**Giveaway is now closed**
Maria Geraci was born in Havana, Cuba, and raised on Florida’s space coast. She lives in north Florida with her husband and children and writes fun, romantic women’s fiction. Her third novel, "The Boyfriend of the Month Club" is a romantic comedy about a woman who turns her dysfunctional book club into a boyfriend club where women come together to discuss the men they’ve dated, comparing them to classic literary heroes and villains.
You can visit her website, join her facebook page and follow her on Twitter.
Maria stopped by Chick Lit Central to dish on the holidays and has offered to give away a copy of "The Boyfriend of the Month Club" to one lucky reader in the US or Canada.
Favorite winter holiday tradition: That would be decorating the Christmas tree. I have a few ornaments that have been in my family for decades and over the years, I’ve given my three kids an ornament for each Christmas. So when I open up the box with the ornaments it’s like greeting old friends. Each ornament holds a different memory. I’ve been known to sniffle while decorating the tree!
Favorite winter holiday food: I’m Cuban American and we celebrate a traditional Noche Buena (Christmas Eve.) We have lechon (pork that’s been marinated in garlic and sour oranges), black beans and rice, and other traditional Cuban foods. My mouth is watering just typing this!
Favorite winter holiday song: Silent Night.
Favorite winter holiday movie: "It’s a Wonderful Life." I could it watch it over and over.
Favorite winter holiday memory: A few years back we went to Asheville, NC, right after Christmas and while we were there it snowed. My kids played in it for hours. So did the adults! (We live in Florida, so snow is a novelty)
Favorite winter holiday gift you've ever received: The first Christmas I was engaged, my husband (then fiancé) got me a set of Mikimoto pearls to wear on our wedding. I was surprised that he knew I loved pearls because I hadn’t ever mentioned it to him. When I asked him how he chose the gift, he said he’d noticed that every time we were in a jewelry store I always gravitated toward the pearl necklaces. I was really touched, especially because he’s an engineer and kind of nerdy and not very observant (at least that I could see) about stuff like that. So of course I wore them on my wedding day. I hope that both my daughters will wear it too.
Favorite winter holiday gift you've ever given: Gosh, I have several of those, all involving my kids. When my oldest daughter was very young, Santa (or rather her dad and I) got her one of those big plastic kitchens. She loved it. We played together on that thing for hours over the years. Ditto for the train set we got our son when he was three. The look on his face Christmas morning was priceless. He’s in college now, but I still remember it. I probably always will.
Thing you're most looking forward to during the winter holidays this year: Visiting with family and friends.
Thing you wish there would be more of during winter holidays: More charitable giving, more good will toward men, more of all the good stuff.
Thing you wish there would be less of during winter holidays: Less commercialism. Less calories!
Thanks to Maria for answering our holiday questions and for offering a book to give away.

How to win The Boyfriend of The Month Club":
Please comment below with your e-mail address.
(Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page if you can receive messages there.)
1. Please tell us: What is your favorite winter holiday gift that you have either given or received?
2. Please tell us: Which book, movie or TV character is your significant other most like? (If you are single, who would you ideally want a potential mate to be like?)
3. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
4. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
5. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
US/Canada only. Giveaway ends Sunday, December 19th at midnight EST.
Wow, I'm first. :) I love reading the interviews.
My favourite gift that I've received is the copy of The Princess Bride that my brother got me, along with the Elvis stamp.
I'm single... so... this is a hard question to answer... I'd probably want my ideal partner to be like Noah from The Notebook.
I follow through GFC.
I am a member of CLC.
Posted on Facebook.
There are books on my TBR list and then there are books that I am DYING to read. This is one of the latter.
Hi Kat, I love The Princess Bride! Both the book, and the movie :)
Stephanie, I have a Stephanie G (my oldest daughter)! So it's funny to see your name and initial. Thanks for commenting!
I'm with Maria on this one. My favorite gift was went "Santa" brought my then 3 yr old daughter a wooden doll house. I thought she was going to pass out for a second. She was telling everyone for the rest of the day "If you believe, miracles really can come true." LMAO
My husband is a lot like Jack Bailey from the TV show The Good Guys.
Maria - So funny!
I follow the blog.
I reposted this on Facebook.
I am already a member of Chick Lit Central.
Last year I bought myself a new laptop for Hanukkah!
I haven't read a book or seen a tv character that is like me yet. I am a neurotic workaholic.
I follow the blog through google friend follow.
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My favorite winter holiday gift was a new computer.
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
I follow on GFC.
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
Belong to ChickLit Central on Facebook.
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
My husband is a lot like Jim on The Office.
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
I received a toy kitchen set when I was a little girl....it was awesome!
my husband is one of a kind:) I can't think of anyone he is like!
Blog Follower!!!
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posted on twitter @happymama82
I got my dog Teddy 13 years ago for Christmas and he'll always be the best gift I ever got.
adr52775 at aol dot com
I'm single and wouldn't mind finding a Mr. Darcy
adr52775 at aol dot com
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adr52775 at aol dot com
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adr52775 at aol dot com
My favorite winter gift that I have ever received is my dog. My husband got her for me seven years ago this Christmas :)
jaidahsmommy AT comcast DOT net
I follow on GFC (tiffany drew)
jaidahsmommy AT comcast DOT net
I follow on Facebook too!
jaidahsmommy AT comcast DOT net
My favorite winter holiday gift is a vintage rhinestone brooch given to me by my grandmother.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I want potential mate to be kind, caring, hardworking and good-looking.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. [Aik Chien]
aikychien at yahoo dot com
My favorite holiday gift I got was an mp3.
My husband is most like the character Ben Affleck played in He's Just Not Into You. I don't remember the name. He would be the one shopping and cooking and helping out when the rest of the guys have their butts glued to the couch watching sports.
I am a follower of CLC.
I am a member of CLC on facebook.
Hi there, I've got this posted at Win a Book for you. No need to enter me.
I'd love to read this book- it's on my wishlist already!
Hmmm....I enjoy giving Christmas gifts and there are lots that I've been really excited about, but the best ones that I have received have been from my husband. The first year we were dating he gave me a gorgeous diamond bracelet (which I lost a couple of years ago! Heartbreaking!!!!). Last year he gave me a gift card to the spa, which was absolutely wonderful and much enjoyed!
Oh geez, #2 is a hard one to answer. My hubby is pretty kickass IMO, so it's hard to pick one. I guess he's a tiny bit like Puck on Glee, but only because I think that Puck is hot, and so is my hubby :)
GFC follower!
Facebook friend!
I've posted this contest on my sidebar.
this looks like a great book!
a couple years ago my mom helped pay for my flight to england, definitely a memorable christmas gift!
my boyfriend Mathew is most like Marshall from How I Met Your MOther
I'm a follower :)
I'd love to read this book.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
My best gift was this netbook I got last year.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
My favorite gift was my husband proposing 2 years ago!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
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ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
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ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
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ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
My fave winter holiday of course is Christmas!
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