
Thursday, March 8, 2018

Sally Hepworth is young at a book giveaway

We're pleased to have Sally Hepworth here during publication week for her fourth novel, The Family Next Door. Melissa A enjoyed it as much as she has enjoyed Sally's previous novels. (See her review.) Sally is here for a good laugh during Humor month and St. Martin's Press has TWO copies of her novel to give away!

Sally Hepworth is the bestselling author of The Secrets of Midwives (2015), The Things We Keep (2016) and The Mother's Promise (2017). Her books have been labeled “enchanting” by The Herald Sun, “smart and engaging” by Publisher’s Weekly, and New York Times bestselling authors Liane Moriarty and Emily Giffin have praised Sally’s novels as “women’s fiction at its finest” and “totally absorbing.” Her novels are available worldwide in English and have been translated into 15 languages.

Sally lives in Melbourne, Australia with her husband and three children. You can find her at her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Small, perfect towns often hold the deepest secrets.

From the outside, Essie’s life looks idyllic: a loving husband, a beautiful house in a good neighborhood, and a nearby mother who dotes on her grandchildren. But few of Essie’s friends know her secret shame: that in a moment of maternal despair, she once walked away from her newborn, asleep in her carriage in a park. Disaster was avoided and Essie got better, but she still fears what lurks inside her, even as her daughter gets older and she has a second baby.

When a new woman named Isabelle moves in next door to Essie, she is an immediate object of curiosity in the neighborhood. Why single, when everyone else is married with children? Why renting, when everyone else owns? What mysterious job does she have? And why is she so fascinated with Essie? As the two women grow closer and Essie’s friends voice their disapproval, it starts to become clear that Isabelle’s choice of neighborhood was no accident. And that her presence threatens to bring shocking secrets to light. (Courtesy of Amazon.)

Your online go-to source for humor:
The Fat Jewish

Favorite funny video
The BBC reporter who is photo-bombed by his two kids and wife during a live interview!

Favorite comedy film:
Love Actually or any British film. British humor is my favorite.

Funniest misunderstanding you've had with someone:
When the computer at my optometrist’s office changed my date of birth and thought I was 65 instead of 35. The receptionist kept telling me how good I looked for my age, and that it was “a miracle I hadn’t needed glasses before now.” When I explained that I was actually only 35, she merely looked back at the computer and said … “no, it says here you are 65.” There was really no convincing her.

Funniest book you've read:
Standard Deviation by Katherine Heiny. This book had me snorting my tea. When I read it in bed I laughed so loud I had to move to the lounge room so I wouldn’t wake up my husband.

What is the strangest thing you've ever laughed about?
When a little old lady farted in the library and then, when she noticed that I’d heard it, swore me to secrecy.

Thanks to Sally for making us snort-laugh and to St. Martin's Press for sharing her book with our readers.

How to win: Use Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. If you have trouble using Rafflecopter on our blog, enter the giveaway here

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway ends March 13th at midnight EST


  1. I can't think of anything strange that made me laugh, but I know there are lots of them. My husband is always making me laugh for stupid reasons.

  2. This sounds so good, almost delectable!! Can't wait to get my hands on this book!!

  3. I think the strangest thing I laughed at was the night we woke up to a thumping noise and it was my husband's foot in the fan at the end of the bed, lol.

  4. My husband can make me laugh until I cry even if it's mot something remotely funny.

  5. I was at my cousin's funeral, he died tragically in a car accident, the funeral was a Pentecostal service. When they started walking up & down the aisles I started laughing hysterically, it wasn't funny at all, but I couldn't stop! I buried my face in my brothers arm waiting for it to be over. He thought I was crying, thank goodness.

  6. I work with the public so I am always laughing at something! Thanks

  7. Don't know how strange it is but my sisters and I will always quote the tv show Friends to each other, no matter what the topic if conversation. And we laugh hysterically about afterwards.

  8. Laughing about the antics which my grandchildren engage in and some are very strange.

  9. I don't know. I have a pretty warped sense of humor. It could be anything.

  10. It wasn't strange, just terrible of me to laugh when my friend missed a step and hurt his leg.

  11. I laughed when my hair fell out

  12. I can't remember a specific strange situation when I laughed. It was probably at a serious time when you are not supposed to laugh like at a wedding or a funeral.

  13. When I'm with my sister we always end up laughing about stupid stuff. She always bring up something stupid that we've done and we always have a good laugh.

  14. My wedding, I laughed through the whole ceremony.

  15. I laughed when my friend told me her father has passed on. I misheard and thought she said he was a Parson.

  16. My grandson makes me laugh when he dances.

  17. When I took a polygraph for work and the admin asked me if I had ever lied to my husband.

  18. My grandchildren make me laugh all the time.

  19. When my cat spins around chasing his tail , I always have a laugh, and I can't work out why he decides to just do it out of the blue, I guess he is happy.

  20. I don't remember anything specific, but I do have a nervous habit of laughing at inappropriate moments!

  21. I always laugh before I get to the punchline of a joke I'm trying to tell. It makes it not funny and I end up saying the joke wrong anyways.

  22. I can't think of anything really strange - I know there have been some things. But, I do laugh at the crazy squirrels on our feeders and all their antics.

  23. I laugh when my cats dreams and at some of the positions he sleeps in :)

  24. I can’t think of anything really strange that makes me laugh but the things that come out of my husbands mouth often has me laughing. Sometimes they are the stupidest comments!
