**Giveaway is now closed**
Kim Gruenenfelder lives in Los Angeles with her husband and son, and continues to avoid anything even remotely resembling a real job. Her acclaimed debut novel, "A Total Waste of Makeup," has been published in six languages and eight international editions to date. Her two other novels are "Misery Loves Cabernet" and "There’s Cake In My Future" (which is in bookstores today). She has also written feature films, episodic teleplays and two stage plays. She has made homes for herself on Facebook and Twitter.
Kim stopped by Chick Lit Central this week to tell us about how she celebrates the holidays. We also have four copies of "There's Cake in My Future" to give away to some lucky winners in the US or Canada.
Favorite winter holiday tradition: Going to my father’s and stepmother’s house on Christmas Eve. My parents are divorced, but they have always spent Christmas Eve together, and always gotten along well on that night (as has my mom and stepmom). I would find out later that there were Christmas Eves when no one was really getting along, but I never knew it. Mom and Dad made a rule when they got divorced: we will always love our daughters more than we hate each other.
Favorite winter holiday food: Champagne. That counts as a food.
Favorite winter holiday song: "Jingle Bells" as sung by dogs.
Favorite winter holiday movie: "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas." The scenes with Max the dog still make me laugh out loud. I love watching it with my son now.
Favorite winter holiday memory: Too many to count. This year's favorite so far involves my husband - when I was decorating the house, I asked him at one point: "Okay, look around the house. Now there are two ways we could go: simple elegant, or completely over the top. Which do you think we should do?" He looked around our living room and said, "Depends. Which one am I looking at now?" (BTW, I would say he was looking at "simple elegant". He would probably beg to differ.)
Favorite winter holiday gift you've ever received: Is there candy under the tree right now? I could use some candy.
Favorite winter holiday gift you've ever given: A duck. Well, a picture of a duck - it's a long story.
Thing you're most looking forward to during the winter holidays this year: Watching my son open his presents Christmas morning.
Thing you wish there would be more of during winter holidays: Love. And cake. There should always be more cake.
Thing you wish there would be less of during winter holidays: Fruitcake. Seriously - has anyone ever munched on a good one?
Thanks to Kim for answering our questions and for the books to give away!

How to win "There's Cake in my Future":
Please comment below with your e-mail address.
(Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page if you can receive messages there.)
1. Please tell us: What do you wish there were more or less of during the winter holiday season?
2. Please tell us: Has a wish of yours ever come true? If so, what was it?
3. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
4. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
5. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
US/Canada only. Giveaway ends Sunday, December 26th at midnight EST.
Check out Kim's bucket list at Chick Lit is Not Dead.
I wish there was less political correctness at Christmas time...it's Christmas not the winter holiday!
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
I had a wish that my husband would ask me to marry him...this was years ago...and he did!
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
I follow on GFc.
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
I belong to Chick Lit Central on Facebook.
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
I wish that there was less commercialism at Christmas. I mean, everyone is all buy, buy, buy but truly I would be happy just spending some extra time with my loved ones.
Great question! This year one came true- my husband was able to escape from the dead-end job that he hated and he got one that he likes a lot more! It's been good all around.
I am a GFC follower!
Facebook friend.
I have this contest posted on my sidebar at http://book-chic.blogspot.com.
I wish there was more time off! lol
Never had a wish come true.
I follow the blog through google friend follow
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This year I wish there was more snow!! We don't have as much as normal.
I am a follower of this blog! :)
i think that there is a bit too much commercialism over christmas...
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
i'm a follower :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
I wish there was less tacky plastic waste of christmas decorations.
I think last year i mostly wished for a happy one year with my boyfriend and i definitely got that!
strandedhero at gmail dot com
I'm a follower via GFC
My e-mail is jenceyg@msn.com. My wish for christmas is to enjoy the true meaning of christmas.
I will post on both facebook and my blog.
I wish people could just enjoy the season without all of the commercialism. (I did go buy gifts).
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I wish there was less snow. I am not a fan of snow or cold.
I don't ever remember a wish coming true. I imagine wish fulfillment would be memorable.
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I wish there was less chilly weather during the holidays. :)
Each year, I wish for good health, happiness and loving family and friends; I'm so grateful this wish has continued to come true!
I follow on GFC!
Oh, and I also like you on Facebook!
I wish people would stop saying "Happy Holidays". Merry Christmas should not be a dirty word.
adr52775 at aol dot com
I've never had a wish come true.
adr52775 at aol dot com
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adr52775 at aol dot com
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adr52775 at aol dot com
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adr52775 at aol dot com
I actually wish there were cooler days this year! We had the air on this week in Texas!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I wished that I would meet the man of my dreams and it did come true! We are about to celebrate our 1 year anniversary!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I am a follower!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I shared on facebook.
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I wish people would take the time to make gifts more often, instead of buying the latest and greatest things from ads. Put love back into the holiday, instead of money.
A few years ago I asked for an iPod with a screen, to replace my Shuffle. My husband got me an iPod Touch. It was so far beyond what I expected and I loved it.
I am a Google Friend Connect Follower.
I wished there was less tragedies during the holiday season.
my wish for someone to love the second time came true; dh and I have been married for 21 yrs.
follow this blog via GFC as primrose
joined Chick Lit Central on facebook
I wish I had more vacation time during the holidays... by the time I've reached December, most of my days are used up!
writing.meg [at] gmail.com
I've probably had quite a few wishes come true over the years, but I guess the biggest one would be my wish to find someone to love me the way I am -- and it's happened! (Cheesy, but true.)
writing.meg [at] gmail.com
I'm a blog follower.
writing.meg [at] gmail.com
And, last but not least, I belong to Chick Lit Central on Facebook! :)
writing.meg [at] gmail.com
I wish that Christmas wasn't so commercialized (I am sure a lot of people think this too!). I just get a little overwhelmed when the simple joy of the holiday season gets mixed up with all the loud music, glaring lights and endless people trying to sell you something!
When my grandfather had open-heart surgery I prayed and wished he would be just fine (and he was!). I am sure he would have been fine either way, but it made me feel better :).
I am a GFC follower (Colleen Turner).
I follow on Facebook (Colleen Turner).
i wish there was more time to celebrate christmas! there is so much build up but then it goes so quickly!
nicolemarielum @gmail.com
my one wish was to get this amazing purse that i was looking at for the longest time and lucky me my bf got it for me! =)
nicolemarielum @gmail.com
I wish more people were in tune with the spirit of the holiday and not just about what material items they want.
There isn't one wish that I can recall coming true, but it would be nice if one of them did. :)
I'm a follower of this blog.
Posted to my Facebook page.
I'm a member of the Chick Lit Facebook group.
I have had an amazing wish come true when we completed the adoption of my daughter from China 6.5 years ago!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I wish there was less commercialism during the holidays. I have a problem shopping for Halloween candy in October with Christmas candy right next to it. I mean, come on! Can't we get through one holiday at a time! (OH my! I better hurry out and get my Valentine and Easter candy before the rush!! ;) No sarcasm at all! (stepping off soap box now!)
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I joined Chick Lit Central on Facebook
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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