
Friday, August 17, 2012

Book Review: My Boyfriend Wrote A Book About Me

By Tracey Meyers

A girl innocently walks into a bookstore with the intent to "just browse" and kill some time.  All the sudden there she is, face-to-face with a book, in the "New Fiction" section, that is based on her relationship with her ex-boyfriend.

Sounds like a scene written for a TV sitcom, doesn't it?!  Well, it's not!  This actually happened to TV sitcom writer Hilary Winston. 
Her response: The non-fiction book "My Boyfriend Wrote A Book About Me: And Other Stories I Shouldn't Share with Acquaintances, Coworkers, Taxi drivers, Assistants, Job Interviewers, Bikini Waxers, and Ex/Current/Future Boyfriends but Have."

My love affair with this book was a bit of a roller-coaster. In the beginning, it seemed lackluster. To me, the first 65 pages are a bit awkward as they covered Hilary's dating history prior to her first relationship which seemed to be a lot of stories about guys she slept with.  Now, I'm not a prude, but it was still a bit awkward.  I will say I did find her brief comments in this section of the book, on the Monica Lewinsky scandal, memorable and entertaining.

Once I began section three, the section about her first "adult relationship," the ride got a bit more enjoyable.  It was interesting to see the evolution of her relationship with her ex and how it came to an abrupt and unexpected end.  Additionally, I could relate to her post-relationship experiences - I think a lot of women can.

The next section of the book focused on her experiences once she dives back into the world of dating.  The one chapter of this section that jumped out at me the most is the chapter titled "eRejection: My Foray into Online Dating."  All I will say about this is that if you have ever used an online dating site, you will probably laugh when you read this chapter.  I love how she noted all the individuals she talked about as "Internet Dude # _."  It reminded me of how my friends and I would talk about our dates when we were in our late-20's. We never could remember the exact names of those we didn't go out with more than once, so we gave them nicknames. 

Unlike her ex-boyfriend's fiction novel, Hilary Wiston's memoir doesn't have a definite ending.  Instead, it ends with optimism for the future.  As I made my way into the home stretch of this ride, I found myself smiling as Hilary talks about a dinner she had with her ex after she discovers that his book is about their relationship.  It reminded of a time I met up with an ex of mine several months after our break-up.

Lastly, I encourage readers to read the "Acknowledgements" section.  It has a simple, yet poignant message that speaks not only to women, but men as well.

Thanks to Sterling Publishing for the book in exchange for an honest review.

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