
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Go-To-Gay: Intuition

Introduction by Tracey Meyers

I’ve lived to regret it on several occasions. Not following my intuition (aka – my gut), that is. From time-to-time I’ve been delightfully surprised, however a majority of the time I’m spot on.

The times I listen to my gut the most is in my professional life, such as when I’m making decisions to help others. However, when it comes to my personal life, it’s a bit harder because I want to believe the best in people. I want to believe that I’m the one whose compass is off. I want to see things for what they can be, not what they are at that moment.

Sometimes listening to your gut is most difficult when reason seems to make the most sense. When your head and your gut are in two totally different places.

Today, our Go-To-Gay, Gary Edwards shares with us his thoughts on intuition.

By Gary Edwards

Would have, could have should have! We all have that inner voice the one that we often tune out! Many of you are Mom’s and I am sure can tune in to your instinct for your kids. That voice that tells you when and what to do to be able to protect your kids and keep them safe from harm’s way.

Well, how come we forget to do that for ourselves. So often after a horrible situation or dealing with an awkward moment we will say “I knew better,” I had a weird feeling about that!” or “I should have listened to myself”

Is it time to slow down and connect with yourself again? Time for you can clear your head and connect to your internal voice. How do you slow down and take a minute to think a minute from rushing and pay attention to the world around you. We are all on a path with many, many options some are gifts and wonderful opportunities others may be distractions or a quick fix and total lack of judgment.

Think back to a time when you felt the most connected to yourself, G-d, a higher power, energy, whatever you want to call it. What where you doing and how to you get there again. Someone once pointed out to me once you identify with your own center; you will be able to get back to center easier. If you were always centered you would not know you were there.

I think we are always learning, growing and striving to make our lives the best they can be. We are all here to be happy, joyous and free. How do we make that be the biggest part of our life? For me I practice yoga, run and read a lot of books about self help and also staying positive. One of the books I am reading right now is The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. When I am in a positive place of mind and I tend to listen to myself go with my gut decisions and follow my instinct. When I am in a negative place of mind I tend to make bad choices and have a lot of negative self talk, leading to me not following my heart and listening to that inner voice. Being negative, doubt, fear, and panic can set in and that is when we think we are responding, but we are reacting. Nothing good can come when we are in that frame of mind.

What are some things that you do to stay centered? What is an example of you using your instinct? I would love to hear what works for you!

Gary Edwards is the marketing and events manager for bestselling author Wade Rouse. Edwards arranges Rouse’s tour schedule, speaking engagements as well as coordinates and facilitates his writing workshops and retreats.  Additionally, Edwards has helped market and promote all five of Rouse’s books. Edwards also has a background in hospitality, and sales as well as design. 

With his vast professional back and a love to listen and help friends he is a perfect storm of love and nurture. Edwards is Martha Stewart meets Dear Abby with a dash of Mrs. Doubtfire.  For more, please friend him on Facebook and Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. I still struggle trying to stay centered. it's one thing I really need to focus on more and worry about everything else less.
