
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Blogs of the week

Our recent feature is "Blogs of the Week." Each week, we feature a reader blog (which has to be sent to us) and an author blog (which can either be sent to us, or we'll pick one at random). Please check out the blogs we are sharing. We're sure the bloggers would love some friendly comments on their posts or a follow.

To have your blog featured for a future shout out, please e-mail us. The blogs can be anything: personal, book themed or something else you're interested in that you write about (movies, fashion, pets, career, etc.)


eat ur banana

Charmaine Endaya-Cuartero (Cham Cuartero for short) is from Davao City, Philippines. She's a stay-at-home freelance writer-wife and writing has been her passion ever since she was a little girl. Eat ur banana is her online journal to the adventures and learnings she encounters as a housewife. It’s a hodge-podge of her blabberings on love & relationships, marriage, families, friendship, pets, books (including chick lit), movies, TV shows, and a lot more. You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.


Elle Amberley

Although she is a British author, Elle Amberley likes to dabble in French and hopes to resume work on her French novel when time allows. She has lived in several countries as a child and it has brought out her inner bohemian. When she's not writing novels, she is still writing, whether it's articles on women’s issues and whatever she feels passionate about or poetry and short stories. Her novel, "Nowhere to Hide" can be found for $2.99 on Kindle. It was endorsed by Rowan Coleman! She also has two other books currently available for 99 cents on Kindle: "Occupy Me" (a short story) and "Queen of the Suburbs." and You can find her on Facebook and Twitter, as well.


  1. Cool! What a nice opportunity. Going to type down a few words and give a shot at it.

  2. Thanks for this... I really appreciate it :)

  3. Thank you so much! What a lovely surprise this morning when I saw your mention on Twitter.
    Have a fantastic day!
    Elle Xx

  4. Thanks for posting. The author sounds interesting.
