Thursday, June 20, 2013

Dream a little dream with Marci a book giveaway

Introduction by Melissa Amster

**Giveaway is now closed**

What do you do when all your dreams have come true? Go to Disney World, right? (Check.) Travel around Europe by yourself? (Check.) Become a bestselling author? Well, if you're Marci Nault and you've already checked off the first two items on the list, then you might just be on your way to that goal!

Marci Nault is here today to talk about some of the dreams she has made come true for herself, in a "This or That" interview. I asked her some questions based on her list of 101 Dreams and barely even touched upon all the amazing things she has done. If you don't believe me, check the list out for yourself. Have you done anything on this list or do you see one of your personal goals there? Marci has a blog post about each dream she has already accomplished. (Some are linked in her answers below.) I know I can relate to a few items on the list, having done them myself, and am proud to say that I've already completed one of her upcoming items. (Visiting Israel.) She only has 11 more to go, so let's continue to cheer her on toward becoming a bestselling author and having her book made into a movie. (Because she's clearly not going to take credit for the Keanu Reeves time-travel romance flick.)

Marci’s debut novel, The Lake House (Gallery/ Simon & Schuster) was a Chicago Tribune, Cape May Herald, and CBS summer read pick. Originally from Massachusetts, today she can be found figure skating, salsa dancing, hiking and wine tasting around her home in California. Marci is the founder of 101 Dreams Come True, a motivational website that encourages visitors to follow their improbable dreams. Her story about attempting to complete 101 of her biggest dreams has been featured in newspapers and magazines nationwide, and she regularly speaks on the subject on radio stations in both the United States and Canada. She’s also the owner of Elegant Bridal Designs, a couture lingerie, dress, and jewelry store. She can also be found at her website, Facebook and Twitter.

Marci is also here to make your dream of winning a book possibly come true....she has FIVE copies of The Lake House to share with some lucky readers in the US and/or Canada!

Les Misérables or Beauty and the BeastLes Misérables
The lighted windows on the dark stage created the scene of Paris at night in the 1800’s. The spotlight hit Eponine dressed as a boy. From this tiny woman came a voice so large and sweet all movement or breath from the audience ceased. As Eponine sang, her passion exploded to the rafters and I could feel her love for a man who didn’t return her feelings.
I’d wanted to see Les Misérables when I was in high school, but my parents couldn’t afford the tickets when it came to Boston. When I made my list of "101 Dreams Come True," I decided it was time. I flew solo to London, went to the Queen’s Theater, and sat eleven rows from the stage. I thought I’d be embarrassed to be alone, but I loved having the experience to myself not having to worry about anything but enjoying the show.

Figure skating or Salsa dancing?
I love to salsa dance. There’s something about following my favorite partner’s lead that allows me to get lost in the music and feel free, but figure skating is my passion. The minute I take my first lap on the ice all the stress melts away, thoughts cease to exist, and it feels like flight. Every practice challenges my mind and body. It forces me to overcome fear, to push beyond what I believe I can do, and though my body aches from the hard work, it makes me younger because each year I get better instead of older.

Sky diving or Scuba diving?
I must admit that I’m still afraid to scuba dive, but when I’m under the water with the sound of my breath going in and out of my regulator, surrounded by bright coral and fish, it’s almost meditative. There’s so much to explore and see, so no matter how afraid, I’ll keep trying to overcome my fear to be able to be a part of this beautiful world.

I loved sky diving, but it was over too fast.

London or Paris?
This one is tough! I love both cities for different reasons, but I have to pick Paris. The Impressionists are my favorite artists, and to spend hours in Musée d’Orsay standing in front of some of the greatest masterpieces on earth is a spiritual experience for me. Plus, Paris has better food than London. Then there’s the architecture, the shopping, the beautiful men who walked me along the Seine at night. The memories are making me long to hop on a plane and return.

Hang gliding or surfing?
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but surfing. I loved hang gliding. Soaring on the wind currents in the Canadian Rockies like a bird was a phenomenal experience, but surfing actually feels a little like flying too. I’m ridiculously horrible at surfing. I fall off my big foam board more than I stand up, but it’s an incredible rush when I catch a wave and feel the ocean race me towards the shore.

Disney World or Sleep in a Palace?
I’ve never had more fun than going to Disney with my family. For an entire week I was a kid again, but with that said, I have to choose sleeping in a palace. Every little girl dreams of being a princess, and for one week I stayed in a room decorated with frescoes in a small village in Italy. I drank wine, ate decadent food, traveled to ancient towns, and met wonderful new friends. The experience actually made it into The Lake House.

Sparkly shoes or beautiful jewelry?
I’m crazy over shoes no matter how much they hurt my feet after a long night of dancing.

Flying an airplane or riding in a race car?
The view is better from an airplane, but the flying was rather boring. The plane does most of the work, and I simply guided it where I wanted to go. The race car had my heart racing, even though I was just a passenger. The G’s that were pulled around corners while other cars were trying to pass made my heart pound. So I have to choose race car.

Thanks to Marci for sharing her dreams with us and her book with our readers.

How to win The Lake House:
Please comment below with your e-mail address. (Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your Facebook page or blog if you can receive messages there.)

Bonus entries:
1.Please tell us: What is a dream that you made come true for yourself or for someone else?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)

5. Follow us on Twitter and/or Pinterest.
6. Add a friend to our Facebook group. (Tell us who you added.) Be sure to remind them to edit their settings.

US/Canada only. Giveaway ends June 25th at midnight EST.


Book Mama said...

A dream that I made come true for myself was adopting my daughter.

I follow CLC on FB, Twitter and Pinterest

I shared this giveaway on my FB blog page

Unknown said...

I dreamt about having healthy children and that came true!

I follow CLC on FB, Twitter and Pinterest

Jennifer Huelsebusch said...

Just got back from my dream vacation in London!!

I follow the blog, on FB, and Twiiter.

I shared the giveaway on Twiiter

KC said...

I dream of travel. It's a work in progress.
I follow on FB and Twitter
s dot hambly at sasktel dot net

Hailey Fish said...

Over the last few years I struggled in keeping a job with my disability. After almost 4 years, my dream of having the perfect job came true. I'm so happy with the job I have and so proud of myself. I was lucky to get seven weeks of intense training. This is one job I don't want to lose.

I follow CLC on FB, Twitter and Pinterest.

I shared this giveaway on FB.

faithspage said...

I just graduated from college! At age 41.

kyfaithw at aol dot com
follow fb, gfc, and twitter

Jessica said...

1. It was always my dream to meet Regis and see him live and I got to do it before he moved on from the show. =]
2. I follow this blog through GFC.
3. I tweeted this
4. I'm a member of Chick Lit Central on facebook.
5. I follow through twitter and pinterest.

-Jessica M

Na said...

I graduated from University. I have more dreams in the making and hopefully in a few more years they'll come true :P


Connie said...

What a wonderful listing of things that Marci has done in her lifetime. Wouldn’t it be a great idea if all of us listed the amazing things we have accomplished in our lives and if we’re ever feeling down, we can just whip out our list and feel pretty darn good about ourselves.

I’ve lived in Paris, toured all around Europe, cruised to the Mediterranean and Caribbean and been blessed with the very best husband ever, three wonderful children and six grandchildren. Life is very good and I couldn’t be more contented.

Thanks for sharing such an uplifting blog today. It certainly made me smile.

Janine said...

I always had a dream of moving to Hawaii. It was something my ex and I discussed many times over the years. Although, I never got to live the dream, after we divorced, he moved there by himself and started a whole new life. He says if it weren't for me and our discussions, he never would have had the courage to do it alone. We remain very close friends to this day. I still dream of moving there one day.

I follow your blog, FB page and Twitter.

I shared on my FB page and Twitter


Anonymous said...

From the time I was a kid, I wanted to work in the entertainment industry...and I did for about 9 years!

I follow the blog
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I follow on Twitter


Anonymous said...

From the time I was a kid, I wanted to work in the entertainment industry...and I did for about 9 years!

I follow the blog
I follow on Facebook
I follow on Twitter



Tiffany Drew said...

A dream I made come true for someone else was locating my aunt's son that she had given up for adoption as a teen. Best. Gift. Ever.

GFC: Tiffany Drew
FB: Tiffany Drew
Twitter: @enterthedrew
Pinterest: Tiffany Drew


susieqlaw said...

sendsusanmail AT gmail dot com

I raised scholarship money to establish a scholarship in my childhood friend's name when I was in high school. My friends and I had bake sales, car washes, and a well-attended 5K Run. The scholarship helped send several kids to school.

I follow CLC blog, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

I tweeted at susieqlaw

Marci Nault said...

It's amazing to hear everyone's dreams and accomplishments! The reason I wrote the blog was to open up a discussion about the right to go after our biggest dreams - and it's so nice to have this dream come true on this blog.

EFC Chrissy said...

This is a tough question! I have married my best friend, I have 3 beautiful children, and a great life. Those are wonderful dreams come true. And I couldn't be more blessed.

I have also been book blogging for almost two years and that has morphed into my own proofreading/editing business. That is my latest dream - to develop that business and see where it takes me.

I follow the blog, facebook, twitter, pinterest!

TinaB said...

Sounds great!!
I follow u on fb and pinterest

Meg Munson said...

A dream I made true was to be a stay at home mom to my daughters!

I follow on FB, blog, twitter and Pinterest.
I tweeted and shard in FB as well:-)

Anonymous said...

A dream of mine that came true was getting my masters degree.

I followthis blog.
I follow on FB, pinterest, and twitter.

Jilleen said...
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Erica said...

Going to Paris! Simply wonderful.

I follow CLC by email, twitter, pinterest.

wordywon at gmail dot com

Jilleen said...

One dream is taking my kids to Disney on Christmas Day last year. They loved it and it was a specially trip for all of us.

I follow on Facebook
I follow on Twitter
I follow on Pinterest
I follow via email and GFC

Sorry, deleted original comment since I forgot my email

Jill at Seaside Book Nook
seasidebooknook at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Best interview questions!! Those were tough for me! But, I gotta go with Belle...she's the only princess that loves books!! :). My dream was to adopt and we did 4 yrs ago. Best decision ever and she completes me and our family!! I follow on twitter!


karenk said...

a profession...I really enjoy it.

i'm a follower.

thanks for the chance to read this novel.

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Jennifer L. said...

A dream that came true is being a mother.
I follow on GFC as Jennifer L.
I follow you on twitter as @jentamar

jentam777 at gmail dot com

PoCoKat said...

A dream of mine that came true was to not live from pay cheque to pay cheque.


FB fan

littleone AT shaw DoT ca

bn100 said...

received trip to Europe

I follow the blog

bn100candg at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I had always dreamt of being a mother, and adopting my daughter definitely made that dream come true!

I follow the blog
I'm a member of CLC on Facebook
I follow on twitter

rubynreba said...

I always had a dream to find the perfect husband and I did.

I am a follower on GFC.

Follower on Facebook.


rhonda said...

My husband &I dreamt if raising our son to be happy &successful&we did.follower on fb &Twitter

JJT said...

I have many and varied dreams - including a round the world cruise!

I follow the blog and on Twitter.

Jtretin at aol dot com

Melissa said...

Thanks to everyone for participating and talking about how you made your (or someone else's) dreams come true.

Thanks to Marci for allowing us to be part of HER dream and sharing her books with our winners. chose FIVE winners from all entries with contact info.

Congrats to:
11-Summer Grinstead

Janine said...

Thank you so much for choosing me as one of your winner. I can't wait to read The Lake House.

rubynreba said...

Thanks! The Lake House will be a wonderful read!