
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Book Review and Giveaway: After You

By Melissa Amster

Most people are either big fans of Me Before You or they just couldn't get behind it at all. Trust me, my book club had a huge debate about this novel, so it's definitely worthy of hours of discussion. (Lots of gray area....) In any case, I am in the first group, so I was excited to get my hands on a copy of After You and put all other books aside to devour it right away.

Please keep in mind that I can not review this book without giving spoilers for Me Before You, so if you haven't read that one yet, pick it up and then come back here. Or just bypass the review to go to the giveaway for a chance to win this fabulous follow-up!

SPOILERS ahead for Me Before You in the synopsis and review.

LAST CHANCE to turn back!!!

How do you move on after losing the person you loved? How do you build a life worth living?

Louisa Clark is no longer just an ordinary girl living an ordinary life. After the transformative six months spent with Will Traynor, she is struggling without him. When an extraordinary accident forces Lou to return home to her family, she can’t help but feel she’s right back where she started.

Her body heals, but Lou herself knows that she needs to be kick-started back to life. Which is how she ends up in a church basement with the members of the Moving On support group, who share insights, laughter, frustrations, and terrible cookies. They will also lead her to the strong, capable Sam Fielding—the paramedic, whose business is life and death, and the one man who might be able to understand her. Then a figure from Will’s past appears and hijacks all her plans, propelling her into a very different future. . . .

For Lou Clark, life after Will Traynor means learning to fall in love again, with all the risks that brings. But here Jojo Moyes gives us two families, as real as our own, whose joys and sorrows will touch you deeply, and where both changes and surprises await.
(Synopsis courtesy of Amazon.)

Now that I've shared some spoilers for Me Before You, I will not do the same for After You, which makes it hard to discuss one aspect of the story. However, it's worth the chance to be surprised. I can tell you this...I really enjoyed it. I found myself laughing out loud a bunch of times and cheering Lou on throughout the story (even when her own family wouldn't). She reminded me of myself in some ways. While I had never been through a tragedy like hers, I came close to it at one point in my life and that did a number on me and how I view life. While we get to see a different side of some characters from Me Before You, we also get to meet some new and interesting ones. The members of the Moving On group, for starters. They're quite an interesting bunch, especially Fred and Daphne. There were some interesting stories and group dynamics and Jojo gives us the chance to get to know everyone better and feel sympathy toward them.

While it feels like most of the synopsis unfolds in the first few chapters, there's still a lot in store for Lou. I love the relationship she develops with the person from Will's past and we learn more about that person from their side, as well. Overall, it's a strong sequel and I definitely recommend it to fans of Me Before You. (And even to those who weren't fans, as you might have a different perspective this time around.)

Since Me Before You is already being made into a movie, it's hard not to think of other casting ideas in my head, at least for Lou. Everyone else was not really imagined as a celebrity in my head, but maybe there will be a movie for After You, as well.

Thanks to Viking for the book in exchange for an honest review. They have one copy for a lucky US reader!

How to win: Use Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. If you have trouble using Rafflecopter on our blog, enter the giveaway here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

US only. Giveaway ends October 6th at midnight EST.

More by Jojo Moyes:


  1. I don't think any of my friendships seem unlikely to me! But maybe that's because they are my friends, LOL! I guess the closest to that category is actually with my oldest sister. We are worlds apart politically, I have a child while she does not, she is very reclusive and I have lots of friends. But she is still my best friend and the one I go to whenever I'm feeling down.

  2. The most surprising friendship I have is with my ex. We have remained really good friends after we divorced and we probably share more with each other now than we did when we were married.

  3. Probably with one of my exes. We were not friends for a long while after the split, but we do have children so it meant civil contact. Now that the kids are grown, we still have a relationship that is friendly, but improved. Maybe it's just age.

  4. I do not know how to answer this. I would think that the friendships I have a re ones that are supposed to be.

  5. I can't think of any that are unlikely. I love all my friends and feel like they are meant to be mine!

  6. Our neighbors daughter.we watched her grow up &become a teacher we became Facebook friends&book buddies,we have shared our lives moments happy &sad a lovely young woman&-a lovely surprise friendship.

  7. A friendship which I treasure with a woman who is a little older but genuine and kind even though we are not politically similar.

  8. Hmm, I'm not sure about an unlikely friendship. Maybe with my cat? When he's not so dang cranky?

  9. I met my best friend when we moved to USA thru my spouse's job as both our husbands worked at the same company

  10. I've met a few bloggers on-line and in person who I now consider close friends. Cray:)! Kind of like internet dating. I couldn't read your review, because of spoilers:( - but sure it was great.

  11. I can't think of any friendship that is surprising or unlikely.

  12. I am friends with anyone and everyone! :) No friendship would be too unlikely for me.

  13. An unlikely friendship that I had was with a woman that was about 60 years older than me. She was a neighbor of ours, and then she moved to a home for seniors. It was our love for books that brought us together. After I moved away, I kept in touch with her by writing letters. When she felt it was close to her time to go, she had me come to her home to choose some books to take with me.

    bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com

  14. My long lasting friendship with my piano teacher who positively impacted my life.

  15. I have an older neighbor who is a good person, but has a challenging personality. We both enjoy the outdoor art festivals featured spring through fall in our region, so I make a point to invite her to join me, most of the time. I may well be that crotchety neighbor one day!

    Loved Me Before You so much, looking forward to reading this one. Thanks for the spoiler-free write up!

  16. I became friends with a seller via eBay. Crazy right! We communicate through email.

  17. The friendships that I have made on Book Blogs ♥

  18. my brother and I are very different, and it's surprising we're such good friends

  19. I guess my book friends because we all live in different states and we're in different stages of life. I feel like I can talk to them about anything, even my state of health.

  20. My friends I have made through twitter!

  21. My best friendships are those from high school. I don't have any I consider unlikely.

  22. A friendship that has lasted since elementary school.

  23. Great post. I haven't read any of her books, but my sister loves them.

    THANKS for sharing.

    I have a friend from high school that I still keep in touch with.

    Stopping by from Carole's Books You Loved September Edition. I am in the list as



    and #23


    Happy Reading!!

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