Today we welcome back the lovely Talli Rolland, and her latest novel, The Pollyanna Plan. As we all (hopefully) know, Talli writes fun, romantic fiction. Born and raised in Canada, Talli now lives in London, where she savours the great cultural life (coffee and wine). Despite training as a journalist, Talli soon found she preferred making up her own stories--complete with happy endings. Talli's debut novel, The Hating Game, was short-listed for Best Romantic Read at the UK's Festival of Romance, while her second, Watching Willow Watts, was selected as an Amazon Customer Favorite. Her novels have also been chosen as top books of the year by industry review websites and have been bestsellers in Britain and the United States.
Talli took time out of her newly busy schedule as a first time mom (!!!) to answer some of our questions. We're doing an animal and pet theme this month and she had some fun things to say on the topic!
Thanks to Talli we have TWO e-copies of The Pollyanna Plan to give to some lucky readers anywhere in the world. (If you can't wait till a winner is chosen, it's currently $1.99 for Kindle!)
You can find Talli at her website, Facebook and Twitter pages.
Favorite animal from a TV show:
Wow, tough one! I'm going to have to say the Littlest Hobo. He's a dog in a Canadian TV series who doesn't have a home, but who makes new friends every episode and helps them out of a dangerous situation along the way. Then, he moves on! It breaks my heart every time he takes to the road at the end of each program.
Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published.
I'm not sure I can pinpoint one (cop out, I know!), but every time I receive an email from a reader, it reminds me how wonderful being a writer actually is. There's nothing scarier than baring your soul each time you publish, and to know your efforts have been appreciated really can't be beaten.
Favorite zoo animal:
I love koala bears! The way they hug the trees and their fuzzy little bodies are so endearing.
How do you react to a negative review?
One word: wine. Or whine! Seriously, though, I grizzle a bit to my husband, then move on. It's taken me a while to grow a tough skin, but now I realise it's impossible to please everyone. Some people will like my books, and some won't. I'll write for those who do!
Funniest/cutest thing you've seen an animal do:
My cat used to curl up in the sink. For some reason, I found this beyond cute! Until I needed to brush my teeth...
Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read The Pollyanna Plan.
The Pollyanna Plan is an uplifting novel without being too kitsch (I hope!), and drives home the point that despite the potential for hurt and pain, it's worth living life to the fullest.
Favorite animal from a commercial:
There's a type of loo roll (toilet paper) here in the UK called Andrex, and their commercials feature legions of cute fuzzy puppies! Makes me go gooey every time.
What do you think the key is to a successful chicklit novel? Lots of sexiness? A studly hero? Plenty of angst? (or others)
I think a successful chick lit novel has a heroine who faces challenges, makes wrong decisions and faces obstacles, but by the end of the book is stronger because of them. A little romance and a hunky hero always help, but for me the heroine needs to learn and grow on her own, not because a man has swept her off her stilettos.
Special thanks to Talli for answering our questions, even with an adorable little distraction (and we don't mean a pet this time) and for sharing her latest novel with our readers!
Special thanks to Talli for answering our questions, even with an adorable little distraction (and we don't mean a pet this time) and for sharing her latest novel with our readers!

Please comment below with your e-mail address. (Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page or blog if you can receive messages there.)
Bonus entries (can be listed all in one post):
1. Since The Pollyanna Plan is about thinking positively, please tell us: What is something you really like about any kind of animal?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
5. Follow us on Twitter and/or Pinterest.
6. Add a friend to our Facebook group. (Tell us who you added.) Be sure to remind them to edit their settings.
Giveaway ends January 9th at midnight EST
I would love to win a copy! I already follow u on Pinterest & on facebook.
Animals!! Oh they are all wonderful, however as a dog owner since childhood I'd have to say they're my favorite! Dogs love with loyalty, don't talk back, listen to your dreams and fears, and always greet you with exuberance when you arrive home if even just walking to the mailbox. I follow the blog on FB and Pinterest as well in email. I'll gladly post to FB as I always do. I'm deeply grateful for the generosity of a giveaway!!
I like how animals are loyal!
I follow your blog, and follow you on Pinterest as well.
I like how animals can be so gentle and tuned in to your feelings. They make wonderful listeners and are very loyal.
I love my new puppy I got two weeks ago...she is young, clumsy, cute and loving! She is such a doll! I follow here and on fb!
Mrsmommybooknerdsbookreviews at
I love how cats can be fiercely independent but also rely on an owner for love & food & companionship. They have such distinct personalities.
Follow CLC on facebook.
Follow CLC on pinterest.
Follow CLC blog by email and GFC.
I love my parrot and how he makes me laugh. Especially when I walk into the kitchen and he says: "What you doing?". Or when he singing along with me (tunefully but all the wrong words)!
I really like koala bears, too! I just love how they always seem like they are ready to cuddle.
I'm a follower!
marthalynn16 at gmail
1. I love how my dog is always there for me no matter what. She's always there to greet me with a smile on her face when I come home from work. =]
2. I follow the blog through GFC.
3. I tweeted this.
4. I'm a member of Chick Lit Central on facebook.
5. I follow the blog through twitter and pinterest. twitter username= xxpaperhearts
6. I asked Caitlin Smith to join Chick Lit Central on facebook and she did!
Thanks so much!
-Jessica M
I really like giraffes. They have such beauty and friendly ones will stop and stay hello.
I follow CLC blog, twitter, pinterest, and facebook.
Tweeted contest at susieqlaw
sendsusanmail AT gmail dotcom
My favorite thing about my favorite animal (sea turtles) is that they get to swim in most of the seven seas and get to see all those beaches!
dawndennis66611 at yahoo dot com
I love orangutans. They are so smart. I love watching them watch the people at the zoo.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I'd love to read this book.
I like the way my two kitties cuddle with me.
Like you on facebook.
I am a follower.
Well, as much as I love giraffes, I sort of envy cats for finding the simplest pleasure in flopping in a patch of sun on the floor. How nice would that be? To nap in the sun instead of working all day? :)
GFC, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest follower.
books.etc.blogger AT gmail DOT com
Off to post this on Facebook and Twitter!
No need to enter me as I've already devoured this one but I just thought it was funny that Talli mentioned "The Littlest Hobo". My brother used to watch that show obsessively and then cry at the end of every episode. Saddest. End Credits. EVER!
Sounds like a cute cat.
I like that animals are protective.
I follow the blog.
I have to say that a dog (and I am sure other animals) love you no matter what, always happy to see you, and don't talk back! There is a great book out on animals that I have let others know about - National Geographic Book of Animal Poetry. It is so amazing.
I follow via email, Pinterest and FB
Thanks for the great giveaway.
Jill at Seaside Book Nook
seasidebooknook at yahoo
I love seeing a horse or a wild feline (lion, tiger,...) running feely in the nature. It is so amazing, so powerful.
I follow by e-mail.
cyrano123 (at) live ((dot) fr
1. Since The Pollyanna Plan is about thinking positively, please tell us: What is something you really like about any kind of animal?
Dogs and their loyalty.
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
Am already a follower.
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
Facebook - Sabrina-Kate Eryou
Twitter - stereoqueenbee
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
Am already a member.
5. Follow us on Twitter and/or Pinterest.
Follow on Twitter.
Thanks for the giveaway!
1. Cats! And how they own me and their cuteness, adorableness, adorkableness. I really like when a cat purrs.
2. GFC follower: Farhana
3. Tweeted!
4. Joined FB page: Farhana Rozali
5. twitter follower: @oxygenism
keizoku_luffy at yahoo dot com
The strong maternal feelings that all of the females in an elephant herd have amazes me.
GFC: Mary Preston
FB: Mary Preston
Email Subscriber:
My cat is great company!
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
Follower on GFC and FB
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
Follow on Pinterest
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
I LOVE cats!!! I always have and always will love them. No matter if they are stray cats, no matter how dirty they are, no matter if they are angry, attacking my husband (this really happened LOL)..I mean they are adorable no matter what they do, don't you think so?
I'm a GFC and twitter follower and many many thanks to you guys and Talli for the awesome giveaway!
Hmm.. not an animal person here, but I love how animals are usually not discriminate on who they give their love to. Rubbing on you, sitting by you, and of course the LICK!
I am a GFC follower, twitter followers, FB follower and shared your contest on FB
We have two cats and I love how they think they can talk to us.
I follow on GFC - Maureen
I follow on twitter - @MaureenCE
I tweeted:
mce1011 AT aol DOT com
I love how pets can love unconditionally. It's a blessing!
-blog follower
-member of CLC on fb
-follower on twitter & pinterest
I know a lot of people have already said this, but I love how dogs are so loyal!
I follow the blog
I'm a member of CLC on Facebook
I follow on twitter
I'd love to win a copy on this. Having had a very difficult time over Xmas, the power to stay positive in life is so important. And my dog is a good example of this - she just adores life, and I love the way she turns in circles, then gives a great sigh before settling down to sleep. I already follow the blog on FB and twitter/
Best thing about animals, hands down, is their unconditional love!
Love how my dogs are always happy to see me tails
I don't want to win a copy because I already have a copy. *smug look* I just finished reading it and loved every word! It is by far the best book Talli has written so far!
Oh that is such a hard thing. I love my cat even though she is governed by cupboard love. But she has always been really affectionate (almost like a dog sometimes). cathypowellATzohoDOTcom
Thanks for telling us all the good things about animals. We love when we see a chick lit novel with an animal in it and that's why this month is dedicated to furry little creatures of all kinds!
Thanks to Talli for sharing her book with our winners, who were chosen (from all entries with contact info) by
Congrats to Tina Brannan and Rhonda(Lomazowr)!
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