
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Rosie Blake is our "New Girl" a book giveaway

Not only is Rosie Blake new to the chick lit scene, but she also looks like Zooey Deschanel (at least in this picture, she does). Doppelgangers, anyone?!?

We are pleased to introduce you to Rosie today, as she is here to talk about a holiday we either dread or embrace (yes, we're talking Valentine's Day here) and share about her debut novel, How to Get a (Love) Life.

Rosie spent her university years writing pantomimes based on old classics, such as a successful showing in 2004 of Harry Potter: The Musical (complete with moving opening number, "In my Cupboard I will Stay"). She went on to write a winning short story in the La Senza/Little Black Dress Short Story Competition and was shortlisted in a few others including the 'Women and Home' annual competition and the Daily Mail 'Opening Paragraph' Competition. She started writing novels and after some false starts, and horrendous jobs that she wishes to keep a closely guarded secret (or write about in the future), she wrote How to Get a (Love) Life, which was published in January by Novelicious Books. (Bio adapted from Goodreads.)

Rosie likes baked items, taking long walks by the river and speaking about herself in the third person.

You can find her at Facebook and Twitter. Thanks to Novelicious, we have THREE e-books of How to Get a (Love) Life for some lucky readers anywhere in the world!

Making the Most of Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day ... oh it's a minefield, isn't it? But it isn't meant to be. It's meant to be fun, a bit of silliness, an excuse to focus on that part of your life. It is NOT to be taken that seriously.

If you're single and still searching, or not, it can still be a great day to get out, dress up all fancy and celebrate the relationships within your own life. It's love innit and everyone loves a bit of that. Take Nicola Brown's advice, main character in my novel How to Get A (Love) Life, and branch out this V Day.

Coupled up and want to celebrate? Fed up with the compulsory evening out staring at one another over the quintessential sad tea-light? Why don't you branch out from the usual romantic dinner route and do something a little different on February 14th?

I love a date where you get the chance to hang out together and share something. How about a spot of ice-skating? Wrap up all snuggly, hold his gloved hand in yours and spend a good half hour falling over each other on ice. It might get giggly, silly and will ALWAYS end in a hot dog and chips. Winner.

Loathe ice-skating? Why don't you both branch out and do something artsy together. Design yourself a teapot in one of those paint-your-own places. Every time you whip out the Earl Grey, you'll smile at the memory. Or make a photo collage of the last year together for your wall. Talk about those moments, remember the places you've been and celebrate a year of love and romance. Also, if the photos are thin on the ground, it will offer perfect excuse and motivator to book something in the future.

Bored of sitting inside and avoiding the heart strewn restaurants of February 14th? Call your friends and arrange a fancy dress themed dinner party at yours. Fancy dress is basically like magic, it makes everyone feel better. And there will be dinner (or takeaway). And friends. What’s not to love? End. Of.

How about making your own movie or music video? Once again, costumes are essential and lashings of makeup too. You could make your very own rom-com special (or recreate scenes from your favourite) and have a real giggle while doing so.

Or, get your girls all together and head to a bowling alley. You're allowed those cushions in the gutters if you're really bad and you can laugh at each other whilst doing your best Naked Gun impressions, "Strike One". This also ends in hot dog and chips, which (as we’ve already figured out) are the key to happiness.

Good luck my friends! Whether you’re single, attached or really, really bad at bowling, may your February 14th bring you much joy, laughter and loving.

Thanks to Rosie for a lovely guest post and to Novelicious for sharing her book with our readers.

~Introduction by Melissa Amster

How to win: Use Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Open worldwide. Giveaway ends February 18th at midnight EST.


  1. Dinner, a movie....dinner and a movie....either or both would be great on Valentine's Day but it is also my daughter and son-in-law's anniversary so I will probably be babysitting so they can go celebrate.

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  2. Dinner, a movie....dinner and a movie....either or both would be great on Valentine's Day but it is also my daughter and son-in-law's anniversary so I will probably be babysitting so they can go celebrate.

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  3. i'm so different from Nicola in the book even if i don't have a date for Valentine's Day i don't really mind. I usually go out with my friends and celebrate the fact that we are all single.

  4. Just a simple movie with the husband once our little girl is asleep :)

  5. I don't have a boyfriend so I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. I know it's lame but I'll probably go out with my parents. I enjoy their companies more than most guys, ha.

    -Jessica M

  6. I stay home and watch TV. I buy my own candy if I want some. At least I get some I like that way.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  7. After 47 years of marriage, I am happy just to share dinner at home with my sweet hubby. We both like to cook and on special days like this, we make something extra good and enjoy it and each other's company.

  8. We really don't do anything to celebrate. We buy each other cards and I give the usual car part to my husband as a gift (because nothing says I love you to him more then shiny chrome). He usually sneaks off during work to pick up flowers if he can get away (otherwise, it's just the card). I'll cook dinner too.

  9. A quiet dinner with my husband

  10. hanging with my husband and children...hoping my husband doesnt have to work late

  11. I just like to have a quiet dinner at home with my family.

  12. we will be staying in watching a dvd; ordering pizza; trading cards and chocolates; having brownies for dessert!
    sparkle40175 AT hotmail DOT com

  13. What I would LOVE - is to be whisked off to say.....Paris for a night of winning and dinning, taking in the it up. A girl can dream, right?

    Jill at Seaside Book Nook

    Seasidebooknook at yahoo dot com

  14. I don't have any traditions or plans. Enjoy some pasta and chocolate. Hopefully get some reading done as well. :)

  15. I've been reading Valentine's Day romance novels/novellas for the past week. I'll either keep reading or watch a favorite romantic movie.
    Oh, and a wee bit of chocolate (dark) will pass my lips!

  16. My wedding anniversary is only a few days away from Valentine's so these days we focus on the kids. Lot's of handmade valentine's for classmates, cupcakes with pink frosting and big, shiny red heart balloons floating around.


  17. I'm happy with a DVD & take out. It's the company.

  18. celebrate with a meal and movie

  19. Being single, I celebrate by celebrating the people I love - which mainly consists of doing romantic sisterly things for my sister.

  20. Snuggling with my boys...that is love's true definition!

  21. We celebrate Valentine's Day by exchanging cards & candy hearts. We usually have dinner in; no cooking; and watch a dvd together.
    sparkle40175 AT hotmail DOT com

  22. I usually avoid Valentine's day by staying home and watching Netflix. If I went outside, I'd see couples everywhere. And if I went on my computer, I'd see lots of Valentine pictures. So, I'd rather spend my time with pizza and a movie with my, myself and I.
