
Sunday, June 26, 2011

What's in the mail today? (Plus a giveaway!)

By Melissa Amster

**Giveaway is now closed**

It's a busy week for reading!

We both got this one from Meghann Burnett (Jen Weiner's assistant) to review for our blog. (Melissa P. and I will be doing a joint review, so stay tuned!)

The title makes me think of this song.

We both got this from Cristina Suarez at Simon and Schuster, as a thank you for hosting Rosie Alison later this summer:

In Melissa P's mailbox:

Got both of these from Crystal Patriarche at BookSparks PR

"Stay" is in paperback and we'll be doing a giveaway in late July.
We're also hosting Daphne Uviller at the end of July.

E-books (for Melissa A's PC Kindle):

Just bought this for myself for 99 cents in Kindle format. I've been interested in reading it for a while now!

Also bought this one for 99 cents for my PC Kindle:

Stella DeLeuze will be visiting us later this summer and she's really cool. She has a pet iguana!

Got these next two for hosting the authors at CLC next month:

Very excited to have them both here for a visit. :)

This was free on Amazon for Kindle:

Laurel Osterkamp will be visiting us next week. Stay tuned!

What's in your mailbox?
Or better yet, what could be in your mailbox....A copy of "Here, Home, Hope" by Kaira Rouda! (She's got two to give away to some lucky readers!) This is only open to US/Canada residents. To enter this giveaway, simply tell us what novel you have read most recently or why you really want to read "Here, Home, Hope" (reviewed here). Please include your e-mail address or another way we can contact you.

US/Canada only. Giveaway ends June 29th at midnight EST.


  1. Most recent novel I'd read...Spindle's End by Robin McKinley, to finish out a reading challenge :o)

    Here, Home, Hope has been on my To Read list since before it came out - it just sounds so...appealing. The cover is *gorgeous* and the synopsis and reviews are just so - so - they suck me in and this is one I've got to get my hands on, somehow, someway :o) And my poor To Read list sighs a little, haha


  2. I just finished Under the Tuscan Sun. I love love love the movie so I thought I would give the book a try. I liked it but found I had to keep reminding myself it wasn't actually a story - it's classified as Travel Memoir. First book finished for a challenge I'm doing, yay!

    books.etc.blogger AT gmail DOT com

  3. The last novel I read was S J Watson's Before I Go To Sleep. If I were a film producer, I'd jump right on that book. It's one of my favorites.

    I'd like to read Here, Home, Hope because I never took time for myself when I was raising my children. I'm a granny now, and a widow, and I pretty much do exactly as I please ... and I please to read this book.

  4. Most recent read...She Makes It Look Easy: A Novel - I love this book.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  5. I actually have a whole pile of physical books here and I can't decide which to try first. I've got The Girlfriend Curse, Stay, Single in The City, Late Night Talking, The Shack, Bitter is the New Black, and all of Chelsea Handler's books. And that's not even half. =D


  6. I just read Jellicoe Road, which is amazing in execution! A bit confusing at first, but it ends up to be so good at the end!


  7. The most recent book I've read was Firelight. I have a thing for fantasy books. Dragons, witches, oh and the typical love stories that are sure to follow sure know how to get my imagination rolling!


  8. A book that I recently read was The Violets of March by Sarah Jio. I loved it!! And I have been seeing Here, Home, Hope talked about all over and have it on my TBR list - it looks like a really good one.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Just about to read The Provence Cure for the Brokenhearted.

    littleone AT shaw DOT ca

  10. I actually most recently read "Maid Of Honor" by Jillian Conley! I won a copy here, and as soon as I received it started it and couldn't put it down! Such a fun, cute book!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I just finished reading "The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag" by Alan Bradley, and would love to read "Here, Home, Hope"!

    cat123hen [at] aol [dot] com

  13. Am in the middle of reading "MOMFRIENDS" which has been great so far. My first Kindle book!

  14. Hi! I'm reading Chasing Fire by Nora Roberts so good and exciting read..haven't finished yet but willbe by the end of the day!
    I've never read her before so she's a new author for me. thanks,

  15. Well,I would love to read Here, Home, Hope because I think every woman can relate, even a little bit, to feeling like she isn't truly living the life she is supposed to (or what she thought she should be living when she was younger, single and full of energy :)). The book I am really looking forward to reading is The Art of Forgetting, which came in the mail a few weeks ago and which sounds so good (and the cover is breathtaking!).

  16. The book I just finished was The Midwife"s Confession by Diane Chamberlain. It was one of the best books Ive read in ages, I could not put it down. Just when you think you have the mystery solved, another twist occurs! Truly a great book.

    Here, Hope, Hope is on by TBR list, so fingers crossed for a win!

  17. Just read Emily and Einstein by Lee. Very good, with some family drama and a little bit of magic.
    mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com

  18. I just finished reading "The red Thread" by Ann Hood. Great book!

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
