
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Be a part of Chick Lit an associate reviewer!

We get a lot of books and there are only two of us and not enough time in a day (or week) to get as much reading done as we’d like. (Melissa A. has even taken to book multitasking!) Therefore, we have decided to take on associates: One (or possibly two) in the US/Canada region and one overseas.

Our associates would get to review books that either we send them or we have an author or publisher send them. (They're also welcome to read whatever books they own already or pick up from the library, as long as they're relevant to the genre.) They would then write a fair and honest review of each book, while still representing Chick Lit Central. (We value everyone’s thoughts and opinions, but if you’re going to slander a book to death, do it someplace else!)

Sound like a good plan? We thought so!

Therefore, we’re having a book associate contest! The "prize" is that you get to be a book reviewer for CLC and you'll get lots of books this way!

Here are the rules
1. You must NOT have your own book review blog. If you have other blogs, that's fine, but not one where you post book reviews. (We don't want split interests.)
2. You must be passionate about chick lit. :)
3. Applicants can be from anywhere, as long as you’re able to receive books.
4.To enter: Send us a fair and honest review of the latest chick lit novel you have read. We will narrow it down to the best reviews and then have some guest judges score them, as well.

Reviews must be NEW. Not past reviews from other sites. It can NOT be posted anywhere else until after the time we pick the winners (only if you are not chosen).
The length depends on how long you usually make your reviews. If you're not sure, look at the length of our past reviews.

5. If you are selected, you will be expected to read and review at least 3-4 books a month (or more if you choose.) You must be someone who can honestly commit to this responsibility.

Deadline to submit reviews for our contest is July 31st at midnight EST. Melissa A. will receive them and make them anonymous for Melissa P. to judge. That will ensure there is not a bias. The ones Melissa P. chooses will then go to some guest judges ('s a surprise).
Please send your reviews to Melissa A. Please make sure to include your location when you send in your entries.

Questions? E-mail us!

Good luck!


  1. I can only read one book a month due to time limitations, if this is helpful then I'd love to contribute to reviews.

  2. I occasionally review a book on goodreads but I have very few friends there. Sometimes I post that review on facebook. However, I do not have a blog especially for reviewing books and would stop the goodreads one if I could do this one.
    I read several books every week.

  3. Darn, I would have loved to be an associate reviewer but I have my own book blog.

  4. I'm with Literary Marie. I would love to do it, but I have my own blog! Unfortunatley I'm not willing to give it up since it's my oasis... my non - mommy time ( : Hope you find someone!

  5. Snap I would love to help out but only just got my blog up and running. But well done to whoever the lucky new review will be, sounds like a great opportunity. xx

  6. This would have been so neat to do! I adore chick lit and know that I'd be a fabulous and honest reviewer, alas someone invited me to post on Afterglow book reviews. It's a blog where you only share books you LOVE.

    If you feel that doesnt count let me know and I'd be honored to send a book review of a fabulous chick lit novel! Afterglow is where I share mostly YA because that's who stops in!

  7. I suppose I should withdraw my offer. I'm too engrossed in so many books that aren't considered chick lit, and I can't give them up. For example: try The Homecoming of Samuel Lake by Jenny Wingfield, or Silver Sparrow by Tayari Jones, or The Bird Sisters by Rebecca Rasmussen. Books like this are too good to miss to limit myself to one type.

  8. I'd like to enter. I'm in San Diego, CA and I'm always willing to do my part to bring more Chicklit into the market.

  9. Ellie,
    I'm not sure how to contact you, but send your review in by midnight EST tonight if you want to be considered.
