
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Book Review: Boy Meets Girl

By Tracey Meyers

I'm an e-mail and text message pack-rat.  I have e-mails and text messages dating back from what seems like the beginning of time.  Most of the time I do nothing with them and just let them take up room in cyberspace; however, from time-to-time I re-read these old exchanges and they takes me on a journey to the past; allowing me to relive old "stories" e-mail by e-mail, text-by-text. 

In the book, "Boy Meets Girl," Meg Cabot uses e-mail, office memos, chat conversations and transcripts from other means of communication to chronicle the adventures of Kate Mackenzie.  At the moment in time readers enter Kate's life, she finds her having many personal and professional struggles.  Her demanding boss instructed her to fire her company's most popular employee and she ends up getting sued as a result.  Her boyfriend of ten years won't commit so she moves out.  Even finding an affordable apartment seems next to impossible.

First off, I have to say that I could relate to a few of the story lines going on in this book, which is the reason a friend of mine recommended the book to me.  However, another thing I could relate to was the idea of telling a story via various communication - e-mail, chat log, memos, etc. - rather than traditional means.  (As I mentioned above, I have relived many events in my life through the archives of these various types of communications.)  Though I have seen this writing technique used in other books as part of the story, this was the first time I had seen it used as the sole format of a story.  At first I wasn't sure how much I would like this style of writing, and how it would translate in terms of a 400-page book.  I worried after awhile that it would get old and boring.  Additionally, I wondered if it would make it difficult to follow along.  However, early on in the book my concerns were put to rest.  As it turns out, I think it adds a new dimension to fiction writing, and was a smart and interesting way of telling a story.

I also really liked the characters in this book.  If you haven't encountered people like these characters in your own life, you've at least heard about these people from your friends.  You've go the boss from hell (a.k.a - T. O. D. which is short for Tyrannical Office Despot, also known as Amy Jenkins, Director of the Human Resources Division at the New York Journal.).  The best friend who will even risk her marriage just to make sure her bestie has a place to sleep.  The handsome, successful attorney who makes you weak in knees at first glance.  The stalker ex-boyfriend who just won't go away.  (Just to name a few.)

Along with mix of others, these characters create a timeless tale that is sure to entertain.

More by Meg Cabot:

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