Monday, March 23, 2020

Book Review: Thirty-Life Crisis

By Sara Steven

Lisa Schwartz's stories and musings are all about watching her friends adult like pros, while she tries to understand why she doesn't want or can't seem to find all the things they have for herself. Like a big sister who's already seen it all, Lisa will take readers through her own life experiences to say that one thing we all need to hear: you are so not alone. Unabashed and unfiltered, Schwartz's voice and candor will appeal to anyone in their thirties who just can't deal with the never-ending Facebook feed of friends' engagement photos and baby pictures, the trials of figuring out where their passion meets their career, and everything in between.

So, if you've ever had to figure out...

Parenting Your Parents (Yikes)

Gender Reveal Parties (It's an actual thing.)

Discovering That Your Boyfriend Likes Boys (Surprise!)

Online Shopping Away Your Anxiety (Don't)

or Gender Reveal Parties (Seriously. It's an actual thing.)

This book is your new best friend. (Synopsis courtesy of Goodreads)

I’m not thirty. I’m nowhere near it. I plowed through it over a decade ago, but Thirty-Life Crisis really can apply to anyone! While my lifestyle differs immensely from the one Lisa Schwartz lives, I can really identify with her feelings and thoughts on various subjects, not only from the outsider looking in perspective, but from the inside, too, considering I had my first child in my late twenties. Back in those days, Facebook wasn’t a thing. If you wanted a bunch of friends and family to partake in photo viewings, you’d have to send a large massive email with a ton of photos attached, or you’d have to use a photo sharing website like Photobucket- is that still a thing? There were no gender reveal parties, not in my circle anyway. And shopping online was doable, but not the preferred method of choice.

Even with our age difference and our lifestyle differences, I can understand Lisa’s point of view on all of it and then some. Most likely because we’re looking at the same thing from different sides of the lens, and she infuses a ton of funny and deep wisdom into each and every chapter written. Now more than ever, I could identify so much with Parenting Your Parents. And I’m still not sure what the appeal is with Gender Reveal Parties, a sentiment echoed by Lisa. (this particular chapter really got me going in the laughter department) I was drawn to her story of meeting someone uber famous, a nameless woman she never identifies, most likely to keep anonymity, and having an opportunity to actually spend one-on-one time with this woman, revealing high levels of vulnerable honesty you wouldn’t expect from the reader or from the celebrity. Of course, I really, REALLY want to know who the celebrity is, but I guess I’ll have to live on hypothesis alone.

Every chapter is honest and raw, comedic and with deep emotion and truth. Reading about Lisa’s experiences with her former boyfriend, you get to learn a lot more about how graceful she is, and how she isn’t apt to let people go due to past hurts. It was interesting to read his own introduction, combining it with her own perspective, garnering more pieces that complete the picture of who Lisa really is, and she doesn’t hide that, not once. It made for an interesting read.

For anyone looking to read a book that is motivating, that inspires you to follow your dreams and go for what you want out of life, Thirty-Life Crisis is right up your alley!

Thanks to Grand Central Publishing for the book in exchange for an honest review.

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