Today we welcome back the fabulous Allison Winn Scotch and celebrate the release of her fourth novel (which is TODAY), "The Song Remains the Same" (reviewed here). Happy pub day, Allison!
Allison is the bestselling author of "The One that I Want," "Time of My Life" and "The Department of Lost and Found." Prior to delving into fiction, she was a frequent contributor to numerous magazines and websites including Cooking Light, Men's Health, Fitness, Glamour, and Redbook, and now focuses on celebrity profiles for a variety of magazines. She lives in New York with her family.
You can find Allison at her website, Facebook and Twitter pages. You can also check out her first interview at CLC right here!
Thanks to Penguin, we have THREE copies of "The Song Remains the Same" to give away to some lucky readers anywhere in US or Canada.
In one sentence, what was road to publishing like?
Much more out of my control, and much easier and much harder, than I'd ever have imagined.
Biggest addiction/vice?
Mindlessly surfing the web. I was just thinking last night that the way I surf the web is the way that some people snack: habitual, without thought, tuned-out. I'll stay up way too late reading some gossip site that I don't care about at all, simply because I don't have the willpower to look away. Don't get me wrong: it's all in good fun, but still...I need to get more sleep! So I'm trying to shut down five minutes earlier each night. I mean, really, I'm not missing out on anything if I skip a page or two!
I think authors are the best people to ask this question - What have you read and loved lately? Any newbie authors or books you would recommend?
Yes – I'm just finishing up Nichole Bernier's "The Unfinished Work of Elizabeth D," which is her debut that is out in June, and I've totally, totally loved it. One of the only books in a long time that had me racing to bed (and away from that iPad) to get to the next chapter. I also really enjoyed Joshilyn Jackson's "A Grown-Up Kind of Pretty," and Sere Prince Halverson's "The Underside of Joy." These days, I find myself gravitating toward books that deal with weightier subjects but are still "easy" reads. I have two kids, I'm exhausted by bedtime...I don't want to have to re-read a sentence three times to get it. Give me a great plot, wonderful stories and lyrical writing, and I'm sold. I'm also really looking forward to Jill Smolinski's "Objects of My Affection." I loved her book, "The Next Thing On My List." (She'd be a great interview for you guys too!)
If "The Song Remains the Same" was made into a movie, who would you cast in the lead roles?
Oh my gosh, would you believe me if I told you I sincerely couldn't give you any names? Trust me, I've thought about this! Amy Adams or Emily Blunt might be a good choice for Nell...you need someone pretty but approachable. And then her younger sister, Rory, is drop-dead good-looking, so I don't know who that is. I picture someone with red hair, lanky and sexy…and I just don't know! The one character I have cast in my mind is Anderson, the hot B-lister who also survives the crash: I'd give it to Garrett Hedlund or Taylor Kitsch. (And then I'd require many on-set visits.)
What five authors or people, past or present, have been important to your writing? What question or comment have you always wanted to say to them?
1) Laura Dave, who is a fantastic author in her own right, and my critique partner, so is also an invaluable part of my process and writing.
2) My high school english teacher, Tom Doelger, who was one of the first people to really actively encourage me to be a writer.
3) My mother, who was an English teacher, and insisted that my brother and I become voracious readers.
4) Judy Blume, who helped foster my love of reading as a child.
5) Stephen King, who might seem out of place on my list, but he's there for good reason: I was OBSESSED with him from about age 12-19. He was once of the first authors who taught me about "voice." I'd read his books and my own thoughts would start to mimic the tone and voice of his characters. It was a good lesson in how voice is really everything: your characters have to nearly-literally speak to your readers and get so embedded in their heads that they think about these characters, even when they've stepped away from a book.
Chocolate or vanilla?
Chocolate. ALWAYS chocolate.
What’s the most interesting comment you’ve received about your books?
I get a lot of emails from readers who share how the books have affected them, and these emails are always my favorite part of the publishing process. When "The One That I Want" came out, I got an email from a reader who told me that she'd left college three decades earlier but that the book had inspired her to go back and complete her degree at the age of 56. I was so moved. I mean, that is a tangible impact that you've had on someone's life. I just…it was humbling. And made me truly grateful.
Favorite chick flick:
Toughie – a toss-up between Notting Hill and Never Been Kissed. With 27 Dresses coming in third. (I'd say Love, Actually, but I don't think that's a chick flick.)
Do you have a favorite travel destination?
Can you share some advice to future writers?
Read. A lot. You'll see how you can raise the bar of your own work by learning from others. Also, take your ego out of the equation and never stop trying to get better. I've written four books, and honestly, I'm still learning. I think it's really easy to say, "Oh, well, I'm good at this now," or "This manuscript doesn't need further revisions," but when you fall into that sort of mentality, I think you also fall short. Constructive criticism is so important if you're going to get better and/or get published. Embrace those critiques and learn from them.
Special thanks to Allison for visiting with us today and to Penguin for sharing "The Song Remains the Same" with our readers.

Please comment below with your e-mail address. (Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page or blog if you can receive messages there.)
Bonus entries (can be listed all in one post):
1. "The Song Remains the Same" is centered around music and features Nell's playlist. What is a must-have song on YOUR playlist?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
5. Add a friend to our Facebook group. (Tell us who you added.) Be sure to remind them to edit their settings.
US/Canada only. Giveaway ends April 17th at midnight EST.
I love when authors give book recommendations! They always have such great taste.
I don't want to sound like a hipster, but Gotye has been a must-have on my playlist for a long time. I love finding new artists, though, so my playlist is constantly evolving.
I'm a follower :)
marthalynn16 at gmail
I am making my wedding playlist and Christina Aguilera What a Girl Wants is on the must play list!
i am a fan on facebook
i follow via gfc
Thanks for the opportunity to win this book! lindsayDOTcastnerATgmailDOTcom
1. Must have on my playlist: "We are Young" by FUN
2. I am a follower
The Black Keys "Tighten Up," is a must-have for me.
gfc follower
I've really enjoyed all of Allison Winn Scotch's previous books, especially "The Department of Lost and Found" which I have gifted to friends. Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm a follower and fb fan,
I love AWS, so excited baout this book.
I tweeted the blog.
I follow the blog.
I foollow on FB.
Right now my playlist always has, "Puple Sky" by Kid Rock and "Stonger" by Kelly Clarkson.
Hard to pick one must have song but I know that I need all songs by Katy Perry (for happy days), some by The Afters and some by Third Day. I even like Tenth Avenue North although they're supposed to be mainly Christian music (which I'm not) but I still love their songs, they're beautiful!
Tweeted : https://twitter.com/anjanavasan/status/190509143084380160
Already a GFC follower : Anjana
Facebook Fan already : Anjana
My email (which is in my profile but I don't know if that is enough) ace 1028 [at] gmail ....
And my must have song is pretty much anything from GLEE. But mostly must have Born this Way by Lady GaGa. Or the Glee remake of it. ;)
facebook fan: Jennifer Downing
GFC follower: Jennifer Downing
Shared on Facebook
email: jmndowning@gmail.com
And a must have song on my playlist is Macy Gray's I Try and Lisa Loeb's Stay
bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com
Tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/grobiemum/status/190529417158737920
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subscribed by email: bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com
Playlist: I don't have a playlist but I listen to music on public radio
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
My must have song is Gold Dust Woman by Fleetwood Mac!
I follow this blog
I have shared this contest on Facebook and I already belong to your group on Facebook
Thanks for this contest!!
What a great contest. Love Allison!
*"Moon River" (Audrey's version, of course)is always on my playlist.
*I'm already a follower of this blog and I joined on Facebook.
My email addy is carmenslaughter[AT]hotmail[DOT]com
O1. swtiine(at)gmail(dot)com
O2. A must have song is definitely Stutter by Maroon 5 :)
O3. I'm already a follower!
I love all her books and would love to win this!
On my playlist right now is We Are Young... love that song.
Thanks for the giveaway!
erinaaron616 at bex dot net
1. "The Song Remains the Same" is centered around music and features Nell's playlist. What is a must-have song on YOUR playlist?
instrumentals. (orchestral-new age, classical...and movie scores)
Partly because I listen to music while reading/studying, so I can't have vocals distracting me. I also play the piano and viola so I have a biase towards piano and strings.
AND...Roberto Caccialapiga is the most EPIC composer/pianist ever. (at least that's still alive) He proves that piano music does not have to be all boring and sleep inducing.
2. I'm a follower!
3. Tweeted: https://twitter.com/lilboxism/status/190559630441721857
4. Joined Chick Lit Central on Facebook.
Meaningful songs can be so inspiring, even if to just get lost in.
Some song on my life playlist include:
Fast Car by Tracy Chapman
Head Over Feet by Alanis Morissette
Because You Loved Me - Celine Dion
Faith Hill - Breathe
Thank you for a great giveaway. The premise really appeals to me.
GFC follower
playlist... 'to sir w/ love'
i'm a follower.
thanks for the chance to read this novel.
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
I love all of her books! The Department of Lost and Found really spoke to me, since I am a young breast cancer survivor.
A must-have song on my playlist is Set Fire to the Rain by Adele, and really, just anything by Adele.
I am a follower.
I love the song Misty Blue. It's an oldie but a goodie. I love to sing it!
-blog follower
-member of CLC on FB
All the Way to Reno
I am a follower!
wordywon AT gmail DOT com
I am a GFC follower
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
On my play list is a lot of Whitney Houston. I hope to win!
Okay, I love the Glee versions of Defying Gravity and Poker Face. Originals too, of course, but I listen to the Glee ones in my mini-van all the time!
Great to have all these new book recommendations, and I'd like to add one that seems to fit the description of weightier subjects but easy-to-read and lyrical writing: To Be Sung Underwater by Tom McNeal.
I follow CLC on Twitter (I'm @nottobrag), and I'd love to win! mep AT nottobrag DOT net
It looks like a great book!
On my playlist would be Forever Young by Rod Stewart.
I follow on GFC
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/MaureenCE/status/190854504290332672
mce1011 AT aol DOT com
Sounds interesting. I'd have to go with "Paradigm" by ATS. Count me in please!
-Britt T.
I'm so excited that Allison's new book is finally coming out! I read The One That I Want when it was first released and love it. I've been anxiously awaiting her new book :)
Must have song? Black by Pearl Jam. Love it!!! It's my absolute favorite.
GFC Tiffany Drew
Facebook Member Tiffany Drew
Shared on FB:https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=362861573754938&id=1212566230
Faith Hill Breath
Follow on fb and gfc
kyfaithw at aol dot com
A must-have song for any of my playlists is 'Fake Empire' by The National! At the end when the horns come in, I LOSE IT! It's so great.
I follow via GFC - Kristilyn.
Thanks for the giveaway!
1. "The Song Remains the Same" is centered around music and features Nell's playlist. What is a must-have song on YOUR playlist?
We Are Young - Fun.
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
Already a follower.
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
Facebook - Sabrina-Kate Eryou
Twitter - stereoqueenbee
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
Already a member.
queenofcrunk at gmail dot com
I'd love to win a copy!
Playlist must have "the one you say goodnight to" by Kina Grannis.
Tishahavens then hotmail period com
Emily Lewis
On my must playlist THE CURE letters to Elise
I'd love to win!
Jpetroroy at gmail dot com
1. Wide Open Spaces by Dixie Chicks
2. Follower through GFC (Jen)
A must on my playlist is The Way I am by Ingrid Michaelson (I now sing that to my son and revise the lyrics a little)
I am a follower and will post in fb.
I Cross My Heart by George Strait.
GFC Follower
Facebook fan
RT on Twitter
My playlist usually includes a variety of must-haves.....David Bowie (just about any song) Chopin, Bach, Jobim, Adele, etc. Too many to list
bkatplay at gmail dot com
Katy Perry's Firework
I follow the blog.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Would love to win!
I love Tom Petty and Jack Johnson and they have to be on my playlist!
capatenaude (AT)yahoo (DOT) com
1. Must-have song on my playlist is Summer Breeze by Seals & Crofts. Played it a lot when my husband and I were dating.
2. I am a GFC follower.
3. Joined Chick Lit Central on Facebook.
Would LOVE to win this book! Thanks for the chance!!
Besides Southern Lit, there is nothing better than a relaxing chick lit book. Please enter me to win!
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