
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Reviews at Amazon--September 2016

We're posting some reviews at our Amazon account, as either they've been sitting in queue for a while and deserve their time in the sun, fall under our new featuring policy, or they're new reads that we couldn't wait to post at the blog. You can check them out at the links below. Hope we can help you find your next favorite book!

Jami's Review
Sara's Review

Melissa A:




  1. I look forward to reading the reviews. One of the books is on my wish list, so I really look forward to reading that review.

  2. Interested in reading In 20 Years after reading Melissa's review because it would be a nice addition to my current obsession with reliving my glory days in college! It reminds me of this great coming of age story I just finished called Bascomville that spans over a decade, following the main characters from high school to college and beyond. Found it here ( so I'm excited to add more to my kindle library.
