
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Winners of "Forgotten"

To find our winners, we assigned a number to each entry-including bonus questions (from only the entries with contact info) and asked to choose two numbers.

Congrats to:
119-Bridget O'Neill

Reminder: If you have won a book, you have about 48 hours to claim it by sending your contact information. (You will be e-mailed if you have won, as well.) After that time, a new winner will be picked.

Thanks to everyone for participating and telling us what TV show should have a musical episode. We saw How I Met Your Mother on the list a few times (you can't get enough of Neil Patrick Harris' Broadway performances, right?), along with some other fun ideas.

Thanks to Catherine McKenzie for a lovely interview and sharing her birthday with us.

Catherine's message to the winners: Thanks so much for entering the contest. Congrats and let me know what you think of the book.

Thanks to HarperCollins for sharing Forgotten with our winners.

Check out our latest giveaways and also enter ones from other blogs and websites on our giveaways page.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Melissa, and Catherine! I'm so looking forward to this book!

