
Friday, October 20, 2017

Book Review: The Eleventh Hour

By Sara Steven

SHE NEVER INTENDED on becoming the other woman. In fact, Addison loathed the backstabbing adulteress that ripped a marriage to shreds, tore the once faithful man from the clutches of his one true love, watched their well-intended vows crumble to the ground, with no hope of ever being resurrected.

Addison knew once she slept with a married man, she wouldn't be able to wipe the act clean from her slate. She couldn't erase the moment from her timeline. She would forever be marked with the dreaded scarlet letter. Was Addison willing to mar her inner being to slide into the shadows with a man, whom she'd only met weeks before, knowing full well he had a beautiful, unsuspecting wife waiting in the wings to welcome him home? Was he worth throwing away her moral compass, her elevated standards, every ethical value her parents took years upon years to instill?

Addison's moral conscious adamantly stomped her feet, screaming at the top of her lungs, You haven't yet stepped over that line….Leave now while you still can! But Addison felt like she didn't have a full depiction of the entire circumstance, and until she did, she would advance forward with extreme caution, as the thought lingered in the back of her mind like a malevolent premonition, If you play with fire, you will get burned.
(Synopsis courtesy of Amazon)

A good book gives the illusion of one thing, before twisting into a completely different scenario, and that’s exactly what The Eleventh Hour gave me.

There have been plenty of stories that center around a character who is embarking down the treacherous road to adultery. That’s where Addison finds herself after meeting a man who she feels is her soul mate. Yet, this story is so much more than that. It’s about a woman who has often sat on the sidelines, never fighting for what she wants in life. A woman who never voices her wants or needs, her desires, even when it comes to matters of the heart, fearing judgement or worse, getting hurt.

Which makes this entire situation that much more awkward and difficult. I found myself a little bothered at first by some of the tactics Addison picks up while fighting with her inner demons, trying desperately to cling to what she thought she had with this man, leaving herself to look the fool. Yet, looking back on my own past, I couldn’t help but wonder if some of the things I’d done all in the name of love might have come off as desperate, too. I’m sure it did.

And then, in comes the severe plot twist that hit me like a slow burn, making my heart hurt, making Eleven a unique read that distances itself from the pack. I wish I could say I didn’t cry while reading it, but I’d be lying. I did, and I’m not a crier. As the chapters ticked down, I was dreading the ending, yet anticipating it, looking forward to it, hopeful.

Ultimately, there are events I’d wished had never happened for Addison or for those in her circle, and a few things I wish had. But this story mirrors the truth and intricacies of life, which made me appreciate it, and Addison’s story, all the more. Sometimes, love really can be worth fighting for, and this book, even without the typical fairy tale ending, was well worth the read. And the tears.

Thanks to April Marie Libs for the book in exchange for an honest review.

More by April Marie Libs:


  1. Hi Sara!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read my work! The fact that you felt moved to tears while reading THE ELEVENTH HOUR humbles me and makes me feel warm and fuzzy all at the same time. I'm running this novel for FREE on IBooks and Nook for a limited time. Maybe your followers will have a chance to read the novel, too. Thanks again for your honest review!

    April Marie Libs

  2. Awesome review!! I'm glad you had a good time reading it, though it made you cry :) Adultery is one of my major reading no-no's, so I'll have to skip this one. I really enjoyed reading your review though! :)

  3. Hi Erica! I am the author of this book. Reading this summary, I can see why you would make that decision, but this novel is NOT about adultery. I can promise you that. I have had this same response from several readers, so I have since changed the back book blurb and summary to reflect a different side of the story. I have pasted the new book blurb below. I hope you will give THE ELEVENTH HOUR a chance!

    April Marie Libs

    “I laughed out loud and cried like a baby.”
    “I laughed and cried and wanted more!”

    One moment can change your life forever.

    In Addison’s case, one lone, solitary business trip to Las Vegas altered her entire future, bringing her more joy than she ever thought possible. But it was her actions after she returned home that brought forth consequences she didn’t know if her heart could bear.

    He claimed vehemently, I’ll hurt you.
    She didn’t believe him.

    She couldn’t have been more wrong.
    But God, was he worth every second.
