
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tuning in with Jami, Cindy and Gail

Since we're asking authors all their favorite things about TV this month, we also want to share our own fun TV memories. Today, with remote controls in hand, we have Jami, Cindy and Gail!


Favorite TV show of all time: General Hospital

Favorite channel for TV shows (cable or network): ABC.... all my favorite shows have been on this network. From The Bionic Woman in the 70s (I know it moved to NBC but the best years were on ABC), The Love Boat, my favorite soaps, to today's Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice... ABC just gets me!

Favorite actress: A toss-up between Kate Walsh and Julianna Margulies

Favorite comedy series: The Middle. Modern Family gets all the love from the critics, but I really think The Middle does the best job showing modern American family life.

Favorite drama series: Private Practice. I prefer this to Grey's Anatomy because every episode manages to focus on an ethical issue in medicine. Kate Walsh has only committed for 13 episodes this season; I'm afraid the show will end when she leaves, but I can't imagine it without Addison.

Show you're looking forward to seeing the most this fall: J.J. Abrams' Revolution. It's got the creator of Alias writing about a post-apocalyptic world with a strong teenage female heroine.

Show you felt was cancelled WAY too soon: Men In Trees.

Do you watch when your shows are on TV or wait to catch them online? Neither; I have set up my DVR to automatically record every show I watch. That way I can watch when I want to, and I can fast-forward through all the commercials. There are some shows I love enough to watch them "live" -- The Good Wife, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, but most of them can wait.


It's all about Showtime and Homeland for me! The writing is absolutely brilliant!

Favorite channel: Showtime

Favorite Actor: Damian Lewis, Homeland

Favorite Actress: Claire Danes, Homeland

Favorite Drama: Homeland

Favorite TV treat: Skinny Girl fudgsicle

Favorite sport: Football ALL DAY Sunday starting at noon with the FOX guys and ending with Sunday Night Football!


Awards Show: E! Fashion Police


Favorite drama series: House! No, Nurse Jackie! No…House. Really, anything that has a main character who is in the health care field and excels at self-prescribing medication, apparently…

Favorite reality show: America’s Next Top Model. I love this show so much that I haven’t missed a season. As Tyra gets nuttier, I just get drawn in further and further, and I can’t really explain why. Shameful? Yes. But it keeps me out of trouble for the 1 hour a week that it’s on. My friend Angie and I try to watch at least one episode per season together. We call it Taco Model night. Delicious!

Show you're looking forward to seeing the most this fall: 666 Park Avenue. I think it has a lot of potential. I really hope it lives up to the hype in my head….

Favorite theme song: "Bad Things" by Jace Everett (theme song from True Blood).

Favorite cartoon: Hmmm…that’s a tough one. I’m going to say Stripperella, just because for the one year it was on TV it was absolutely filthy, but completely hilarious at the same time (and drawn by Stan Lee!).

Favorite cooking show: Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. Every time I watch that show I either want to drive really far just to find some awesome little hole in the wall diner, or I want to go to the kitchen and attempt to recreate one of the greasy-delicious concoctions that Guy Fieri always gets to munch on.

Favorite snack to eat while watching TV: Popcorn, for sure. I want to up the popcorn ante this year, though, and start trying more than just butter and salt on it. I’ve heard that a mix of parmesan, dill, and garlic salt makes for an excellent savory snack. I also want to try cinnamon and brown sugar. Any suggestions would be welcome!

Do you have TiVo? I have PVR (the Canadian version of TiVo), and I love it. I can watch an hour long show in 45 minutes! Goodbye commercials, hello efficient viewing!!


  1. I LOVE TELEVISION! I remember watching the ABC after school specials and wanting to write for television even as a little girl. I didn't know how I would do it, but I knew I would do it!

  2. Love General Hospital, too! I always watched it after school with my Mom.
