Thursday, July 18, 2013

Home and Away with Lindsey a book giveaway

Introduction by Melissa Patafio

This is an exciting day for us! British author Lindsey Kelk, who is best known for the "I Heart" series, is back at CLC to dish about her latest book, About a Girl (reviewed here).

It's hard not to love Lindsey. She's a real "chick lit" gal with a passion for shoes, music, and New York. It's the perfect trifecta for most of us chick lit lovers out there.

We are so happy that she decided to chat with us again and share a little more about herself with all of you through our "Home and Away" Q&A. And thanks to HarperCollins UK, there's one copy of About a Girl for a lucky reader anywhere in the world!

Visit Lindsey at her website, Facebook and Twitter.


If we were to visit you where you currently live, what would you take us to see first?
I live in Park Slope in Brooklyn but I'm a good host, so the first place I'd take you would either be the bagel place, the BBQ place or the 24 hour diner, depending on the time. After that, provided it wasn't three in the morning, we'd got o Prospect Park. It's gorgeous and, in my humble opinion, much nicer than Central Park!

What is your favorite local restaurant?
There are so many! Fletchers for BBQ, Lobo for Mexican and margaritas or Talde for something a bit different.

Tell us one feature that would be a must-have for the house of your dreams?
Big, standalone, cast iron bathtub. Without question.


What was your favorite city to write about for the "I Heart" series?
Oh that's too hard! I think New York will always win. It's my home. And it wasn't for an "I Heart" but I totally fell in love with Hawaii. I'm desperate to go back.

Where did you go for your last holiday?
My last proper holiday was in California. I went to Coachella music festival and stayed in LA and Palm Springs. I don't think I'll ever be able to camp in a muddy tent ever again, I've been completely spoiled.

During which season do you prefer to travel? Does the season affect where you go? (Like do you ski in winter or go to a warm location instead?)
I love traveling any time but as I'm getting older, I do find myself seeking out the sun in winter and trying to dodge the summer humidity in New York. Last winter I went to Hawaii, Los Angeles and Australia and later this summer, I have a research trip to Italy booked. Currently thinking about January 2014 in LA - there are worse ways to plan, surely?

Thanks to Lindsey for chatting with us and HarperCollins UK for sharing her book with our readers.

How to win: Use the Rafflecopter to enter. If you have questions on how to use it, e-mail us.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Worldwide. Giveaway ends July 23rd at midnight EST.


Donna E said...

We haven't really had a *vacation* for several years. Last real vacation was in Oct 2010, and we went to Virginia to attend a 'Spang Gang' reunion, and then visited Gettysburg, followed by spending some time with my sister and her husband in Tennessee.
Maybe later this year, we'll go to Branson MO for a few days.

kwaskewich said...

Paris and Bordeaux just 2 weeks ago - had an AMAZING time!!!

KC said...

We were in Hawaii at Easter

Lauren McCormick said...

It's been a few years since I've had a real vacation. My husband and I went on a cruise to the Caribbean without our three children. It was such a wonderful week and only the second time we went away alone in twenty one years of marriage! Can't wait to travel again!

Kristen said...

Just got back from Alaska and it was amazing! And cold. :)

susieqlaw said...

I have not been on a vacation since 1996...but it was to the beach! I had a lovely time!

sendsusanmail at gmail dot com

TinaB said...

Asheville, NC

Jessica said...

I went to Connecticut to see my family on my last vacation. =]

-Jessica M

AiringMyLaundry said...

We just got back from Walt Disney World!

We'll be going to the beach in Texas soon.

Lisamarie said...

My most recent vacay was at a place called Desert's along the Columbia River in WA. Hot place to sit in a chaise lounge in the river and read! :)


Mrs Mommy Booknerd said...

Door County WI

Connie said...

My husband and I joined our son, his wife and two of our grandchildren for a 7-day cruise to the Caribbean for Easter. It was the first time we had gotten to cruise with them and it was a total ball.

Mary Jo Burke said...

Go back to Hawaii regardless of the season.

bn100 said...


Preet said...

My last vacation was last year when I visited Michigan and Chicago for a week. It was a great! Hopefully I'll be visiting the beach before the end of August, possibly in Florida.

Jilleen said...

The 1,000 Island in NY

Linda Kish said...

Primm, NV for a few days.

Kerry said...

To Los Angeles. On a whim. With a one way ticket :)

Nova said...

We went for a 2 day, one night stay to Northern, Ky and Southern, Oh. It was fun!!

Eline said...

I'm just back home from Kos, Greece. Greece is my favorite country in the world (maybe because I'm a teacher in classic Greek and I also speak a little modern Greek). Want to see more of Italy now ;)

StereoQueenBee said...

Last 'vacation' was a day out in Lac Megantic, unfortunately the town in Quebec where that terrible train derailment occurred two weeks ago. :(

Mary Preston said...

I went up to the Sunshine Coast, QLD. I have family there. Of course it helps that the beaches are superb.

PoCoKat said...

Toured Washington, Oregon and California on our motorcycle.

Anita Yancey said...

We haven't been on a vacation in several years, but our last one was to West Virginia.

Jennifer L. said...

Our last trip was to Sanibel Island, Florida. It was so lovely there.

kaewink said...

I just came back from a weekendtrip to a lake in Carinthia here in Austria. Wonderful weather and wonderful company.:)

rubynreba said...

We went to the Mall of America last week.

alinicham said...

The last vacation I had was spent mostly in my living room in Scotland, Ontario. There were also some trips to London and Paris Ontario... Thats right its European vacation all while living in south western ontario.

@word_scribbler said...

My last 'vacation' was a day trip to Brighton a few weeks ago(I live in London, UK). My last real vacation/holiday was going to Paris for a few days in May 2012.

Unknown said...

Went to Amsterdam last summer with my best friend. Had such a great week!

Unknown said...

My last holiday was to New York in January last year for my 21st birthday! Would love to go back!

Bonnie K. said...

It's been awhile since we've had a long vacation, but the last time was in Alexandria, Virginia. We visited many museums and sites in Washington D.C..

bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'm actually on my last day of vacation on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. It's beautiful here!

Fi-chan said...

I recently went to Penang island (mostly for the food there), then Langkawi Island in Malaysia, which is the country where I live. I was busy with some university stuff so I didnt't really get to enjoy. And I went with family and colleagues so that didn't make it fun. And.. apparently our hotel didnt have direct access to the beach, so that was disappointing! But the place itself was amazing.

Connie said...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you so much! I couldn’t be more delighted and so look forward to reading this fun novel! :-)