly." I like to listen to them at ear-splitting decibel levels.

6. Fleetwood Mac - One word: Rumours.

7. Queen - My dad introduced me to the album A Night at the Opera (on eight track, no less). Singing along to those songs is one of my favorite childhood memories.

8. Kansas - the song "Dust in the Wind" is like musical Valium to me (in the best possible way). I also love "Point of Know Return" and "Carry On, Wayward Son."

9. Meat Loaf - This is another artist my dad introduced me to in the late 70s. I had no clue back then what that baseball metaphor in "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" was all about.

10. The Eagles - In On the Island, Anna sings along to "Take It Easy" while riding in T.J.'s SUV. However, my favorite Eagles song will always be "One of These Nights."

Thirty-year-old Daisy DiStefano has two people she holds dear: the grandmother who raised her, and her three-year-old son, Elliott. But when Daisy’s grandmother is killed in a seemingly random act of violence, Daisy must take steps to protect herself and her child.

Despite a thriving career in San Francisco, thirty-six-year-old Brooks McClain has returned home to spend what little time his mother has left before she succumbs to the deadly disease that is ravaging her. The seasoned investigative reporter has taken a position with the local newspaper and been on the job less than twenty-four hours when he’s summoned to cover the death of Pauline Thorpe.

Brooks is all business, but the more time he spends with Daisy DiStefano, the more invested he becomes; there’s something about a single mother, a defenseless child, and an unsolved crime that has stirred Brooks’s protective instincts like nothing ever has before.

And when the unthinkable happens, Brooks will do whatever it takes to clear the name of the woman he’s fallen for and the child he’ll protect at any cost.

Romantic and suspenseful, Every Time I Think of You shows how far two people will go to fight for the ones they love, and the life they’ve always imagined. (Synopsis courtesy of Amazon.)

Thanks to Tracey for taking us back and sharing her book with our readers!

How to win: Use Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Open worldwide. Giveaway ends September 15th at midnight EST. 

Confessions of a Bookaholic has another chance for you to win this book! (US/Canada.)


Janine said...

Fleetwood Mac. And, I still love them to this day.

Kerry Ann @Vinobaby's Voice said...

I still love all of those groups! My mom still won't let me live down shredding her Tapestry eight-track when I was a baby. Yes, I bought her a CD replacement years ago.

Unknown said...

I cleaned my house with all of the above blaring. Plus Frampton. And Heart. And my favorite will always be Fleetwood Mac.

Shelby N. said...

The 70's were before my time... :) But I'm a big fan of some Queen!

Deborah S. said...

Billy Joel. When I was a kid taking piano lessons, I always wanted to be able to play well enough to learn to play his music.

Sandie W said...

Boston and Stykx were two of my favorite groups, and yes I listened to them on eight tracks.

Unknown said...

There are so many, but I would have to say Cat Stevens. My cousin was a musician and would play a lot of Cat Stevens. Listening to Cat Stevens today brings me to my "happy" place.

Unknown said...

I had a thing for the Beach Boys there for awhile. :)

Jessica said...

I wasn't born yet in the 70's but I guess I would say 70's music.

Jessica said...

I wasn't born yet in the 70's but I guess I would say 70's music.

KC said...

I like a lot of '70s music- Queen, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Fleetwood Mac, Van Morrison

Jillyn said...

Black Sabbath, no question!

Unknown said...

My favorite band of the 70's by far is Eagles.

Mad_In_Wonderland said...

Hands down Black Sabbath!

pascale said...

your list was so much my list. So, the 70's... first band that pops into my mind is Fleetwood Mac, specifically the Rumours album. Next... Elton John: all of it.

And, someone I still love so much: Billy Joel

Bonnie K. said...

During the 70s, Neil Diamond was my favorite as well as Olivia Newton-John.

bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com

Carol Fragale Brill said...

Tracy, you nailed some of mine--Carol King, Carley, Elton, And I'd add The Boss, billy Joel, and The Who--tommy. I wore that one out listening on super high volume on Sundays in the basement while my family was at church.

Carol Fragale Brill said...

Oh, and I forgot Joan Baez--Diamonds and Rust

Mary Jo Burke said...

Anything by Bruce Springsteen

Linda Kish said...

Carole Kingg and the Tapestry album. Want to hear me sing it? That's my all-time favorite album and song.

Chelsea K said...

I think of flower power and peace signs. Lol

jodi marinich said...

i love all the 70's disco music

Laura Chapman said...

Joni Mitchell!

Lisamarie said...

As a little kid 10yrs old... Shaun Cassidy was my favorite. Now the ones on my Ipod are Elton John & Queen among a few others.

Carl Scott said...

So many great bands and singers in those days. I'll go with a couple of old folkies, James Taylor and Jackson Browne. Thanks

Melanie Backus said...

The 70's bring wonderful memories to me. Fun times in high school and graduation. The starting of college , marriage and a baby......all great events took place in the 70's!

mauback55 at gmail dot com

PoCoKat said...

Fleet wood Mac, Queen, Rush, Styx, Supertramp, Trooper

Meg Munson said...

The 70's always makes me think of KC and the Sunshine Band. Love their music and makes me want to her up and do the hustle! lol

Rita Wray said...

I would have to say Neil Diamond and Cat Stevens. I saw Cat Stevens in concert and he was fabulous. I still play his CD's all the time.

Anita Yancey said...

My favorite bands was The Eagles, and The Grass Roots.

Unknown said...

Well I wasn't born in the 70's but I will always love Led Zepplin. My dad introduced me. I'm so thankful he did. Thanks for this amazing giveaway. Tracey is my all time favorite author and I am so excited for her newest books.

susieqlaw said...

My Richard Simmons VHS tapes!

Anonymous said...

DISCO...and Saturday Night Fever!


Preet said...

I haven't got one. I was a child of the 90s. :/

bn100 said...

think of tie dye

LindaR said...

David Cassidy and Abba and the good old school disco!

Mary Preston said...

I can remember buying & wearing platform shoes. The shoes were so clunky & ugly. I thought so even then.

Melissa Seng said...

Creedence Clearwater Revival and The Eagles. Too close to pick just one. I'm a big music fan...I could list hundreds...

Milena said...

Growing up in former USSR we could not listed to western music as a lot of it was banned or unavailable. I did like to listen to Queen as he was known even there

GoGreen said...

First thing I think of when thinking of 70s is That 70s Show.

Laura P. Bryant said...

I was born in 1971 so I think of ME! but also, I think of The Monkeys, The Bee Gees and a lot of the great 1970s music.

Renee said...

The Bee Gees and ponchos!

Unknown said...

Elton John is one of my favorites from the 70s! I was born in 74, and my mom told me that she used to sing "Bennie and the Jets" to me all the time when I was little. :)

Marianne Sciucco said...

Led Zeppelin!

Mrs Mommy Booknerd said...
