
Thursday, August 16, 2012

The latest buzz on Alexandra Potter, plus a book giveaway

Introduction by Kathryn Hamilton

**Giveaway is now closed**

Please give a warm welcome to Alexandra Potter as she joins us from across the pond to celebrate her latest (and ninth) release, “Don’t You Forget About Me.” As soon as I saw Alexandra’s website (featuring animated blooming flowers and buzzing bees), I knew that this is an author who is personable, approachable, and incredibly likeable. She was born in Yorkshire, went to university in Liverpool, and moved to London when she was 23 to take a position as a puzzle magazine editor. On the side, she continued to write articles for other publications and found herself published in several well-known British magazines before moving to Australia to work for their version of Vogue and Cleo. In 1999, Alexandra took the big leap and decided to commit to writing novels. Her first novel, “What’s New, Pussycat?” was published in 2000 and the rest, as they say, is history. Well-deserved success continues to come her way as her novel “You’re The One That I Don’t Want” (released as “You’re (Not) The One” in the US) is currently being made into a movie! Congrats Alexandra! It’s unlikely that anyone will ever forget you!

Visit Alexandra at her website and on Facebook!

Thanks to Hodder and Stoughton, we have THREE copies of "Don't You Forget About Me" to share with some lucky readers anywhere in the world!

What is your advice to future writers?
Don't give up! I think the hardest part about writing a novel is that it takes so long! It takes me 18 months, from start to finish, and during that process I will encounter many times when I'm stuck, I can't think of anything funny, I don't know how to move the plot forward, I'm struggling with a scene… and it would be so easy to just give up. But you can't. You have to keep pushing through, keep sitting in that chair and staring at the screen of your laptop, keep turning the characters over and over in your head as you take the dog for a walk or running through that bit of dialogue as you're in the supermarket - and you will finally get there.

How did you decide to write chick lit?
I didn't set out to write 'chick lit,' in fact I'd never heard of the term when I first started writing. I just wanted to write about a girl like me, with characters and a storyline that was relevant to me and my life, and those of my friends. About the issues that I face, the dreams and hopes that I have, the disappointments and heartbreak I've experienced. And if that's 'chick lit' then so be it.

Describe your writing in three words.
Funny. Romantic. Hopeful.

Do you have a favorite character or one you most identify with?
My favourite character is Delilah, the heroine of my first novel, "What's New Pussycat?" I loved writing Delilah, as so much of me was her. I too moved from Yorkshire to Notting Hill in my twenties, and I got to share a lot of my experiences with Delilah as I took her on the same journey - only with slightly more hilarious consequences.

If one of your books could be made into a movie, which would you choose and who would you cast in the lead roles?
Oooh - now this is actually a very relevant question as I recently sold the film rights to "You're the One That I Don't Want" and it's currently being adapted into a screenplay. I've been having talks with the producers about who I would love to play Lucy and that has to be Emily Blunt. For Magda, I would choose Bette Midler. I'm still working on the male roles...

If you could take us on a tour of the town where you live, where would we go first?
I'm in London right now, so I'd have to take you down to Hyde Park where we could watch the Olympics by the Serpentine, then to a favourte little cafe of mine in Kensington for lunch, take a walk through Holland Park and end up at a great pub in Notting Hill for a pint of guiness and the most delicious fish stew.

What is your favorite way to escape?
Travel. I adore travelling and love exploring different parts of the world, getting ideas for new books and characters. It is a wonderful way to escape.

What is the strangest or craziest date you have ever been on?
I once went on a date to a torture museum in Northern Italy...we walked around looking at scary devices from the middle ages - not exactly the most romantic of venues! Suffice to say, there wasn't a second date.

Special thanks to Alexandra for a fun escape and to Hodder and Stoughton for sharing "Don't You Forget About Me" with our readers.

How to win "Don't You Forget About Me":
Please comment below with your e-mail address. (Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page or blog if you can receive messages there.)

Bonus entries (can be listed all in one post):
1. Please tell us: Since the title of this book reminds us of "The Breakfast Club," what is your favorite movie theme song?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
5. Add a friend to our Facebook group. (Tell us who you added.) Be sure to remind them to edit their settings.

Giveaway ends August 21st at midnight EST.


  1. I wouldn't say it's my FAVOURITE theme song, but I do like the opening song for Super Troopers ... whenever I hear it, no matter where I am, I get happy. Such a funny movie!

    I follow via GFC - Kristilyn


  2. I love Bette Midler!!

    My favourite theme song should be Out of Reach from Bridget Jones's Diary - or Too Lost in You from Love Actually. :)

    I'm a GFC follower under this name and my email address is booksbiscuitsandtea(at)hotmail(dot)com

  3. I love her books! They're so fun :o) And yay for a movie-in-works!!!

    +1: Favorite movie theme song? "Beauty and the Beast", haha ... But really: I LOVE that song!

    +1: I'm a GFC follower/RivkaBelle

    +1: I'm a member of the fb group (Rebecca M Fleming)

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    ::crossing fingers::


  4. -what a feeling from Flashdance.

    -blog follower


    -member of CLC group on fb


  5. So happy to see Alexandra Potter pop on your site today! As a Janeite, I discovered her book "Me and Mr Darcy" and then proceeded to devour her whole backlist. So excited there's a new one - thanks for this giveaway!

    My favorite theme song has to be In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel from the iconic scene in the brilliant film Say Anything. Lloyd Dobler...sigh!


  6. What great advice she gives for writers!

    One of my favorite them songs was for Twin Peaks, remember that?!? It was chilling and sad and depressing, but in a good way!

    I follow :)

    marthalynn16 at gmail

  7. 1. I will have to think hard about this question! This is random but all I can think about is the song "Sheets of Egyptian Cotton" from Uptown Girls, haha. I own that soundtrack and I love a lot of the songs on it.
    2. I follow this blog through GFC.
    3. I posted this on twitter.
    4. I'm a member of Chick Lit Central on facebook.

    Thanks so much!

    -Jessica M

  8. In Your Eyes from Say Anything

    sendsusanmail AT gmail DOT com

    I follow the CLC blog, Facebook, and twitter.

    I tweeted this contest on twitter. @susieqlaw

  9. I loved "Me and Mr Darcy" and have been meaning to read her other books.

    Hard to choose but I guess I would pick "Singing in the Rain" as I tend to sing it while cleaning.

    I follow with GFC.

    Member of FB group.

    scylla777 at gmail dot com


  10. One of my favorite movie theme songs has to be Pretty in Pimk by The Psychedelic Furs. I follow the website and am a member on Facebook:)


  11. Sounds like a great book!

    I follow this blog! And love it!

    Favorite movie theme song: Ugh...that's a tough question. It's not the theme song...but I love the song fromthe latest Twilight installment, "Turning Page" by Sleeping at Last

  12. I don't wanna miss a thing theme song from the movie Armageddon

    I am a GFC follower

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  13. My favorite theme song is still "Moon River" from Breakfast at Tiffany's. I love it.

    I'm a follower of the blog KrystenLindsay at gmail DOT com

    I joined the FB group under Krysten Lindsay Hager

  14. I love the soundtrack by Aimee Mann in Thomas Anderson's film Magnolia.
    I do not know yet Alexandra Potter's books but I would be delighted to discover them.
    Thanks for opening the giveaway internationally.
    I follow the blog by e-mail.
    cyrano123 (at) live (dot) fr

  15. I will Alwats Love You by Whitney Houston for The Bodyguard movie. The ending always makes me both sad and happy and everytime I hear the song I recall the movie.

    GFC: Na

  16. I love the opening of the Steve Martin version of "Father of the bride". It´s "only" orchelstral, I love the blend of all the themes in the movie coming together.

    As for a song, it would be "She" from Notting Hill.

    My first Alexandra Potter book, too, was "Me and Mr. Darcy". Loved it!

    kewinkler at gmail dot com

    I´m a follower of the blog (GFC), fb and twitter (@kaewink).

  17. One of my favorites is My Heart Will Go On from Titanic.
    I follow on GFC
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

  18. My favorite movie theme song is Time of My Life from Dirty Dancing. I also love Science Fiction from Rocky Horror.

    I follow via GFC, twitter and Facebook.

  19. I Will Always Love You from The Bodyguard.

    I am a follower.

    Facebook member.


  20. I love movie themes some of my favorite are Flashdance: What a Feeling, The Time of My Life, Fame, and The Morning After.

    I am a subscriber.

    I am a facebook fan.

  21. I love Bette Midler so its no surprise that "Wind Beneath My Wings"
    is a favorite movie theme song from "Beaches"(Awesome Book too). I played
    it at my party upon Graduate School
    graduation for my Parents.It speaks to me..touching!
    Cyndee Thomas
    I follow:Rss Feed, Facebook Group member, Goodreads,Pinterest!

  22. Cyndee Thomas

    I posted the giveaway/shared on my Facebook timeline/wall.
    Name is same on Fb:)

  23. The theme song from the HARRY POTTER movies is beautiful.

    GFC: Mary Preston


  24. email - books.etc.blogger AT gmail DOT com
    1. The first one I thought of, and actually one of my faves, is You've Got a Friend in Me from Toy Story!
    2. Following already!
    3. After this comment will be posting on twitter (@KaleyS23) and on my Facebook page!
    4. Already following on Facebook

    Thanks for the contest! :)

  25. 1. Please tell us: Since the title of this book reminds us of "The Breakfast Club," what is your favorite movie theme song?

    The instrumental song from Forest Gump.

    2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).

    Am already a follower.

    3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.

    Facebook - Sabrina-Kate Eryou
    Twitter - stereoqueenbee

    4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)

    Am already a member!

  26. The one from Titanic

    I follow the blog.


  27. St. Elmo's Fire. Love it!

    dawndennis66611 at yahoo dot com

  28. I love movie scores, not so much the regular songs they choose for the movies. My favorite one is the instrumental score for Braveheart, although The Last of The Mohicans is a pretty close second :)

    GFC Tiffany Drew

    Facebook Tiffany Drew



  29. My fav theme song is from Rocky horror picture show.

  30. My favorite theme song: Theme from "The Promise" by Dave Gruisina nd lyrics by Marilyn and Alan Bergman

    Follower, FB,

  31. Anything Abba - from Momma Mia. Love those songs.

    I follow via GFC and email - Seaside Book Nook

    I am a member of FB group - Seaside Book Nook

    This book looks great - thanks for the great giveaway -

    Seasidebooknook at yahoo

  32. Girls Just Want to Have Fun, from the delightfully cheesy 80s movie of the same name!

    I follow the blog

    I'm a member of CLC on facebook

  33. This is funny because I've been listening to Simple Minds' Don't You Gorget About Me on repeat the past few days. I love those 80s songs.

    I think the Harry Potter and Lord of The Rings theme songs are amazing. Also really like the opening of The Devil Wears Prada. Suddenly I see is the perfect song for that.

  34. My favorite theme song from a movie is Pretty in Pink which is also my favorite movie! :)
