
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Book Review: The Girl in the '67 Beetle

By Sara Steven

Amy Shepherd greets the one-year anniversary of her divorce by throwing herself a celebratory dinner of once-forbidden foods (frozen dinner from Trader Joe’s, no salad at all, and lots of dessert) and giving away all of her married-life possessions. 

The art director of Kids Press, Amy has been assigned to revise the story of Goldilocks, and she finds her own life reflecting a similar tale. Will she fall for a man who’s a little too old (but exciting), a man who’s a little too young (but awfully exciting looking), or a man who’s just right, at least as far as her friends are concerned? Or will she bring Goldilocks’ story—and her own—up to date with a little help from high-technology and the Goldilocks Planet theory? 

Amy will have to decide how her own tale will end, all the while driving her beloved powder blue convertible through the streets of Santa Monica, where she has become known as the Girl in the ’67 Beetle, the only thing in her life that, so far at least, feels just right. (Synopsis courtesy of Goodreads)

It’s so true that Amy’s life imitates that of Goldilocks’s story. Out of the three men she’s dating, she has to decide which one would be the best fit for her. I thought it was a really clever premise to write a story that parallels that of a children’s book, considering the type of job that Amy has. While she works on revisions, she’s also working on revising her own life. 

Until reading this book, I’d never even heard of the Goldilocks Planet theory! I had to look it up, and it’s a real thing, based on the range of distance a planet can be from its star, and it’s ability to maintain temperatures that will be right for water to remain liquid. Again, this felt like it fit in nicely with the storyline, since Amy is ultimately looking for someone who will sustain her. She isn’t the type to search for flings, preferring stability within a relationship. For her, she needs to know if the older man, the man her age, or the man who is younger than her fits into her world, and what that might mean for the long haul. 

Another thing I liked about The Girl in the ‘67 Beetle, was the Beetle!  It’s its own character, particularly with one of the men. Amy becomes known by the car she drives, an extension of her, much like her career and what she is passionate about. While at times the dialogue felt like it went on a little too long, it was still quirky and engaging nonetheless. It was a sweet, breezy read!

Thanks to Linda Lenhoff for the book in exchange for an honest review.

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