
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Allison Winn Scotch is giving a book giveaway

The ebb and flow of events that life sends our way always amazes me.  In the blink of an eye, our lives can take a turn that we least expected.  I mention this today because of our guest, Allison Winn Scotch, and her recently [self] published novel that asks the question, "What happens when you think you have it all, and then suddenly it's taken away?"

Born in Charlottesville, VA in the mid 70s, Allison eventually moved out east for college.  She graduated cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania with a BA in Honors History and a Concentration in Marketing from the Wharton School of Business.  For several years, she dabbled iu PR, marketing and internet worlds.

In June 2010, she embarked on her career as a writer with the publication of her first novel The One I Want.  Since then, Allison has gone on to publish five other novels, including her latest, The Theory of Opposites (reviewed here).

So, please give a warm CLC welcome to Allison Winn Scotch!

To celebrate this occasion, Get Red PR has provided us with one copy of The Theory of Opposites for a lucky reader located in the US!

You can connect with Allison on her website, Facebook or Twitter. She will be running a virtual book club on her Facebook page from December 16-20th, so please feel free to join in.

Favorite holiday from any time of the year:
It's funny, I am not a big "holiday" person because I think I value the more day to day interactions in my life, but I do truly love Thanksgiving. (Does everyone say Thanksgiving? It seems like they must).

What is a tradition you partake in for this holiday?
Like many families, we go around our dinner table and everyone shares one thing he or she is thankful for. It's a really nice message to pass onto my children who sometimes lose their appreciation for their lives (ha!), and frankly, it's a really nice reminder for the adults too. In today's world, it's easy to be self-oriented and self-indulgent and forget how lucky some of us have it. I have it lucky. I look around the dinner table and feel tremendously grateful.

Favorite memory from this holiday:
This is a recent memory, but a favorite all the same. We moved to the West Coast last year, leaving our immediate family behind back east. Last year, my husband and I hosted our first Thanksgiving as grown-ups. :) Usually, we're at one of our own parents' houses, but we wanted to sort of stake our claim and plant our California roots. We had struggled endlessly with our decision to move, but finally made the leap. My parents flew out, and my mom and I cooked in the kitchen with my kids, and before the big feast, we drove to the beach and absorbed the beauty of our new home. Later, my parents both mentioned how they could see that the move really made us all happy, that it was ultimately the right decision for our family. And it was such a nice, reassuring, peaceful thing to hear. Honestly, I don't think I'll ever forget our first Thanksgiving as Californians!

Favorite song related to or from this holiday:
I can't think of a specific song about Thanksgiving (because that would be sort of a strange song, right?), but the most evocative song for me at this time of year is Do They Know It's Christmas Time. What can I say? I was a child of the '80s, and this song still resonates with me. I love it when I catch it on the radio – it's such a fantastic reminder that there are so many people out in the world who need our help, and that we, in our own lives, have so very much to be thankful for. Gives me the chills. Also, I was OBSESSED with Cyndi Lauper at the time of the song, and I still go crazy when she comes in and belts out her part. :)

Favorite movie about or including this holiday:
Well, this is more about the holiday season in general but starting right around this time of year, my husband and I watch Love, Actually. Every year. We used to watch it every New Year's Eve (hey, we're party animals!), but we usually squeeze in one other viewing on a chilly winter night. I don't know, there's something about the movie that is so comforting and lovely and endearing, and it doesn't matter how many times we watch it, I cry, I cheer, I revel.

Favorite food to eat during this holiday:
Everything!!! That said, my mom makes this unbelievably sick ice cream pumpkin pie with graham cracker crust that my brother and I both die for. Everytime we do the holidays at my parents' house, the first question we ask is, "You're making that pie, right??"

What do you like most about this holiday?
The sense of comfort that it provides. The scents remind me of childhood, the food is so nurturing…family is running around and having fun and sometimes bickering (but mostly enjoying each other's company!), and it just fills me up from top to bottom. We are all so harried and busy and distracted today, and on Thanksgiving, nothing is open, our emails aren't going off, we're all just present. It's almost old-fashioned in that way, and for one day of the year, I love it. (Also, all of the good sale emails that come in after dinner!) :)

~Introduction by Tracey Meyers

We are thankful to Allison for visiting with us and Get Red PR for sharing her book with our readers.

How to win: Use Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

US only. Giveaway ends November 19th at midnight EST.


  1. I love that Thanksgiving has no religious affiliation and that almost everything shuts down that day. I must say I am saddened that so many stores are opening on thanksgiving day for early black friday. Can you spell greedy???

    This book sounds wonderful.

  2. The best thing is getting together with family.

  3. Definitely the food! I love my family but food is better, haha!

    -Jessica M

  4. The best thing about Thanksgiving is all the desserts!

  5. The best thing about Thanksgiving is getting together with family. The food is a plus. I especially like the leftovers.

    bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com

  6. 88The family time with yummy food.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Getting together with family, with food being a close second and the time off from work being a close third! :)

  9. It's hard to like anything about Thanksgiving when you work in retail and are open then have to deal with Black Friday starting at 7pm!!! I just hope someone saves me a piece of French Silk pie!!!

  10. Best thing about Thanksgiving is the turkey. : )



  11. Honestly the best thing about Thanksgiving for me is I get the day off!

  12. The food! Oh, and the family and friends too. :)

  13. The best thing about Thanksgiving is family and my children.

  14. Getting together with family and friends without the pressure of gift giving and craziness!

  15. The best thing besides the YUMMY Food would be spending time with Friends and Family.

  16. Besides mashed potatoes ;), spending time with family and friends!

  17. I love everything about Thanksgiving but my favorite part is spending the entire day at my parents house with my brother and his wife and my husband and kids. The house is always filled with the smells of dinner cooking and it absolutely warms my heart.

  18. Best thing is cooking/hanging out/eating with friends!!!!
