Wednesday, December 28, 2022

2022 Top Picks

There were so many great books published in 2022 that it was very hard to choose between the ones we read. Here are some of the books that topped our lists. (We limited ourselves to five each.) However, any book we gave glowing reviews and five stars to this year is definitely recommended for your TBR! 

Links are to reviews. 


The Matchmaker's Gift by Lynda Cohen Loigman

Sophie Go's Lonely Hearts Club by Roselle Lim

The Personal Assistant by Kimberly Belle

Twice in a Lifetime by Melissa Baron

Mr. Perfect on Paper by Jean Meltzer

I read over 100 books this year, most being contenders for these top five spots. I am featuring some other top picks for the year at my personal blog (those picks include YA reads and books published in other years).


The Helsingor Sewing Club by Ella Gyland

Bad Penny by Michele Gorman

The House Sitter by Ellery Kane

The Two Lives of Sara by Catherine Adel West

Driven by Kerena Swan


The Love of My Life, Rosie Walsh – “Not all lying spouses are hiding murder or mafia ties in their past. Sometimes the secrets are about sadness, loss, and love.”

Home or Away, Kathleen West -- “These hockey parents hold up a mirror to modern parenting, which treats the successes and failures of children as life or death. Childhood is over way too quickly, and these sports obsessions make it even shorter.”

Take My Hand, Dolen Perkins-Valdez – “Take My Hand is an important work, the type of novel that could be taught in high school English classes. Because of that, in the south, it will probably be banned.”  

The German Wife, Kelly Rimmer – “Rimmer’s work does what great fiction always does: Makes us question our world and our actions in it.”

The Displacements, Bruce Holsinger – “The scariest things aren’t events that can’t happen. They’re the events that can.”

What were your top picks for 2022?

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