
Friday, September 7, 2012

Book Giveaway: Over You

**Giveaway is now closed**

Have you heard about OVER YOU, the newest book from "The Nanny Diaries" authors Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus? OVER YOU is a hilarious look at one girl’s quest to heal broken hearts all over New York City. Publishers Weekly praised it as, “a sharply written and romantic summer read.”

When seventeen-year-old Max Scott got her heart broken she didn’t just sit at home sobbing into her ice cream and obsessing over her ex, Hugo’s, latest Facebook postings. Well, actually she did. But she also decided that no girl should have to be tortured like that, so she read through all the psych books, Oprah transcripts, and historical precedents she could get her hands on and came up with a foolproof program to get over being dumped.

These days, Max is the go-to guru for heart-broken high-school girls all over NYC. But when Hugo shows up in her neighborhood, suddenly Max is so busy trying to avoid her own ex that she isn’t able to help anyone else with theirs. As Hugo invades her life all over again, Max’s carefully controlled world starts to unravel. With her clients’ hearts hanging in the balance, Max will have to do the seemingly impossible: get over her ex once and for all.

If this isn't convincing enough, check out an excerpt and watch the trailer:

We were selected by HarperCollins as one of the blogs to host a giveaway of "Over You." They have one copy for a lucky US reader!

How to win "Over You":
Tell us what you were like in high school. Which clique did you fit into best? What were your hobbies and interests? Anything goes, but only one entry per person. Please include your e-mail address or another way to reach you if you win.

US only. Ends September 12th at midnight EST.


  1. I was very shy. My friends were the partiers. Although I wasn't into that scene, I still loved hanging out with them! My hobbies then are the same now, reading and music. I can't believe that was so long ago, it feels like just yesterday. Man, I hate getting old lol.


  2. I was shy and did well in school. I enjoyed reading and listening to music and became best friends with someone who was the exact opposite of me.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

  3. sendsusanmail AT gmail DOT com

    I was very outgoing, served on Student Council, made good grades, ran on the track team (not a standout athlete but enjoyed it), and just interested in all kinds of people. At the same time, I loved music and art. Sometimes I could be quiet, but people who knew me said my personality was larger than life.

    So excited about this book!

  4. I was very studious in high school...much too serious.

    Thanks for the chance to read this story.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  5. I was shy and studious. I was part of the brainy crowd. I had major crushes on boys. LOL I did volunteer work. I was also a voracious reader. I still am.

    bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com

  6. I was in choir and marching band colorguard(rifle and Flag). At school I was quiet for the most part except around my closest friend and at church I was one of the loud ones (I'm a preacher's kid what do you expect? LMBO) A leader!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win! <3 Tobi
    tobihelton at gmail dot com
    I also follow on FB Tobi Hoffler Helton

  7. I was not part of any one clique mostly cause I wasn't one to conform and be a follower of anyone. I was friends with everyone didn't think that labels should seperate us. I was a varsity cheerleader for one year. I loved going out dancing every weekend to our local teen clubs. Regretfully only did the minimum I had to regarding school...paid for it in college.

  8. I was not in a clique. I had a handful of friends. We made fun of the cliques. I was studious but not a nerd. I had a direction planned. Also, I was always very quiet and not a joiner. Haven't changed a bit.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com


    I wasn't in a clique and I mostly kept to myself. I had just a couple of friends but they were good friends. I've always believed that having a few really good friends over a lot of acquaintances was better.

    I didn't belong to a clique. I tried to be friendly to everyone. I had friends from all different groups. I studied hard, got good grades and did other activities like track, pep club, prom committee...had fun. Thanks for a chance to win!

  11. I wasn't in a clique. I was kind of all over the place. I swam, I was a majorette, I was in band, the AP classes. I was very time for cliques. =)

  12. Very studious and I was the yearbook editor. Wasn't in one particular clique, thanks goodness.

  13. I began kind of shy and bloomed in to
    getting involved in school activities:pep squad,yearbook,Future Business Leaders of America, Agape, Library student worker. As a student, I loved 11th and 12th grade as classes and Library work were enjoyable. The Celebrations for Student Library Workers were full of fun,great food and seeing cute guys. This taught me that Librarians are not dull ladies.. they danced and could be loud..Lol.. My hobbies are always reading,movies and cooking!
    Cyndee Thomas cyndee(dot)thomas0(at)gmail(dot)com

  14. I was on the pom-pon team, was even made a captain my senior year! I was friends with everyone on the team, but my really close friends were all runners, on the cross country team. I'm still really good friends with two of them, who are now married. I loved to read (which I still do, of course!), and did well in school. In all, I really liked high school!

  15. I was kind of a mix of all the groups. I was the odd person that fit in with everyone and had a lot of interests. Of course, there were times where some of my friends were not understanding of my choices, but I never really cared if I had approval.

  16. I was the person that hung out with all different "groups."

    Thanks for the chance to win a great sounding book!

  17. I was very quiet, and I hung around by myself.

  18. Let's just say I was nominated "teachers pet" in 6th grade and 12h grade. and I stayed friends with more teachers than students...

  19. I had friends in different groups. We liked to read and watch movies.


  20. I was a 'brainiac', and didn't really fit in anywhere. I joined the choir my jr/sr year, but prior to that the only joining I did was as editor of the yearbook index (how much more geeky can you get??)

    jcsites2002 at hotmail dot com

  21. Funny how everyone is saying they were nerdy and read a lot.. :) Me too!


  22. Thanks for participating and sharing a bit about your high school selves!

    Thanks to HarperCollins for sharing the book with our winner, who was chosen by from all entries with contact info (one per person).

    Congrats to Bridget O'Neill!
