**Giveaway is now closed**
Jenny Gardiner is the author of the award-winning novel "Sleeping with Ward Cleaver," "Winging It: A Memoir of Caring for a Vengeful Parrot Who's Determined to Kill Me," "Slim to None," "Over the Falls" (available now on Kindle) and a contributor to the upcoming humorous dog-lovers anthology, "I’m Not the Biggest Bitch in This Relationship"(NAL/fall 2011). Her work has been found in "Ladies Home Journal," "The Washington Post" and on NPR’s "Day to Day." She likes to say she honed her fiction writing skills while working as a publicist for a US Senator. Other jobs have included: an orthodontic assistant (learning quite readily that she was not cut out for a career in polyester), a waitress (probably her highest-paying job), a TV reporter, a pre-obituary writer, and a photographer (claim to fame: being hired to shoot Prince Charles--with a camera, silly!). She lives in Virginia with her husband, three kids, two dogs, one cat, one rabbit, and a gregarious parrot. In her free time she studies Italian, dreams of traveling to exotic locales, and feels very guilty for rarely attempting to clean the house. Visit her at her website, her blog, on Facebook or on Twitter.
Jenny stopped by Chick Lit Central to share her "thankful" list, as well as one copy each of "Sleeping with Ward Cleaver" and "Slim to None" with some lucky readers in the US.

Jenny Gardiner:
I have to say I am thankful right off the bat for the many things for which I have to be thankful! When the Melissas asked me to compile a list I had so many things to choose from.
*First and foremost I am grateful for my children and my husband, who are the most important thing to me.
*I'm so grateful for the many opportunities I've had as an author--just having books published is such a privilege, and then the wonderful response from readers, the opportunities to reach out and connect with them--all icing on the cake.
*I'm grateful to have the benefit of gaining wisdom with age. Sometimes we can't quite appreciate our lives until we've lived them for a while.
*I'm so thankful for other family members and dear friends and other friends I've made along the way--all of whom have helped to mold me into the person I am now and provided me with life experiences that make me me.
*I also have one very huge thing to be thankful for: On Sunday afternoon I was driving over the bridge on an interstate when a tractor-trailer to my right was driving far too fast to slow down for the car in front of him. I passed the car and two seconds later the truck hit him, jackknifed to the left, rolled across the highway, slamming into the railing of the bridge and instantly bursting into an enormous fireball. It was the most terrifying thing imaginable, watching this wall of fire two stories high. I couldn't imagine as I called 9-1-1 that anyone survived the accident, and was thrilled to learn later that despite the fire taking 2-1/2 hours to be extinguished from the highway and the highway being closed down for 9 hours, not only did no one die, but the three men involved in the accident had only minor injuries. All of the emergency people on the scene were absolutely shocked that no one died, as was I.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to share my books with your readers!
Special thanks to Jenny for sharing her "thankful" list, as well as two of her books!

How to win "Sleeping with Ward Cleaver" or "Slim to None":
Please comment below with your e-mail address.
(Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page if you can receive messages there.)
1. Please tell us: What was your first job?
2. Please tell us: What is one piece of wisdom you have learned over time that you would like to impart upon others?
3. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
4. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
5. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
US only. Giveaway ends Sunday, November 14th, at midnight EST.
Thanks Melissa(s) for hosting me! I love Thanksgiving--such an uplifting time of year.
I have all of Jenny's books and always look forward to the next. I'm thankful for great author friends like Jenny and great blogs like this one!
Happy Thanksgiving month!
Jenny is an amazing writer and person to boot!! I love all her books and can't wait to read the next one. I'm thankful for all the support and encouragement all my writer friends have given me. I wouldn't be where I am today in this crazy writing world without them. AND Jenny is one of those.
1. My first job was an Office Clerk in Montgomery, Alabama, for the company that distributed Southern Living cookbooks.
2. Attitude can make all the difference in the world!!
3. I am a member on Facebook and a follower on Twitter!
4. My email address is yellowrose75760@yahoo.com.
Thanks!! :)
Thank you for the great thankful list:)
My first job was babysitting the little girls next door:)
Treat others as you want to be treated!!
I am a loyal follower!
I am a facebook friend!
I tweeted @happymama82
1. My first job in high school was as a maid at the Holiday Inn..I lasted @ 2 weeks!
2.Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it!
3.I'm a FB follower
My first job other than babysitting was working in the library putting away books. Wisdom that I often forget, take care of yourself! I am a GFC follower.
teresasreadingcorner at gmail dot com
hey y'all! thanks for stopping by! Great to see some of my writer friends here ;-)
MY first job (and it lasted far too long) was working for my father who was an orthodontist--I started doing it when I was in I think 7th grade. What a pipsqueak I was--everyone did a double take with the kid who looked about 10 wearing that ugly polyester uniform as if I was a grown-up...
1. Please tell us: What was your first job?
My very first job was serving food in the school cafeteria when I was in sixth grade in a small town in south central Texas. My fourth grade sister and I were able to eat the cafeteria food by giving up part of our class time to serve lunches. There was no such thing as a "Free Lunch".
2. Please tell us: What is one piece of wisdom you have learned over time that you would like to impart upon others?
Work hard, endure, and do what is right because it is the right thing to do.
3. Follow this blog.
I am following this blog because as a retired teacher I want to dedicate some of my time to my love of reading.
Thank you for the opportunity to answer these questions.
Karen J Massey
1. My first job was working part time at a video store that was owned by friends of the family!
2. Wisdom - Don't worry about what others are doing - it takes time away from you doing what you need to do!
3. I am a follower!
My first job was babysitting for friends of the family.
Be definite now, worry about precision later"
I follow the blog.
What was your first job? - My very first paying job was for an ad newspaper, I transfered the ads people filled in into the program for appearance in the paper.
What is one piece of wisdom you have learned over time that you would like to impart upon others? - Sometimes you just have to leap and the net will appear!
Already following your blog :)
Already a member of Chick Lit Central on Facebook.
Thanks so much for this chance!
My e-mail is:
estrella [dot] azul20 [at] gmail [dot] com
helllooo! Mentioned your comp on Facebook. Following this blog.
A: first job ... a little British corner shop with a fearful boss.
B: Trust your gut instincts.
Lesley Bonney
web: www.lesleybonney.co.uk
Blog: www.lesleypbonney.blogspot.com
My first job was a Dental Assistant also. I was a Dental Assistant for 23 years, (not with the same dentist)
Jenny, I haven't read any of your books yet, but after hearing your first job was an ortho asst.
I know you have to be pretty cool. ha ha I can't wait to read your books!
Laurie Smith
Jenny, sorry, I am new to this blogging thing and the last comment said it was from Glenn but it was actually from me. Sigh, my son is Glenn and I accidently used his account. Boy is my face red!
Laurie Smith
Laurie that made me laugh. Definitely you'll enjoy my books ;-)
My first job was at a grocery store.
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I am a follower!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I shared on facebook!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I am a member of Chick Lit Central!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
my first job was working at the library :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
'treat others as you would like to be treated'
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
1. Please tell us: What was your first job?
My first job was selling rubber stamps at Pier 39 in San Francisco, I told a friend that worked at a stamp store and she asked, "Do you lick the stamps?"...
2. Please tell us: What is one piece of wisdom you have learned over time that you would like to impart upon others?
Only 5 words and they are, Eat Less And Exercise More
3. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
I am a follower
4. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
Will post it in facebook and twitter
5. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
I'm a member
I love Sleeping With Ward Cleaver!!! I am hoping to win Slim to None =)
Oh I'm so glad you loved Sleeping with Ward Cleaver ;-)
(and I like that eat less exercise more advice...so true)
When I was a teen my friends and I were enthralled with The Babysitter's Club series. We started our own version of the club. It was fun, challenging, and successful.
One piece of wisdom: This too shall pass. All your troubles are temporary, no matter how big and unsurmountable they may seem. With some time and perspective you will look back on them with the joy of having survived.
I'm a follower.
I'm a member of Chick Lit Central on Facebook.
I tweeted.
1. My first job was a clerk-typist.
2. "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle." Plato
I am a follower.
facebook follower and shared!
follow on twitter and tweeted!
This truly sounds like a great and positively uplifting read!
1.My first job at Indiana Bell in Directory Assistance. I like the graveyard shift and Thanksgiving because it was so quiet that you could read. Didn't like the graveyard shift because my toddler couldn't understand why I didn't want to get up and play after work!!!!
2. Treat your enemies with kindness. It works like magic!
3. I am an old GLC follower of your blog.
4. I tweeted: My Twitter name is
http://chicklitcentraltheblog.blogspot.com/2010/11/jenny-gardiner-is-thankfuland-she-has.html See this link for book giveaway.
less than 5 seconds ago via web
5. I joined Chick Lit Central on FB.
Hey Jenny, I really love Sleeping wih Ward Cleaver and have told friends to read it too. I laughed on several parts well, I still remember in the beginning where there was that thing inside Matthew's nose...Okay, sorry if I'm giving away the story it truly is a fun, well written book. =)
Thanks for the chance to win!!
1. My first job was at a child care center. I watched over the school aged kids, and it was awesome!
2. Advice - don't sweat the small stuff!!
3. I just became your 200th follower!!
hi Pia! thanks for the kind words--so glad you enjoyed SWWC! And thanks everyone else for stopping by! You know this is now an exclusive since SWWC is no longer for sale (well, except used, which does me no good LOL)--since the publisher is on the brink of financial disaster and is no longer printing books...
Laurie--definitely kindred spirits w/ the dental background and all ;-)
I'm glad I was able to download SWWC on my Kindle, gosh, that's one more thing to be thankful for :)
Barnes and Noble still seem to have it. Not sure though but I checked online.
that's funny b/c Dorchester is not supposed to be selling it still...I actually have to upload it myself but haven't had a chance--must put on my to-do list!
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