Friday, February 14, 2020

Excerpt: The Single Best Thing

**May contain spoilers for the Singles series**

Almost four years have passed since Melv followed Eve back to England refusing to throw away their long awaited chance of lasting love and happiness. Much has happened in that time. No longer a tour manager for Travel Together, Eve is enjoying unexpected success in her new career. Has she forgiven him for hurting her so deeply? Was her love for him simply enough? And what about her own dark secret?

Provoking smiles and tears, this glimpse into Eve’s future brings the Singles’ Series to its final conclusion


The Single Best Thing is set four years into the future from the end of Singles, Set and Match (the fifth book in the Singles’ Series). Here is the opening to it...

June 2023

‘Keep back behind the cordon, please.’

The burly security guard waved his arm and flashed a toothpaste ad movie-star smile that took the sting out of his authoritative tone. Feet shuffled as everyone complied with his request, smiling at each other, some starting up conversations with those standing next to them, others standing quietly, smiling to themselves in silent, eager anticipation.

‘It’s her!’

A loud, excited murmur rippled down the long line as those towards the back looked behind them and saw their idol approaching flanked by another security guard whose biceps were the size of a prize-pig’s thighs.

‘Here she is!’

‘She’s coming!’

‘She’s shorter than I thought.’

‘She looks great.’

‘Love her dress.’

‘She don’t look Greek.’

The object of their attention and appreciation smiled shyly and nodded to them all as she walked to the front of the queue and took her seat on the ready-made stage in the centre of the busy shopping mall.

‘Morning! Good morning!’

In her navy blue trouser-suit and pale pink shirt, hair and makeup immaculate, Eve may have looked confident and sure of herself as she greeted them but her stomach was churning. She chided herself for her nerves, after all these people were here to see her because they were her fans.

My fans!

She smiled inwardly at the thought that she had fans. And so many. She glanced across at them again. Security guards were changing the cordons so the queue now zig-zagged back and forth in an attempt to take up less space. Eve thought there must be several hundred people there. And they had all come to meet her! Her tummy gave another little flutter at the thought and she felt herself blushing. She hoped she wouldn’t break out in a sweat; she was permanently warm these days. Menopause seemed to be going on for ever.

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Elaine Spires is a novelist, playwright, screenwriter and actress. Extensive travelling and a background in education and tourism perfected Elaine's keen eye for the quirky characteristics of people, captivating the humorous observations she now affectionately shares with the readers of her novels. Elaine has written two books of short stories, two novellas and seven novels, five of which form the Singles Series - Singles’ Holiday, Singles and Spice, Single All The Way, Singles At Sea, and Singles, Set and Match. Her play Stanley Grimshaw Has Left The Building was staged at the Bridewell Theatre, London in May 2019. Her short film Only the Lonely, co-written with Veronique Christie and featuring Anna Calder Marshall has been shown in film festivals worldwide and she is currently working on a full length feature film script. Only the Lonely won the Groucho Club Short Film Festival 2019! Elaine recently returned to UK after living in Antigua W.I. She lives in East London.

Visit Elaine online:
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