
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Tracy Krimmer is our "Galentine" a special giveaway

Interview by Tracey Meyers

Happy pub day to Tracy Krimmer for her latest novel, Something Just Like This. It is available on Kindle for $2.99 through February 15th. Welcome to our tour stop during Tracy's book blitz, which is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from February 14 - 15. Read on for more information about the book, a teaser image and a giveaway for an Amazon gift card! See the tour schedule here. To celebrate her pub day, Tracy is doing a Q&A with us!

Tracy Krimmer loves coffee, popcorn, Drew Barrymore, and the movie Saving Silverman. She enjoys reading great books (of course) and writing realistic characters for you to enjoy. When she listens to music she prefers the 80s and 90s music she grew up on. In a typical day you’ll find her writing at one of her favorite spots--on the couch, at the kitchen table, or at her favorite hometown coffee shop.

Connect with Tracy online:
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Love? Second chances? That crap is for romantics, not realists like Juliette. She has a bad attitude about love and an even worse one when it comes to second chances. And she may dress like an elf for a few weeks out of the year, but that doesn’t mean she loves Christmas.

Stability? Purpose? Landon is surfing a pleasant wave of both until he's fired. Devastating news from his sister certainly doesn’t help. At least he has the holidays to look forward to.

When Landon shows up at the mall and Juliette prevents a disaster, he can’t stop thinking about that sweet elf. Juliette doesn’t believe in the spirit of Christmas, but she can’t help but wonder why Landon was in her line that day. Could Landon deserve one of those second chances she's so unwilling to give?

Of all the characters you’ve developed which is your favorite and your least favorite?
This is a difficult question because I've enjoyed all my characters. My favorites are actually Francie from my short story Early Bird Special and Candy from my other short story, Candy Christmas. I loved Francie's focus on planning because I'm a huge planner myself. Candy encompasses all the awkwardness that comes along with being shy. She's so relatable to me. I don't have a least favorite. Writing Violet in Ugly Beautiful Girl may have been the most difficult because a lot of her character is based upon similar experiences I had in school. Sure, they were fictional, but there was some truth in them. Writing her was reliving a chapter of my life I had closed.

Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
A little bit of both, I think. I'm a reader, so I write what I want to read. Toni Morrison said, “If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.” So that's what I do!

What does literary success look like to you?
This definition is different for every author, and I think a very personal one. For me, there are many ways to measure success. The other day someone told me how much Ugly Beautiful Girl meant to her and changed the way she saw herself, realizing how beautiful she really is. That is what success is. Touching someone's heart like that means the world.

Favorite meal:
This may sound easy, but give me a plate full of spaghetti and meatballs, and I'm happy. I don't make meatballs much at home, but I do love eating them. In fact, have you ever had Porcupine Meatballs? Those are fantastic, and you can eat them on their own. It's basically a meatball with rice, onion, celery salt, pepper, and garlic salt and served with tomato sauce. Yum! I should make those soon!

Which store could you max-out your credit card in?
Target. No question. And then I'd have to stop at Starbucks on the way out.

What is your most recent binge watch?
Probably the latest season of Fuller House. That's the latest show I've watched multiple episodes in a row. Otherwise, I've been watching Rules of Engagement before bed. I fall asleep to it. I'm in search of a fun show to binge-watch. Have any suggestions?

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There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Something Just Like This. One winner will win a $10 Amazon Gift card!

For a chance to win, enter the Rafflecopter below:

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  1. Thank you so much for hosting! :-) Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️ These were some tough questions!

  2. Love the cover! Enjoyed the description of the book, sounds like a great read.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your interview, thank you!
