**Giveaway is now closed**
Jill Kargman is the author of "Arm Candy," "Momzillas" and the recently released collection of essays titled "Sometimes I Feel Like a Nut." She also wrote a few novels with Carrie Karasyov. Her freelance work includes over ten shows for MTV and over 100 magazine articles for magazines such as "Elle" and "Vogue." She is deathly afraid of clowns and mimes. You can check out her website, follow her on Twitter or request to be her friend on Facebook.
Jill stopped by Chick Lit Central to share a guest blog post (the first of more to come from authors visiting our blog). She talks about reconnecting with a first love on Facebook. She also has one copy of "Sometimes I Feel Like a Nut" to give away to a lucky reader anywhere in the world.
He was The One that got away. Okay that sounds f*cking drama queen insane but it's kinda true; we didn't break up because of some scandal or cheating or him yelling at me that i was overreacting when i saw a mouse in a restaurant and screamed (that was another ex-primate). We split because of the distance. I was young then and he was older and we were in different phases of life. His name is 100% ungoogleable. It just doesn't work! I mean, my search yielding millions of pages but they were all dental hygienists or pharmaceutical salesmen in rectangular red states in the middle.
Even though I'm married with three nuggets from time to time I wondered what he's been up to. He had been a brilliant artist and really outdoorsy so i wondered how that translated into his late-thirties life. I'd wonder, and then I'd forget. And then one day, he facebook friended me. I was stunned. My heart skipped a beat. I told my husband right away who said it was fine to write him a message, which I did. Several notes followed, ping-ponging back and forth quickly, details spilling out about our lives, family photos, and work. He had just gone camping with his wife and kids and sent me a link to their website-- all gorgeous, all fleece-clad, all with camping tents. She was blonde and beautiful in that crunch i-love-camping way, while I am more Wednesday Addams and Ansel Adams and am more of a country house girl than a country girl. Even though I don't have a country house. Their kids have long WASPy names and mine have Ellis Island-style vintage ones that sound like a kosher butcher and his wife and daughter. They pitch tents, i freak if the Four Seasons is booked. Okay that sounded jappy and isn't even really true, but let’s face it: there is no fucking L.L. Bean tarp-spreading in my future. I prefer wine glasses to canteens of river water. And yet.....he was lovely. I saw exactly what I had been drawn to. And in fact-- he was drawing-- picture books which I promptly ordered for my children. They adore his offbeat random humor and Tim Burtony haunting, humored hand. And in this correspondence I was released somehow-- the fantasy expunged because reality had illuminated one perfect fact; he's perfect but not perfect for me. And he would have strangled by city-dwelling self long ago. It never would have lasted but because of him, my standards were so high that I refused to settle when on husband-safari in the daunting dating pool of New York City. Life is a long series of loves and hellos and goodbyes but those first guys to say I love you help raise the bar for the future. I told him I had called off two weddings and that one of the myriad reasons was that I just didn't have that same lightening bolt I'd had with him, scissoring my heart with sparks. To paraphrase The Cure, the others were wonderful but didn't set my soul on fire the way he had. He saved me. Or, his ghost did, from certain divorce. And I thanked him. And he thanked me for sharing that confession, nearly twenty years later.
Special thanks to Jill Kargman for her fabulous blog post and for offering the book for the giveaway.

How to win "Sometimes I Feel Like a Nut":
Please comment below with your e-mail address.
(Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page if you can receive messages there.)
1. Please tell us: If you have reconnected with a past love on Facebook, what was the experience like for you?
2. Please tell us: In what way(s) do you feel like a nut? (Admit it, we all do!)
3. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
4. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
5. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
Giveaway ends Sunday, January 30th at midnight EST.
Can't wait to get your hands on this book? Buy it at Amazon (also available for Kindle) or Barnes and Noble (also available for Nook).
Okay, must gush. Jill Kargman is awesome and SOMETIMES I FEEL LIKE A NUT is bawdy and funny and touching. (And I'm not saying this just because I am no fan of clowns or mimes either.) All rightee, now I can eat cereal and go on with my day. :-)
1. Haven't reconnected with a past love on facebook, and I don't think I'd want too. That'd be a friend request I'd ignore! lol!
2. Everything I do makes me a nut!
already follow through google reader
Already a member on facebook!
I have not connected with a past love on facebook.
The way I obssess over stupid little things like the way my daughter's drawers are organized makes me a nut.
I follow your blog.
Melissa, I saw Susan McBride feature this book on a recent episode of "Great Day St. Louis" and can't wait to read it!!
Wonderful post, Jill! I truly loved your insights...
And, no, I have not friended any old loves on FB. (Which is not to say I haven't *located* them there, lol. ;)
MarilynBrant AT Gmail DOT Com
I am a facebook fan.
1. Oh, yes, I have reconnected with an old love, THE ONE I will never forget. He actually found me as soon as I joined FB. He was the one who opened my eyes to the world...and the one who introduced me to every vice I've ever known. And for some bizarre my parents LOVED him. We've FB chatted a few times, but each time his name would appear my stomach would drop...what would he think of my life now as a SAHM in the suburbs? I was supposed to be famous, holding a brilliant career in some faraway bright metropolis. He is currently working on his doctorate in the U.K. He instant messaged me to meet him one night while he was in town visiting his dad. I was already in my p.j.s and a mess--and I had no idea what hip place to meet at 11 p.m. anymore. I made my excuses. Someday...
2. Yes I am a nut. But usually I believe I am a mellow exotic nut, like a Macadamia while I am surrounded by mere peanuts.
I am a member of the blog and on FB. I'll post a link to the contest on FB.
I'd love to read the new book. I adored Momzillas.
kskm07@gmail.com (K. Morgan)
I found my crush on facebook, he's now married with a daughter, I'm happy for him, I have my own family as well with my 3mos son Julian. We chatted a lil but I couldn't bring myself to ask him if we ever had a real chance if he hadn't moved to FL. I"m the crazy one of all my cousins in NY, which makes me the most entertaining with my "useless fun facts", my hearing of comments that are no way near what was just discussed, plus I'm like their older sister and lastly, my nickname is Pinky Loca. I just added to my following list now. I will add this contest to facebook. Already a member of chick lit.
I didn't connect with an old love, but I did reconnect with long lost family.
I didn't connect with an old love, but I did reconnect with long lost family.
I get crazy when it comes to important things. I have to get them done right away other wise I become nuts that it's not finished
I follow via twitter
I follow via GFC
My first love (not my first bf or my first um, you know) contacted me on fb and we've exchanged a few messages and it was good to catch up after all these (almost 20)years, though I wouldn't have contacted him. I'm a member of chick lit and received your link from their weekly message. Thanks for the chance to win! cherbason@cox.net
I haven't reconnected with a past love on facebook. I doubt my husband would be pleased if I did!
I feel like a nut when I get all worked up about tiny details that don't matter. Sometimes I can't help but obsess even though I know it's something that isn't important
I follow with GFC
Very funny, very real. I haven't connected on FB with a past love. But I was able to google him. He was funny, sexy, charming and I loved him desperately but he had a past love that wouldn't let him go. I married and yes would wonder. Finally found him by googling and now I know the meaning of being thankful for the prayers God doesn't answer. The whole search and discovery thing made me feel like a nut.
I've got you on my tbr list!
I do follow and you are my FB friend.
I have connected with an old flame on facebook. It has been sometimes relieving and sometimes unnerving to see his photos and comments.
I am nutty, but I am not a nut. I am human.
I will post on facebook.
I follow on facebook.
Fortunately, I have never reconnected with a past love on facebook. I'm engaged and my exes definitely do not deserve second changes!
2. Please tell us: In what way(s) do you feel like a nut? (Admit it, we all do!)
I'm a nut because I'm a 21-year-old who cares more about reading, comfy clothes, and being organized than I care about going out and partying.
I am already a follower of this fabulous blog!
I am a member of Chick Lit Central on facebook!
am i the only person not on facebook?
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
it's fun to be 'a nut'
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
email subscriber :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
I am already a member! Love a new read/author!!
Thanks!! Keri
Wellm my ex asked me to friend me on facebook (but, after several weeks, I haven't accepted it yet...but I didn't ignore it either) and sometimes he conctats me on skype to chat. It's confusing.
I'm a follower of the blog and on facebook
aliasgirl at libero dot it
I feel like a nut when I'm in love.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I'm a Facebook fan (Aik Chien)
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Well, Well...
I donnot reconnected with a past love, but I know of one person who is in facebook, I send a message for friend whitout answer.
Do I feel sometimes like a nut? Yes I think so.
Member of Chick Lit Central.
I will post the blog on my facebook page.
My email is:
Congratulations for the page!!
1.I've never connected with a past love on facebook.
2. I have a weird habit: I cannot go to bed with dirty or cold feet. They must be washed!
3. Following you via GFC
4. tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Alliegal101/status/30720648351326209
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com
Oh wow. This just happened to me--a boy I crushed on terribly in my teens messaged me on fb. We've spent time catching up, and while we were both nostalgic about what could've been, we accept that life has moved on, and friends are what we're meant to be, if anything at all.
I follow on fb & gfc!
Thanks so much for the contest!! the book sounds so great!!
mine would have to be I hate wearing socks even if the floor is cold!
nicolemarielum @gmail.com
I have talked with an old friend on facebook but not an old love.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
1.) I have caught up with past loves on Facebook. It's nice to know how they are doing but I think you have to remind yourself...almost everyone makes their life out to be perfect on Facebook.
2.) I'm OCD so technically I guess I am certifiably nuts. I count things a lot and am obsessed with locking doors before bed. I also like to be on the "right side" of things. Like beds, tables..etc.
I follow.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
stilettostorytime at gmail dot com
Yes, I had an ex request me on facebook. I was surprised. We exchanged a few messages but that was it.
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I am a follower!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I am a member of Chick Lit Central!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I shared on facebook!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I have actually reconnected with 2 past boyfriends on Facebook. A little weird at first, but now we are friends, each married with kids.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I feel like a nut when I put my foot in my mouth, which is all the time! LOL!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Fun - love the questions...
1. No love connection on Facebook
2. I feel like a nut when I leave the library with 6 - 8 books to read when my home is filled with hundreds (I am not kidding) of books of my own to read.
I follow/ like you on Facebook
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I am a follower of your blog
Tweet! Tweet!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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