
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Catherine McKenzie is forever a book giveaway

She runs. She skis. She’s a graduate of McGill University in History and Law. She’s a lawyer in Montreal, Quebec. Oh yeah, and she’s the author of not one, not two, but FOUR amazing novels. Plus, she mans an active Twitter account, her Facebook fan page, and maintains a group on Goodreads and Facebook encouraging people to read #52booksin52weeks. One can only assume she’s managed to find some loophole that allows her the luxury of 30 hour days. That might explain how she’s managed to accomplish all this and stay looking so young...

Today, Catherine is here to talk about birthdays. Speaking of which, her fourth novel, Hidden (reviewed here by me and on Goodreads by Melissa A), is being re-born as a US novel next week! To celebrate, she has THREE copies to share with some lucky US readers.

Visit Catherine at her website, Facebook and Twitter.

What did you do for your last birthday? 
My last birthday was a big one - 40 - so I had a nice dinner with friends and my sister flew in from out of town which was really nice. Great night.

What do you want to do for your next birthday?
Not sure. I think it's important to celebrate, even if you don't like the number, so I'll probably do something with my friends.

Do you have any birthday traditions? 
Not really, other than my mom's perfect birthday cake - white cake with homemade chocolate frosting. It's divine.

Share a favorite birthday memory. 
Mmm. Weird. Nothing really stands out. My 30th was a big party; the clocks changed that night so we had an extra hour of celebrating. I also once spent a birthday pleading an injunction in Quebec City - I had to drive there three hours in bad weather, plead the thing and then drive back. Long day!

If you could help any one of your characters celebrate their birthday, what would you do with them? 
I think Katie's 30th birthday party in Spin (see chapter one) was probably a good time, even if, you know, it messed up her life.

What significant or insignificant event takes place on your birthday? 
According to Bishop Usher, it's the day the earth was created at 9:00 AM! That always seemed oddly specific to me. Oh, and according to Wikipedia:, in 1958 "The Smurfs, a fictional race of blue dwarves, later popularized in a Hanna-Barbera animated cartoon series, appear for the first time in the story 'La flute à six schtroumpfs,' a Johan and Peewit adventure by Peyo, which is serialized in the weekly Spirou magazine." Ha!

Thanks to Catherine for visiting with us and sharing her book with our readers.

~Introduction by Gail Allison

How to win: Use Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

US only. Giveaway ends April 1st at midnight EST.


  1. Washington created the Purple Heart

  2. January 23rd is National Pie Day. Mmmm, pie. Yum. (says the girl who gave up sweets for Lent... )

  3. Sept 21...International Day of Peace

  4. My birthday is October 30 and the holiday is Mischief Night. =]

  5. my birthday is july 29th and i have never met anyone with the same bday as me..they are the 28th or the 30th but never the hoo

  6. I share my birthday with National Beer Can Day and the first apple computer. That's January 24th.

  7. I share my birthday with Guy Fawkes Day and sometimes Election Day if my birthday falls on a Tuesday.

    bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com

  8. Don't cry over spilled milk day ;)

  9. My birthday is shared with Guy Fawkes Day. I'm always quoting "Never Forget The 5th of November" from the movie V for Vendetta.

  10. Apparently, on my birthday the Netherlands Antilles became co-equal part of Kingdom of Netherlands. WhooHoo!!! Right?

  11. i share my birthday with Beethoven!

  12. I have a friend her and i were both born same day October 20 same year 1956 just different hour. About tonly thing i know for that day.

  13. In 1913, the painting, Nude Descending the Staircase, was put on display in New York.

    February 18th.

  14. My birthday is Sept 17th which is National Apple Dumpling day and also is Citzenship day:)

  15. there isn't anything special that day

  16. OMG! I have no idea!!! : ) -Suzy


  17. It's the day income taxes are due.

    Ann Ellison

  18. The birthday of His Royal Highness Prince George, son of Prince William and Princess Catherine!
