
Monday, October 28, 2013

Guest Book Review: Tales from the Laundry Pile

By Sara Steven

Claire Jamieson used to be laid back. Then she had children.

In Kathleen Kole’s Tales From The Laundry Pile, we read about the trials and tribulations of motherhood. We also discover just how nutty you can get when you try to maintain a level of perfection that is dang near impossible to achieve.

Claire tries, though. She strives to keep her home spotlessly clean and her twin boys well kept. She loathes mud and junk food, and backs away from anything that could be classified as over the top. When her family moves to Boxwood Hills, she places even more pressure on herself to be the “perfect” wife, and “perfect” mother. Being put together is of high importance to Claire. Throw in a mother-in-law who has also moved into the neighborhood (and is constantly judging Claire’s parenting), Claire’s own mother, whose disposition is the total opposite of Claire’s (think tasty alcoholic beverages and lazy days), a crazy neighbor who hasn’t seen a lawn mower in years, smokes like a chimney and lives by his own set of rules (her boys adore him), and a beautiful new friend (seriously beautiful) who just can’t identify with Claire’s way of thinking. Panic attack, here we come!

There is no such thing as perfection. When you try to “have it all”, something’s gotta give, as it almost always does. Reading this book was like ripping out a page from my own life story, and I very much identified with Claire, who is learning that you have to let go of the things that are out of your control. I know many women who have gone through similar situations who would be able to vouch for that. Kole provides just the right amount of comic relief, and honesty, and I appreciate how Claire, although trying to be perfect, is far from it. Just like the rest of us.

Maybe you are feeling stuck, and looking for inspiration when it comes to your own “scared mommy” rut . Or maybe it’s time you recognize that even in chaos comes beauty. Even if you are one of the lucky few who has no control issues whatsoever (I wish I could stake claim to that statement) give this book a try. It’s a great read!

Thanks to Chick Lit Plus for the book in exchange for an honest review.

Sara Steven is a wife and stay-at-home mother of two rambunctious boys in Bellevue, NE. When she’s not running marathons, or working on her novel, she takes a break and opens up a good book (or turns on her Nook). Find her at her blog.

More by Kathleen Kole:


  1. Sounds fun, thanks for the review :o)

  2. Thank you, Sara, for your lovely review! I'm so happy that you understood Claire and embraced her, quirks and all. xxx
